Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: reviews, method of application, benefits

The development of the beauty industry today allows us to solve almost all the problems associated with appearance and health. But most personal care products are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. In addition, they contain artificial additives that can cause allergies or exacerbate the problem. To give a significant portion of money for a tool that may not help, but only harm, is risky. Therefore, many girls and even men continue to search for budgetary funds from natural raw materials. For this reason, folk self-care products do not lose their popularity. Among these is castor oil.

The article describes how useful castor oil is for eyelashes and eyebrows, reviews have tried it and methods of application are also presented.

castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows reviews

About Castor Oil

The mention of castor oil causes an embarrassed smile for many. And no wonder - until recently, he was known only as a laxative. It was used as a mild cleansing agent, and was given even to children. The study of other effects on the body and widespread use in cosmetology, in particular, began relatively recently.

Castor oil, or simply castor oil, is a vegetable oil. It is extracted from the seeds of castor oil plants by cold pressing. The plant is a bush with fruits in the form of a box in which the seeds are located. Africa is considered to be the birthplace of castor oil plants, but it is distributed in all the warm latitudes of the globe, grows in a wild and partially cultivated form. Plant seeds are composed of fats (more than 50%) and protein substances (up to 20%). It is these fats that are famous for their positive properties for the body.

What does it consist of?

To find out if castor oil helps for the growth of eyebrows, eyelashes, consider its composition.

The oil is a thick, yellowish liquid, slightly sweet in taste. It consists of ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which have a number of therapeutic properties.

The initial composition of castor seeds contains ricin and ricinin - toxic substances. But since oil is obtained by cold pressing, all poisons remain in the waste. The result is a clean and healthy oil. In pharmacies, it is sold in a refined form and is completely ready for use.

The positive effect of castor oil

  • Laxative, healing, cold-fighting effects.
  • Restoring hair structure, its softness and smoothness.
  • Enhanced hair growth.
  • Care for nails and skin, tightening sagging skin around the eyes.
  • Treatment of warts, calluses, softening of the feet.

Castor Oil Disadvantages

Castor oil has very few flaws. It has contraindications only in case of individual intolerance, and during pregnancy it is used only externally. Before applying castor oil to eyelashes or eyebrows, you need to make sure that there are no expressed problems on the skin around these areas - ulcers or other dermatological diseases. In this case, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the possibility of use.

castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Castor oil and hair

The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows are associated with its positive effect on hair in general. Most often it is used to solve many problems related to the health of the hair and scalp:

  • penetrating the scalp, the oil nourishes the hair follicle with the necessary useful substances (fatty acids), which subsequently stops hair loss;
  • properly distributed oil smoothes hair flakes, thereby making them soft, silky and shiny;
  • oil nourishes damaged hair, helps to cope with problems after dyeing and using hot styling products;
  • has a preventive effect in case of split ends of the hair;
  • effectively eliminates overdrying of the scalp, so it is used in the treatment of dandruff.

castor oil for eyelashes how to use

The main problems associated with eyelashes, and their causes

Eyelashes are one of the main weapons of attractiveness for women. They not only perform a natural protective function for the eyes, but also make the look more expressive and mysterious. At its core, eyelashes are the same hair. And in the pursuit of beauty, they suffer no less.

Eyelashes can fall out due to too frequent use of poor quality mascara, non-observance of hygiene rules (for example, sleeping with make-up), use of hair curling tools. In addition, eyelash extensions, gluing false. Painting also causes great harm to their own. As a result, they break off, fall out, become more rare. These are mechanical damages to eyelashes. In addition to them, there are internal ones related to the state of health (for example, a change in the hormonal background or a lack of vitamins and fats). In this case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor and eliminate primarily the disease of the body. For cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to use castor oil for eyelashes. How to use it - further.

How to accelerate eyelash growth with castor oil?

The restoration of eyelash growth follows the same principle as for hair on the head. Castor oil for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes in this case may be the most affordable and effective method. It penetrates the bulb of the eyelash hair, nourishes it, strengthens. An overgrown hair with castor oil getting on it becomes more dense, resistant to damage.

The basic rule that must be observed during procedures to enhance eyelash growth should be systematic. Do not wait for a phenomenal result after the first two applications. Procedures are carried out in cycles. One cycle - 3-4 weeks of daily use.

It is recommended to apply it in the evening. Before applying castor oil to the eyelashes, you need to do makeup remover. Keeping it all night is not recommended - there is a risk of oil getting into the eyes. Enough 30-40 minutes to hold castor oil (for eyelashes). "Before" and "after" the result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. Eyelashes will become more silky, strong. And at the end of the entire course, an increase in the number of cilia will become noticeable.

how to apply castor oil on eyelashes

Eyebrow Care: Problems and Causes

Eyebrow care also takes up a significant portion of the time and effort of the girls. This is a necessary measure, because even facial expression depends on the beauty and well-groomed eyebrows. In the search for their desired shape, women make many mistakes - they pluck out severely, which causes density and proportions to suffer, remove hairs where they are needed, or even shave, after which not only the appearance, but also the condition of the hairs, suffers. Eyebrows are stained, tattooed.

