Romance novels about the Indians: a list of books, reviews

Who does not know the resourceful and wise warrior Chingachguk from the Mohicans or the brave and devoted to Winneth, the son of the leader of the Apache tribe? Who does not remember the Wa-Ta-Wa, the refined, beautiful, wise companion of the Great Serpent? Who did not freeze with admiration and horror, following the St. John's wort, who went to the aid of his friend Chingachguk to wrest his beloved Wa-Ta-Wa from the hands of the Iroquois?

love stories about the Indians

Native American culture

Many of us began our acquaintance with the wild and brave warriors of the Indian tribes with the books of Fenimore Cooper and Karl May. It was with Cooper, the founder of the American historical novel, that the development of the national history of America began. For the whole world he discovered America, which was unfamiliar to Europeans at that time - the war for independence, the unique nature, mysterious and severe tribes of the indigenous inhabitants.

He opened to all the American Indian people with its simplicity, selflessness, generosity, fearlessness and spiritual power. He showed his originality and organic connection with nature, with the powerful and untouched American forests. His love of freedom, independence and uncompromising will always be associated with a natural beginning.

The culture of the Indians, the everyday way of life and the strength of spirit of this people, which survived the struggle “for territory”, aroused the interest of the whole world. When the "shameful page" of history was turned over, interest in the Indian people increased with inexhaustible force. This marked the beginning of an adventure, social romance, built on the relationship between the two cultures. And, of course, the theme of love did not go unnoticed.

wild heart

Romance novels about Indians

Going into the details of the culture and characteristics of the Indian tribes does not make sense. A lot of scientific and documentary essays have been written about this. Research continues now, because during the merciless destruction of the Indian people, many tribes simply disappeared from the face of the earth.

American scholars bit by bit gather information, historical facts and evidence to fill these gaps. But what is already clear and unshakable is that the Indians are a proud, independent, brave, generous and wise people. They respect their history and keep the customs of their ancestors.

And, despite the fact that they fundamentally had to change their way, they try to stick to them. Sometimes as eccentric as the hero of Catherine Anderson’s novel, Wild Heart. He, like a “pale-faced” settler, adapted to civilization, built a lodge in the backyard of his house, in which he smokes a pipe and philosophizes in an Indian way.

Pride, freedom of love, courage, and loyalty of the representatives of this people, which many considered so wild, were reflected in the title of many books. Like, for example, love stories about Indians: “This is a wild heart” and “My villain” by Joanna Lindsay.

Or the novel "Proud Heart" by Patricia Potter, which tells the story of a half-blood Indian. A love child of a noble Scottish lord and Indian woman, he had already come to terms with the fact that he would not be accepted either in the company of his father or in the people of his mother. It will lead a life alone. But fate brought him to the beautiful April and prepared them for dangerous adventures and immense happiness.

One way or another, but romance novels about Indians reflect the identity of this people, affect the social and political aspects of the Indian question. And, of course, they talk about the warm, devoted hearts of the Indians who are able to sincerely, selflessly love. For the sake of their love, they can overcome any difficulties and trials. Even time, merciless time, cannot kill love.

raging eden

Love through the years

Catherine Anderson in his novel "Wild Heart" will answer the question that excites everyone: "Is time able to kill love?". Fifteen years is a long time. Amy suffered a severe trauma, was disappointed in life and lost faith in herself. At twenty-seven, she is single, works as a teacher, and lives in the Loretta family, in which everything turned out quite well.

Loretta’s husband is a Comanche hunter who leads a prosperous life, adapted to a new life. Sometimes secluded in his backyard wigwam. But is this really a problem? Nobody even looks at their marriage as something out of the ordinary.

Only the daughter Indiga still feels the problems of racial hatred. But Amy would have endured everything. For the love that arose fifteen years ago in her still childish heart. Over the years, she became stronger, flared up like a flame. And there, deep in my heart, smolders a spark of hope that one day he will return.

Swift Antelope fought for independence along with fellow Comanches. Now his name is already different - Swift Lopez. He survived the violence, war and loss of his people. But if the heroes managed to save their hearts, then nothing can extinguish their love. This novel is a continuation of the wonderful Talisman love story.

Katherine Anderson did not ignore the Indian customs, traditions and everyday life in her books. The novel "Talisman" begins with a prophecy that is so inherent in the Indians. The prophecy tells of the great Comanche warrior and their struggle. And when the rivers of blood turn red, and hatred of the pale-faced - hot, a girl will come to him.

