"Playful": meaning of the word, synonym and interpretation

For those who remember the cartoon about Carlson, it will be quite simple to understand the meaning of the word "playful." It was a charming fat girl with a propeller called a naughty man. Consider the meaning of the adjective, its synonyms and examples.


playful meaning of the word

The Explanatory Dictionary tells us that playful is one who is prone to pranks. It is interesting in this case to find out the meaning of the last definition. Prank is a "playful trick." As we recall (from those who read the book or watched the cartoon), Karlsonchik is a great specialist in this area.

Thus, the playful one is the one who loves various pranks, likes to fool around and, moreover, gets pleasure from it. Of course, the first association that comes to mind in this regard is the child. But, fortunately, some adults are cheerful and smiling, as well as foolish. First, we pick up synonyms for the meaning of the word “playful,” and then recall the merry fellow who, unlike Carlson, grew up.


Replacement words are known to all, it is unlikely that in this regard the reader will be surprised. Nevertheless, it’s worth bringing a list so that it is always at hand if the need arises:

  • playful;
  • playful;
  • boyish;
  • childish;
  • mischievous;
  • foolish;
  • shy;
  • mischievous;
  • restless;
  • nimble;
  • mobile;
  • brisk.

As can be seen from the list, the last four definitions in playfulness fix exclusively mobility in one form or another. Sometimes the activity is painful, sometimes healthy. The remaining synonyms are able to replace the object of study almost fully, if we take into account the “frivolous” element of the meaning of the word “playful”.

Joker, Dr. House and O.Zh. Grant

The lexical meaning of the word playfully

It would be possible to make a list of heroes, but we decided to place them directly in the subtitle, it’s easier. Someone will say that the Joker is completely unsuitable, because he is too corrupt. From the tricks of the other two characters, too, does not blow kindness. Therefore, a crazy clown in the company of his guys.

Is there any need for evidence that all three have not lost their childish spontaneity? Unless only for pro forma. House endlessly plays out his subordinates and bosses. O.Zh. Grant, a genie from the film “Route 60”, does not fulfill a single wish the way a person wants. And for the sake of a joker, the Joker does evil. It is difficult to see the amusement of the grown up playful children behind all this (the meaning of the word is already known), but it is so. After all, they are all romantic heroes who are disappointed in life and their ideals.

We have only one question left. Some are occupied not by an adjective, but by a related dialect. How to be with him? In other words, the lexical meaning of the word "playful", what is it? The explanatory dictionary here does not pamper its admirers and refers them to the adjective. We have no choice but to do the same operation - mentally turn the definitions given as synonyms of the adjective “playful” into adverbs and thus reach the truth. And if we could, then the reader can.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13505/

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