All these manipulations do not go unnoticed. This is not counting the internal factors (the same that affect the condition of the eyelashes) that lead to hair loss. In addition, stress and ecology are no less destructive for the state of these parts of the body. Therefore, preventive procedures should be carried out even for absolutely healthy people.

The effect of castor oil on eyebrows

Oil has the same principle of action as in the case of hair and eyelashes. This answers the question: does castor oil help for eyebrow growth? It helps if you follow all the rules for applying it and carry out such procedures regularly. Using castor oil, you can activate the growth of eyebrow hairs in those parts where it is desirable that they grow. It helps to make them softer, well-groomed and natural. Resuming hair growth in areas where they are lost, in the future it will be possible to carry out shape correction.

Does castor oil help for eyebrow growth?

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: application

If this is your first time using castor, be careful. Most often, in its pure form it is not recommended to use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. The use of this tool makes other components more effective, which are added to the composition for future use. These may be the most common recipes.

  1. With vitamin E. The addition of this vitamin to castor oil helps to saturate the hair bulb with a large amount of nutrients, which enhances its growth.
  2. The same effect has a mask of castor oil and fish oil.
  3. Mixing with aloe juice. Eyelashes and eyebrows after castor oil with this juice grow much faster. Connect the components in a ratio of 1: 1 and keep no more than 30 minutes.
  4. A mask of the following oils will help stop hair loss: castor, pink, almond, and linseed. They are combined in equal proportions and applied for an hour.
  5. After castor oil, eyelashes and eyebrows will become more silky and stronger if sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A are added to the base. This mask can be left overnight and washed off before applying makeup.

The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows increase if you preheat it to a comfortable temperature.

Castor oil on eyelashes

The method of applying castor oil to eyelashes is rather unpleasant at first glance. But it does not require much effort, and over time, the procedure is performed automatically. Here are a few rules and application steps.

  • A prerequisite before applying oil is to wash off the makeup. Even if a tonic is used, which enters the area near the eyes, it is better to wash it off with water beforehand to prevent reactions.
  • The easiest way to apply is with a mascara brush. You can use any convenient brush that is no longer needed. It must first be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The brush should be wet in the oil, squeeze out its excess on the edge of the jar and gently apply with the usual movements to the eyelashes. If after that you feel heavy on the eyelids, then there is too much oil.
  • You need to apply it as carefully as possible - getting oil on the mucous membrane of the eye causes discomfort and is harmful to eyesight. If nevertheless it got into the eye, you need to rinse it with a copious amount of water and carry out the procedure again.
  • If there are no allergic reactions, you can at the same time apply oil to the area around the eyes. Regular use of it will help reduce the severity of crow's feet.
  • Do not hold the oil for more than an hour. At the end of the procedure, it should be washed off well with warm water.

castor oil for eyebrow and eyelash growth

How to apply oil on eyebrows?

The method of applying castor oil for eyebrows is simpler. Before the procedure, the face should be cleaned of cosmetics, washed with warm water and wiped. You can apply the oil with the same mascara brush as on the eyes. You can use a cosmetic sponge dipped in oil or simply rub the product with your finger (hands should be clean). In this case, you can choose any convenient method. The main thing is hygiene.

It is not recommended to apply oil immediately after plucking the eyebrows, as well as in case of rashes or wounds on the skin. The procedure is repeated every day until the desired effect.

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: reviews

To make a decision, is it worth trying this tool to solve your problems, insufficient dry description of the components and properties of the tool. About how effective castor oil is for eyelashes and eyebrows, reviews of people will say more eloquently.

eyelashes and eyebrows after castor oil

Most of those who have already conducted such an experiment note that the effect is indeed present. Many managed to increase the density of eyelashes and eyebrows, to make them more healthy in appearance. Some say that you no longer need to use mascara - castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows has helped so much. The reviews of many also say that a noticeable increase in the number of hairs or their length was not noted, but the condition of the existing ones improved much - they have a healthy shine, do not fall out and do not break.

Girls offer alternative methods for masks and mixtures that helped them: mixing with cognac to enhance hair growth (alcohol contributed to the flow of blood to the bulbs), with carrot juice instead of vitamin A. The first option, of course, is more acceptable for eyebrows.

Now that you know what effect castor oil provides for eyelashes, how to use it in eyebrow care, you can try this method. Perhaps the result will exceed expectations, and a new way of self-care will become an alternative to expensive and ineffective remedies.


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