The Comanche will sway to kill the beauty, but his heart will burn the feeling, hot as the sun. He will give her a hand, and they will go a long way and give birth to a new people. The love of Loretta and the hunter does not immediately flare up in flames to flare up; she will have to go through many trials, including the trials of war.

In the same book, the author tells about touching children's feelings, the first love between Emmy and Fast Antelope. And vows of allegiance, far from childish. Their love and the test of time is described in Wild Heart, the next book in this fascinating love story.

Truth and Fiction Jennifer Blake

The American writer Jennifer Blake, who wrote the book "Raging Eden," is recognized as one of the best in the genre of a love story. For her books she was awarded many awards. It was not without reason that she was recognized as a legend of the genre. She tactfully, elegantly and at the same time passionately describes scenes of love that evoke sublime and beautiful feelings in a person.

In "Raging Eden," she tells the love story of the son of a French nobleman Reno, whose mother was an Indian. Once his heart broke out in a flame of love for the young widow Elise Laffont. But there are too many barriers between young people - prejudice, war, and one’s own pride.

Renault is ready for anything to melt the heart of his beloved, even makes her his captive. The war made him an outcast, and he is forced to abandon his love. But Renault does not know what a loving woman is capable of.

Romance novels about the Indians Jennifer Blake are not limited only to the description of feelings, in them the author reliably and colorfully shows the life of the Indians, their customs and mores. By the way, the novel captured the hearts of readers to such an extent that many of them began to check the authenticity of the facts and events of the novel, to look for prototypes of heroes. And, indeed, this amazing love story has taken place in the real world and many biography facts are documented.

Absolutely accurate is the fact that Francois Rene de Chateaubriand is a French writer from the de Comburg family, who is mentioned at the end of the novel by the main character. Francois took a trip to America and left behind the work of Les Natchez. In it, he talked about the Natchi tribe, which are discussed in the novel.

Sweet revenge

In the novel “The Heart of the Savage,” Christina Dorsey tells the story of an Englishwoman from a noble family. Left penniless in her pocket after the death of her father, she agrees to a gamble - to marry a wealthy American, whom she has never seen. In the port she is met not by her chosen one, but by his son from his first marriage. The mother of the young man belonged to the Cherokee Indian tribe.

The young man, with hot blood and a fiery heart inherited from his mother, decided to avenge his father for all the humiliations that his mother had subjected him. And a reckless person who, without hesitation, went to the West for the sake of money, and was to become an instrument of revenge. But all the young man’s plans collapse at the moment when he saw Caroline.

Cassie Edwards novels

The works of this writer, as they say, "first-hand." The fact is that her grandmother hails from the Cheyenne tribe. Cassie has written over a hundred historical novels, but in recent years has devoted herself to works with Native American themes. The author is quite scrupulous about his work. For the reliability of the facts and descriptions of the characteristics of each tribe, she studies special literature and conducts a huge survey work.

The novel "Hot Ash" by Cassie Edwards begins with a tragic episode. The heroine of the novel was humiliated and abused. The only thing left for her is to run. In a fever, she grabs the first thing that occurred to her - a bag of money. After a while, the girl meets a farmer who will help her forget the terrible events of that night, and marries him.

After the death of her husband, she remains alone, around only Indian reservations. And she will have a baby soon. No exit. And she decided to go to the nearest town through the territory of the Indians. By the will of fate, she becomes the wife of the leader of the Falcon Hunter tribe.

The novel “Terrible Secrets" Cassie Edwards talks about the fate of a girl who becomes a captive of the leader of the Cheyenne tribe of the Brave Eagle. The novel takes place in the mid-nineteenth century in the Far West. Rebecca Vich sets off in search of his brother. Indians attack a passing train.

The war between the indigenous population and the settlers was in full swing. But many were already familiar with the customs and culture of the Indian tribes, so clashes between them were less frequent, and less blood was spilled. The Indians, wandering around the wagons and fed up with the fright of the pale-faced, decided to leave the train.

But one young lady, knowing perfectly the laws and customs of the Indians, realized that they had attacked the train for fun. Not for the sake of profit, but to make fun and satisfy pride with the look of passengers scared to half death. Not accepting humiliation, the girl dared to spit under the feet of the leader of the Indian tribe.

He did not kill the girl. But she became his captive. Passion flares between them, but terrible secrets lie on the path of their love.

