How to make money on binary options

The World Wide Web called “Internet” is not only a way of global communication in various social networks, familiarization with information, but also a way of earning. Most of the users who are fluent in Internet skills are faced with offers of earnings, and some achieve significant success in this. One of such earnings is binary options trading.

What are binary options?

Probably one of the most popular ways to make good money and make profitable investments is to trade in various currencies and stocks on Forex. This is a complex process that requires training, awareness and pragmatism, so a significant part of people who encounter Forex want to make good money on this without much effort. It was for these that binary options were created. Their essence is that a person makes money from fluctuations in currency pairs or company shares. They do not stand still and periodically increase or fall in price. For example, one of the most popular is the euro-dollar pair. It is on this analysis that you can make money.

Binary Options Trading Rules

Before exploring a binary options trading strategy, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for trading them. There are special brokers , on the site of which you need to register, there are many, but you need to choose the most reliable. After that, a deposit account is created on which the investor must put certain cash. As a rule, the minimum amount for different brokers ranges from 10 to 100 dollars. Then you can start earning. After successfully registering and opening a deposit, you can see a live chart on the screen, which will show how the currency behaves (the chart is in constant motion, and you can see that the selected currency rises or falls down). Having made certain judgments, the investor makes a bet (buys an option), assuming that over a certain period of time (usually 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes), his chosen currency will fall or rise. If he thinks that it will rise, then he stakes on her increase and chooses a time period, for example 15 minutes. If during this time the chart goes up and stops increasing, the purchased option made a profit (this is from 50 to 90%, depending on the rate). If the chart, on the contrary, has fallen, then the rate has burned down.

How to make money on binary options

To make this type of earnings profitable, you must be guided by certain rules:

- register with a verified broker ;

- always open a live schedule;

- start trading.

About the registration with a broker it was said above, you can only add that when choosing a broker you need to pay attention not to colorful ads, but to the reviews of people who have been trading options for a long time. They can be found on special forums where you can ask questions of interest. Live schedule means opening a real account. If the future investor decides to practice on a demo account, then he will not be able to work out a strategy on it, since the currency and stocks movement schedule is training and has nothing to do with the real one, which operates in real time. Starting a trade is the first bet. As they say, everything is very simple, but the trade itself can bring a lot of disappointments if the player does not have his own strategy.

Binary options trading strategy

In order to develop your strategy, you need to learn some time by watching various seminars and study guides. But for a novice broker, there are some valuable strategic tips. The first is that rates should be 5% of the deposit amount. This is a well-developed tactic that will allow you to not only make money on binary options, but also successfully trade. The second rule is that the investor begins to trade, two charts should be open on his computer. The first is the so-called live chart with indicators. It will help you to find out what is better to put on (fall or rise). It clearly shows the movement indicators of the selected currency, as well as its behavior at the selected time. For example, a broker selects a time period of 15 minutes, sets up an indicator and sees that the selected currency pair has reached a maximum rise. Naturally, this will be followed by its decline, and you can bet on the fall. The second chart is where the bet and the option to trade (up or down) are selected. Pressing down means that the person has set the currency to fall, and upward - to raise it. If you correctly navigate the live chart with indicators, then in most cases you can predict the fall or rise of the currency pair and, of course, make money on it.

Of course, binary options are a good way to make money, but the risk of losing money in them is very high. This indicates that before you begin to try yourself in this field, you need to at least a little study the elementary rules and strategy of this type of investment.


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