How to return the computer to its original state (Windows 10) while saving personal files?

The last "OS" Windows 10 inherited from its predecessor in the form of the eighth version of a unique recovery system. At the same time, let’s say if there are problems with the work, you can, so to speak, refresh the “OS” or make sure that it is restored to the standard factory state and looks like after the first installation. How to return the computer to its original state of Windows 10, now it will be discussed. In theory, no one should have problems with these processes. However, there are some nuances to which you should pay attention.

restore your computer windows 10

Why do I need to return Windows 10 to its original state?

As for the reasons why many users try to restore the system to a certain point in its state, there can be quite a lot of them. Most often this is due to disruptions in the operation of Windows itself, excessive cluttering, when even the optimizers can not cope, changed settings, when the user himself does not know how to put them in order or optimize, etc.

But if we talk specifically about the settings, for a start you should figure out how to change them, and not chop off your shoulder. After all, with any return (with the exception of the standard method), user programs and applications will simply be deleted from the computer upon completion of the process.

How to restore your computer to its original state of Windows 10: recovery options

So, what does Windows 10 offer us as tools to restore the system to a certain state? It is believed that in this version of "OSes" there are at least four ways:

  • standard recovery with uninstall updates;
  • recovery with saving user files;
  • recovery without saving user information;
  • return to the previous operating system.

If someone has already noticed, there is no option to restore the system from a checkpoint, since it is not a way to get a “clean” system. Therefore, it will not be considered. Likewise, the rollback to the previous version of the "OS", on top of which the "ten" was installed, will not be considered. Again, after all that is done, we need to have Windows 10 on board.

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The easiest way to recover if the system does not work properly

The first and easiest way to restore the system is to delete all updates. Why do this? The problem is that some update packages very often cause conflicts in the system, which leads to its complete inoperability. This recovery method, although it seems quite simple, is very laborious, because updates will have to be manually deleted (and sometimes even look for those that caused the failures).

Nevertheless, you can restore your computer to its original state of Windows 10 using this method. To do this, through the menu of programs and components, which can be called up from the submenu by right-clicking on the "Start" button, use the section for viewing installed updates. To get rid of them completely and completely, you will have to uninstall them manually. What is most sad, to isolate and delete them all at once will not work, so please be patient. This method is not so good, but in a sense it brings the system back to its original form, which it had after the initial installation. But it is better to use more effective means, especially since in the considered case the system will not get rid of errors.

key for windows 10

Personal data recovery

In order to “refresh” the system, but save personal data and files, you need to use a method called Refresh. This method is widely used for Windows 10, the license of which is official. For truncated or "cracked" versions, this method may not work.

Yes, in some cases, the system may require an official key for Windows 10, but in the case of saving user data this is extremely rare. Again, the requirement may appear just in case there is an unofficial assembly installed.

To activate the process through the options menu, we enter the update and security section, in which there is a recovery line on the left. When you enter the right options are displayed. We select the first line “Return the computer to its original state”, press the button to activate the process.

Here is the most important point: the system will give you a suggestion of actions where you need to choose to save files. Next, applications that will be deleted during the recovery process will be shown. Go ahead and press the reset button, after which a reboot and rollback will occur. Then installation of drivers and formation of settings will follow, after which the user will receive a “clean” system.

Recovery without saving information

loading windows 10
In principle, you can get the system in the same condition as it was installed initially. In this case, neither user files, nor programs, nor settings will be saved (in the first case, the file and settings were saved).

We do all the actions in the same way as the above option, only when choosing actions we select the complete deletion of all data. Note that the accounts will also disappear, and at the final stage of the rollback, you may need to make some settings, enter an account (either standard or Microsoft account) and a key for Windows 10.

Recovering from system boot problems

windows 10 reset
There is one more system recovery method that is most often used when unforeseen malfunctions occur. There are two options, but for each of them you will need an installation disk or flash drive.

You can create them in advance, for example, using the Media Creation Tool installation utility, or simply create and burn the system image to an optical or USB-drive.

If the system still somehow, but works, you can use the recovery section described above, but select advanced options (a line below the standard rollback to the initial state). We press the button of immediate reboot and we wait for activation of process.

If the system does not boot at all, and the Windows 10 screen looks like a black area with or without a cursor, you will have to boot directly from the disk. In any case, further actions do not differ among themselves. Please note: incorrect loading of Windows 10 may also differ in the appearance of some messages indicating, for example, damage to the bootloader, errors on the hard disk, etc. In some cases, cardinally different measures will have to be applied.

After starting from a disk or a flash drive, which must be set as priority devices for boot in the BIOS settings, on the initial screen we select the preliminary parameters, and in the next window we use not the install button, but the recovery link (it is located at the bottom left).

windows 10 screen

Next, select the diagnostics, and then go directly to the recovery section, which will offer options for saving files or deleting data completely. Choose what you need at the moment, and follow the further instructions. Again, when restoring Windows 10, a license may be requested in case of failure to save user data.

Possible driver issues and solutions

Now let's pay attention to one more aspect. Suppose the system has recovered, loading Windows 10 does not cause problems , but ... some devices are not recognized by the system or simply refuse to work due to the fact that the corresponding drivers were not installed for them.

restore your computer windows 10

As a rule, this applies to non-standard equipment, which is not in the Windows 10 driver database. Here you can do two things: install the driver from the original disk that comes with the device, or (which is much easier) first install the automated package for updating drivers, say Driver Booster, and then use it to install the missing components. The second option looks more preferable, since the program, after initializing the devices, goes directly to the official website of the manufacturer and finds the latest drivers there.


As you can see, returning the computer to the original state of Windows 10 is not so difficult. Which method to prefer, the user already decides for himself. It all depends on the specific situation and the requirements for the version of the system that needs to be obtained, so to speak, at the output. However, the optimal solution, according to many, is to restore with saving files, in this case, both accounts and some basic settings are saved. The option without saving data is useful when the so-called “clean” installation is required. But the first and last options are mostly suitable for cases when unforeseen malfunctions are observed in the system.


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