Native American passion Madeline Baker

Enchanting legends

In the novel “Path of Spirits,” Madeline Baker skillfully introduced her readers to the mysterious world of the Indians. The book has many legends, in a bizarre way she managed to weave history, love and ethnography. Madeline's fascinating and interesting presentation found her loyal readers.

In "The Spirit Trail," the author talks about the Native American youth of the Lakota tribe Black Hawk. A twenty-five-year-old warrior adopts knowledge and art from the shaman Wolf Wolf, whose days are numbered. But even he, the wise and experienced shaman, is not fully aware of the mysterious and mysterious properties of the Holy Cave, which is located on the Black Hills.

Maggie, the thirty-two-year-old heroine of the novel, lost her sister and ability to walk in a car accident. She retreats to a ranch located next to the Black Hills. Maggie writes novels about the Indian tribes that inhabited these lands for centuries, about the pale-faced conquerors who came from the east. Heroes of her novels are tall, proud, as if cast in bronze, faithful sons of these lands.

"Native American Passion" Madeline Baker talks about the beautiful love story of the brave Caleb and the beautiful Kelly. The young beauty becomes an innocent victim of dirty gossip pouring a bucket of mud on her reputation. But she has no one to seek protection. Once in her life, a proud and beautiful half-blood Indian appears, and his love will become for her a real salvation from endless humiliation.

mascot katherine anderson

Novels by Katherine Hart

The novel "Summer Thunderstorm" Catherine Hart has collected many admiring reviews from readers. He talks about the love of a young Indian girl to her chosen one, who is much older than her. He does not believe in her feelings. But this is not a hindrance to their love. As a child, the girl was promised to another, and got married. But what about former love? How will Summer Thunderstorm deal with feelings when her lover is always there?

In the book, the author devotes a lot of space to the life and life of the Indians. Their rituals and traditions. The plot of the novel is exciting and interesting. Surprisingly, love flares up between Summer Thunderstorm and her husband. The writer subtly talks about the great feelings between them. Newly born love awaits testing, and many readers in reviews write that it is impossible to read a book without tears.

“Night Flame” is another fascinating novel of this writer. In it, the arrow of Cupid will hit the heart of the leader of the Night Hawk. Who can resist a beautiful woman with fiery red hair and huge blue eyes like the sky? The Night Hawk's heart burned with incinerating passion.

Faced in the fort with the Night Hawk, the girl was surprised to note that this is the same man who she has been constantly dreaming of lately. But will a spoiled general's daughter respond to Indian love? Which happened to be in a remote fort, where women have no place, completely by accident. The father could not refuse his beloved daughter and took her with him. So begin the fascinating events that will change her life.

Madeline baker

“More valuable than all treasures”

Virginia Brown wrote a fascinating novel about a man who wants to get rich at all costs. Nothing will stop the passer and adventurer Jordan on this path. Desperate to find the treasured ancient treasures of the Apache Indian tribe, he decides to take the last step - steals the young granddaughter of the leader of the tribe. Will Jordan Sickler stop the love of the pretty Jolie?

Other books and reader reviews

Passionate love, interwoven with the adventures and outlandish customs of the Indian tribes, is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Reader reviews confirm that the main characters of these novels are men with a capital letter. Courageous, decisive and strong, they are ready to stand in the way of any danger threatening the lady of their heart.

It is fascinating and interesting to read about the rituals of the Indians, you will learn many wise thoughts and legends of these tribes from the lips of the heroes. Original, ardent and uncompromising Indians deeply touch the heart with their sincere and faithful feelings. Rare, stunning stories that remain in your memory forever.

night flame

Among the interesting books that made a deep impression on the readers, there are noted such as “Girlfriend of the Wolf” Catherine Anderson, “Reckless Heart” and “Gift of Love” Madeline Baker.

“Affectionate Savage” by Catherine Hart is the backstory of the “Summer Thunderstorm” mentioned above. Patricia Cowlin’s book, The Savage Lord, about the Half-Blood Lord, also received a lot of positive reviews. “Storm of Passion” and “Love and Thunder” by Joanna Lindsay also did not leave the readers indifferent.

As can be seen from the list of books listed, very many people are interested in the life of the native people of America. Captures their life, traditions and rituals. Most importantly, the warm, loyal, sincere and freedom-loving hearts of the Indians make them empathize with more than one generation of readers. We wish the creators of exciting novels creative success and will wait for new masterpieces from them!


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