Good curlers: what to choose and how to use? Types of curlers

Many women in our time prefer to do styling on curlers. Thanks to these simple devices, excellent curls are obtained, and it is much easier to handle them than with a curling iron or a hairdryer. However, curlers can not be called universal. They must be chosen from many types of devices in order to achieve the desired shape of curls. What good curlers can be found on store shelves? Consider their features, pros and cons.

Top manufacturers

More than 10 different types of curlers are known, and among manufacturers in each niche there are leaders. For example, the most popular are Valera, Remington. The Babyliss brand has very good reviews. Thermal curlers of this French company have a ceramic coating, do not spoil the hair.

Curlers used for cold curls are produced by many manufacturers. For them to last for a long time, it is best to turn to products from trusted manufacturers. It can be the following brands: Dewal, Comair, Wella, Sibel, Hairway.

Wooden Spiral Curlers

Types of curlers

Currently, products differ not only in size and shape, but also in terms of exposure, as well as in the material from which they are made.

The diameter of the curls, the degree of their curl, depends on the type of devices. The following varieties of curlers are known:

  • Whooping cough. They belong to the simplest products that are designed for perm, but with their help you can get ordinary curls. They turn out small, imitate African hair. When using bobbins for long hair, their owners will receive a magnificent and voluminous hairstyle.
  • Velvet Some of the best types of curlers. Their coating does not spoil the hair, and a rigid base gives them the desired shape. They are suitable for daytime or express styling, but you will not be able to sleep with these devices on your head.
  • Spiral. Products are made of different materials. Wooden curlers - spirals create spectacular curls and the basis for intricate hairstyles.
  • Metal. With all its effectiveness, such curlers do not differ in particular benefits for hair. When using them, moist curls should not be dried with a hairdryer. With the frequent use of such products, the hair dries out and begins to become electrified.
  • Thermo curlers. Effective device for fast styling curls. Before use, curlers are placed in hot water. Products produce a thermal effect. To do this, you need to have certain tactics, because they are wound up hot. The most popular are the Babyliss hair curlers. The minus devices include a negative effect on the hair, as with any hot styling.
  • Electric curlers. Devices allow you to achieve beautiful curls for a long time. The process does not take much time. The strands are wound on preheated curlers and kept for 15-20 minutes. Electric curlers are produced with a different coating: ceramic, tourmaline, titanium and metal.
  • Curlers corrugation. Products are designed to create a basal volume. They are completely safe, do not injure hair and allow you to achieve a positive effect.
  • Velcro curlers. Products are cylinders made of lattice plastic material. Above they are covered with fabric with many small hooks. Hair clings to them. Curlers are easy to use, they do not need additional fixing. Thin and weakened curls can become tangled and broken, which is a minus of these devices.
  • Boomerangs. Products have elongated dimensions, bend well and retain their shape. They are suitable for hair of any length and perfectly retain the design of the wound strand. The diameter of the curls depends on the thickness of the curlers. They are installed on slightly damp or dry hair, on which a styling agent is previously applied.
Varieties of curlers

The size of the curls depends on the diameter of the curler. Therefore, they must be selected correctly. There are several options for this.

How to choose a curler

Pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The structure and health of the hair. The type of curler that is used depends on this. If the curls are healthy and strong, then you can use electric curlers, Velcro or cylinders with clamps. If the hair is weak and brittle, then women should opt for velvet or flexible curlers.
  • Diameter of fixtures. This largely depends on the desired size and shape of the curls. To get a voluminous hairstyle, you need to take large curlers. On short and medium length hair, small cylinders are used. The result is persistent curls.
Large curlers


What good curlers can I choose for use? The material from which the products are made is as follows:

  • It is easy to look after plastic curlers, they should not be heated.
  • Thanks to devices from rubber interesting curls turn out.
  • Foam curlers can be used for women who sleep with them on their heads all night. However, the curls obtained do not always please them. They turn out uneven and have creases. The life of the curlers is insignificant - only a few months.
  • Wooden products are also short-lived, they quickly accumulate dirt.
  • Ceramic curlers heat up for a long time, but also cool slowly. At the same time, they evenly give off heat to the hair. The result is a stable styling, and the curls do not experience thermal shock.
  • Metal curlers are used even on dry hair. The type of coating plays a role here. Metal cylinders can warm up unevenly, which leads to the electrification of the strands.
Long hair curlers

Coverage of products is as follows:

  • Ceramic.
  • Teflon.
  • Textile.

The first option is the best. The heat capacity of these curlers is lower than full-body ceramics, but they will heat up faster.

The Teflon coating has a non-stick coating and does not burn out curls, like open metal. The service life is short-lived.

Velor coating is one of the most suitable options. However, it does not last long, but it does not injure hair at all.

What products to stay on

Which curlers are good? What to look for when choosing them? The following recommendations from professionals:

  • Women who are in a hurry can use heat curlers. If the curls are weakened, then it is best to take a model with a heating regulator and non-stick coating of cylinders.
  • To get small spirals, curls are twisted on wooden, plastic and rubber bobbins, with a diameter of not more than 1 cm. For such a hairstyle, 2 packs are required for long hair curlers.
  • For lovers of longer sleep, boomerang papillots, as well as velvet curlers, are suitable. They are wound on the hair in the evening, and in the morning the woman has beautiful curls ready.
  • To give volume, large curlers with a diameter of 5-8 cm are suitable. To obtain a positive effect, the hair needs to be slightly dried with a hairdryer.
  • If the hair is thin, then solid curlers and tenacious fasteners (Velcro) should be avoided. It is also not recommended to purchase cylinders of small diameter.
Thermal curlers Babyliss

It is best to buy foam products and boomerangs with a diameter of at least 2-2.5 cm or use electric curlers with velor coating.

Application rules

What good curlers, we figured out. Consider how to use them correctly. Wind them as follows:

  • Wash your hair before the procedure.
  • Curls are dried, leaving them slightly moist.
  • Fixing and protective means for styling are used, which allows you to protect your hair during hot styling and guarantees long-term preservation of the hairstyle.
  • It is not possible to wind long curls quickly, so the locks periodically moisturize.
  • Hair must be completely dried. It is desirable that this occur naturally.
  • They remove the curlers and spray the curls with varnish with a fixing effect.
Corrugation curlers

Immediately combing the hair is not recommended, it is necessary to give them 20-25 minutes.

Precautionary measures

When curling curls on curlers, the following safety rules should be applied:

  • It is not necessary to make great efforts when twisting strands. Otherwise, blood circulation in the area of โ€‹โ€‹attachment of the hair follicles may be impaired.
  • Thermal curlers are not used if the curls are damaged.
  • Do not prolong the procedure time. Otherwise, the curls will lose elasticity and a healthy appearance.
  • If the hair does not look good after chemistry or dyeing, then it is better not to wind it for some time.
Flexible curlers

It is recommended to carry out the procedure only on completely healthy curls.


Curlers have not lost their relevance at the present time. Despite the fact that they were used by our grandmothers, many varieties of products appeared. Thanks to them, you can get beautiful curls and make an intricate hairstyle.


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