Bacardi Black rum ("Bacardi black"): reviews

One of the world leaders in the production of alcoholic beverages is Bacardi Limited. It was founded back in 1862 by the Cuban Facundo Bacardi Masso. The bat silhouette is chosen as the brand’s logo, since in Spain, of which Facundo Bacardi was a native, she is considered a symbol of success. Since 1960, the headquarters of Bacardi Limited is located in Bermuda, in Hamilton.

The company's assortment includes many alcoholic beverages: rum, vermouth, vodka, tequila, cognac, Scotch whiskey, gin. One of Bacardi Limited's most famous products is Bacardi Black rum.

The path from the lower strata to the elite

Once rum was one of the cheapest drinks that sailors used in their voyages as a disinfectant. In those days, he had a sharp and unpleasant taste.

Thanks to Facundo Bacardi, a great deal of work has been done to turn the base drink into a noble drink. This has been made possible by distillation, purification and enrichment processes. As a result, the legendary Bacardi rum was created, which was loved by aristocrats. In recognition of 1888, Bacardi Limited became the supplier of the Spanish royal family.

Meet Bacardi Black Rum

Rum "Bacardi black" has a mild flavor and after its use is very rarely a hangover. This is due to the peculiarities of the production technology, due to which it contains a minimal amount of toxic compounds. As a rule, a strong morning hangover clearly indicates that instead of a drink called "Bacardi Black" some surrogate was drunk. Bacardi Black rum has a rich brown color, rich aroma and taste. The finish is long, with woody notes and light vanilla tones.

black bacardi rum

How is Bacardi Black rum made

"Bacardi black" is a strong alcoholic drink that is obtained by fermentation of a mixture of black and white molasses - molasses. At the same time, yeast and butyric acid bacteria are added to it. After the mash is ripe, the fermentation process begins, and the production ends with distillation, which takes place in several stages.

To give the characteristic taste that distinguishes Bacardi Black from other varieties of rum, spicy herbs and vanilla are added. After the distillation is completed, the rum is placed in oak barrels and aged for four years. During this time, the drink is enriched with aromatic substances secreted by wood, and acquires its final taste, inherent only to Bacardi Black rum.

The final stage of production includes blending: sugar syrup, caramel and water are added to the mixture.

Bacardi: black, white

Bacardi Limited produces a variety of types of rum. The most famous are Bacardi Black (black rum) and Bacardi Superior (white rum). How do they differ from each other?

Bacardi Black has a rich dark color, belongs to the elite varieties of rum. The term of its exposure is at least four years. The best combination for black rum is recognized as cola with ice or pomegranate juice.

Bacardi Superior is a light rum aged for two years. It tastes like vanilla, caramel and fruit. Its strength is 44.5 degrees. Basically, "White Bacardi" is used to make various cocktails. It is better to drink it diluted with pineapple or citrus juice.

bacardi black white

How to distinguish a real Bacardi Black from a fake?

First of all, you should pay attention to the price of the offered drink, since real Bacardi Black rum can not be cheap. This alcoholic beverage should be purchased in specialized stores or in Dute free, where the authenticity of the products sold is guaranteed. It is not recommended to buy Bacardi Black rum at kiosks, small shops and online stores, since most fakes are found there.

bacardi black

Carefully read the label on the bottle :

  • The name of the rum must be indicated correctly - Bacardi, in no case Bakardi or Bakkardi.
  • The presence of an excise stamp is mandatory, which must be glued evenly and close the lid, and when it is opened, the excise stamp always breaks.
  • On a bottle with real rum, there should be a hologram shimmering with rainbow colors, and on a fake it is painted with silver paint.
  • Pay attention to how the label is glued - poorly and unevenly glued usually indicates a fake.
  • All labels on the bottle should be clear and easy to read, even the smallest, without spelling errors.
  • Rub the label with your palm - there should be no traces of paint on the hand.
  • The bottle should be intact, without chips and sealed with a seal.
  • The liquid itself in the bottle should be transparent, without sediment.
  • At present, the genuine Bacardi is made only in the USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, the country of origin can be seen on the label and can be found using the barcode.

