Capsicum tincture for hair

Any woman, regardless of what part of the world she lives in, wants to look beautiful. It is widely believed that beautiful hair in women is the main element of the image that attracts the views of men. This is probably why many beauties strive to give their curls a chic look, using the most varied methods and recipes.
One of the most common and effective methods to stimulate the healthy growth of thin hair is tincture of capsicum. The use of this tool allows you to enrich your hair with many different vitamins, especially vitamin A, as well as other trace elements. Tincture of red capsicum is actively used not only at home, but also in the production of various cosmetics designed to care for both hair and body, including in the medical direction. The presence of such a component indicates that the action of this tool, whether it be a mask or lotion, is aimed at strengthening the hair follicles and stabilizing the work of the glands responsible for the release of fat on the scalp.
In order for the hair to acquire such a desirable healthy appearance and stop falling out, it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts on expensive untwisted funds. Fame does not mean that the purchase efficiency will be at a decent level and will bring positive results. Unfortunately, very often the opposite effect occurs. A very good result is achieved by simple tincture of capsicum for hair. In addition to the strengthening effect, it is able to anesthetize and suppress inflammatory processes. Using this tool, you can feel a slight burning sensation. By slightly irritating the scalp, tincture significantly increases blood flow to the hair follicles, enriches them with oxygen and vitamins, which significantly accelerates the growth process.
Tincture of capsicum for hair is quite simple to prepare. To get an effective remedy, you need to grind the main ingredient - red pepper, and then pour it into a large glass container, for example, a jar or, more conveniently, a bottle. Next, pepper should be poured with alcohol. It is best to use 90% medical alcohol, but if not, then vodka will do. For one spoon (tablespoon) of chopped pepper should be at least one hundred grams of alcohol, that is, a proportion of 1:10. If vodka is used, then pepper needs to be taken twice as much, or less liquid. After ten days in a dark place, the tincture of capsicum for hair will be ready. During this time, it is best to shake it sometimes, and after cooking keep it in the refrigerator so that the tincture does not lose its properties. It is better to stand the tincture on vodka for longer, about three weeks, and then also strain and refrigerate.

In most cases, the fair sex uses masks to treat and strengthen hair at home. Their composition, as a rule, depends on the type of skin, condition and structure of curls. But there are also masks that suit absolutely everyone. For example, a classic mask consists of such ingredients: tincture of capsicum for hair (one tablespoon), some vegetable oil, for example, burdock (about 2 tablespoons) and the same amount of warm water. After applying the product to the hair roots, you should put a plastic cap on your head and wrap a towel on top. Usually the mask on the hair is kept for 20-25 minutes, but this time can be increased if desired. If there is a strong burning sensation, then it is better to wash it off, and next time make the solution not so concentrated so as not to injure the scalp. The mask is washed off under running warm water using shampoo. For normal hair, it is enough to carry out such procedures once a week, for dry hair - a little less often, and for greasy, on the contrary, more often. After a three-month course, as a rule, the effect becomes apparent.


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