What do they drink Black Bacardi rum with?

It is believed that in order to better understand the taste of the drink, it must be poured into a silver dish - a flask or piles. If there are no silver containers, then you can use thick-walled glasses of glass or glasses for cognac.

Real connoisseurs prefer to use Bacardi Black and hold a Cuban cigar in their other hand, creating a special historical atmosphere, because once, before the brand owners emigrated, drinks of this brand were made in Cuba.

what do black bacardi drink with

With what to drink "Black Bacardi", everyone chooses for himself, depending on taste preferences. Those who think rum is a very strong drink usually bred it with cola and add pieces of ice. As a snack, it is customary to serve a variety of fruits, lemon, lime, nuts. One of the most popular snacks is orange slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

Light cocktails

Rum itself has a fairly strong strength, so women are better off preparing a cocktail with Black Bacardi:

  • Black Tenderness. 30 ml of black rum, the same amount of Benedictine liqueur mixed with 60 ml of cream, add ice cubes, and pour cola on top. The result is a drink with an original taste.
  • Black and Cran. Mix 50 ml of Bacardi Black rum with 200 ml of cranberry juice, add a few ice cubes and 2 lime slices. Cranberry juice, if desired, can be replaced with cherry, pomegranate or blueberry. The combination of one of these juices with black rum gives the best taste as a result.

what to drink black bacardi with

  • Bacardi black. Pour Bacardi Black rum into a small glass, put 3 slices of orange sprinkled with cinnamon on top.
  • Barbados Pour 30 ml of Grapefruit liqueur into the shot, one by one, without mixing, the same amount of coconut liqueur and black rum.
  • Air Mail Mix 50 ml of black rum with a tablespoon of lime juice, add the same amount of honey, which in its absence can be replaced with sugar syrup, and pour champagne. Add a few ice cubes if desired.
  • Grog coffee. 30 ml of Bacardi Black rum mixed with 10 ml of any brandy, add 1 slice of lemon, 150 ml of black coffee, 2 pieces of sugar. Preheat the resulting cocktail on a gentle fire, not boiling. You need to drink a cocktail hot. It perfectly invigorates and warms in cold weather.

stronger beverages

  • Dream pirate. Mix 60 ml of Bacardi black rum in a shaker with the same amount of dry vermouth, 50 ml of lime juice and 30 ml of crushed ice. Serve cashew nuts for a snack. This wonderful pirate drink invigorates and cheers you up.

black bacardi cocktail

  • Mai Tai (recipe number 1). 40 ml of Bacardi Black rum mixed with 40 ml of golden rum, add 15 ml of amaretto liquor, the same amount of orange liquor, 1 tablespoon of sugar syrup and one lime juice. Pour a few ice cubes.
  • Mai Tai (recipe number 2). Mix 30 ml of light rum with 50 ml of Bacardi Black rum, add 25 ml of orange curacao, the same amount of almond syrup and 1 tablespoon of lime juice. Extremely delicious cocktail!
  • Black Bull. Mix 20 ml of black rum with 80 ml of Red Bull, add ice and decorate a glass with a slice of lemon.

Reviews on Bacardi Black Rum

Many of those who have tried the Bacardi Black rum consider it the best among drinks of this kind. It is valued for its rich spicy taste and lack of sharpness. It has a rather pleasant aroma; chocolate tones and the sweetness of molasses are felt in the taste. This quality drink is good to use both in pure form and as part of cocktails.

A beautifully designed bottle and packaging can make Bacardi Black a great gift for true rum lovers. The rich taste of the cult drink "Bacardi Black" will make you forget about everyday everyday life and make it possible to feel like a pirate of the Caribbean. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!


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