Restraint system: purpose, function and technical requirements

The quality of work is especially important when it comes to its dangerous varieties. In such cases, not only the result, but also human life depends on the equipment, on the knowledge of the employee. In the process of working at height it is important to always correctly use the restraint system.

What is work at height?

According to the new rules, this category includes activities that are related to the possibility of a worker falling from a height of more than 1.8 m. This also includes tasks at a distance closer than 2 m from an unshielded vertical drop of more than 1.8 m, cases where a protective fence this section in height is not more than 1.1 m. In addition, the risk of falling from a height of less than 1.8 m when performing tasks on mechanisms, surfaces with liquid, bulk materials also allows us to attribute this work to this category.


Such hazardous activities must be monitored. So, they try to get out of the risk zone as much as possible, always use collective protection equipment (fences around elevations), as well as personal protective equipment. The latter include restraint systems that eliminate the risks of falls, fall protection systems.

All of these items are performed in the same sequence. If it is not possible to exclude activities at a height, then go to the second point, and so on.

Categories of funds

Which systems will be applied depends on the conditions of the particular operation. But most often used restraint system, positioning system, insurance. The latter prevents impact on the surface when the fall has already taken place. A restraint system and a positioning system are used to prevent a fall. They also fix the person in one position.

Storage systems

The restraint system includes a number of means that prevent entry into risk zones, in particular: anchor devices, a retaining leash, a connecting element (sling).

The category of working positioning includes a number of devices that hold the worker in the required position, including: anchor devices, safety harness with a belt, a connecting element (slings with shock absorbers).

Anchor devices fasten connecting elements. They are permanent - for example, horizontal cable or rail lines, anchor points, as well as temporary - these include steel, woven loops, mobile anchor lines.

Mount closer

Leashes hold the employee in case of breakdowns, protect him from falls. Leashes come in several varieties. In particular, harnesses are anchors with straps on the hips and shoulders, which serve as the only acceptable means of stopping falls.

A holding belt should never be used to stop falls. Positioning harnesses provide workers with support that prevents falls. Harnesses for sitting are also used.

The connecting-damping subsystem serves as an intermediate element that connects the anchor device and the harness (safety slings with shock absorbers, locking devices of the retracting type, slide type, and so on).

They also come in several varieties. First, they are holding, that is, not allowing the worker to be at risk of falling. Secondly, there is a safety harness that helps carry out work in hazardous areas, protecting the worker in case of falls.

The US restraint systems are widely used. They perfectly protect workers from falls. Most often, the retention system "US" is used in construction, installation, repair work. They require precautionary measures, given the presence of sharp edges, cutting, climatic factors.


First of all, restraint systems when working at height impose restrictions on the freedom of movement of workers for their own safety. If the funds were used correctly, then they will not be able to reach the elevation difference.

The question often arises of which harnesses can be used in restraint systems. The answer is simple: both harnesses and harnesses are used to hold. They are attached to anchor devices through safety slings. Often they have a tool that allows you to adjust the length.

There are also advanced restraint systems when working at height. So, to expand the mobility of workers, flexible or rigid anchor lines are used. Such a holding system allows movements along anchor lines.

It is important to remember that these funds are not intended to stop falls. The restraint system only prevents the possibility of their occurrence. For this reason, the work area should not have fragile surfaces, openings, open hatches. The functions of the restraint system do not extend to the corners of buildings; there is a great danger of falling in them.


The system consists of many devices interconnected, as a result of which the person is held. A safety harness in a holding system with a safety belt with a sling, carabiner and a number of other components is usually used to work at a height of 2-3 meters.

Always devices of this type are designed in such a way that they fulfill their functions, while leaving the personโ€™s hands free, which allows him to perform work. In accordance with the purpose of the restraint systems, the requirements for restraint systems, their design should provide a person with the freedom of action sufficient to carry out the work, hold him without causing any particular inconvenience.

A leash is a component that spans the body of an employee and consists of individual parts. The holding leash in the system with a safety sling fixes the person at the desired elevation. They necessarily have a number of markings.

The first is the standard number. Secondly, this is the name of the manufacturer. Thirdly, these are data on a consignment of goods, production time. Fourth, these are the names of the materials from which they are made.

About personal protective equipment

Devices in this category are aimed at protecting against factors that are hazardous in the workplace. At a height, a whole series of them is necessarily used. For example, among them there is a special uniform, helmets, safety glasses, gloves, shoes, hearing protection and so on.

All these components must be correctly combined in such a way as to cope with the stresses that will be caused by the fall of workers.

Often they are used by rescue services in cases, for example, when you need to carry out an emergency evacuation of people stuck at high altitude.

There are several security systems. They are selected, taking into account the duration of the necessary work, the presence or absence of supports for the anchor device, the architecture of the building, and the features of its design. The safety systems include: restraint system, positioning system, safety system, evacuation system.

All of them must necessarily meet the conditions of the object, the nature of the activity. The requirements for restraint systems are high, they must be customized in terms of height and size of the person. Also, they always correspond to gender, the state of health of the worker. Always pre-test the static load of restraint systems.

Safety system

Striking differences are in safety systems. They are designed to safely stop a falling employee. The maximum dynamic load that the human body can withstand is 6 kN. And devices of this type must comply with this condition. In their composition there are always several shock absorbers that absorb energy during the fall. There are a number of ways that organize such systems.

So, PPE of a retracting type is used. Then they are attached to the supports, and slings and cables to the leash. In the process of movement, they are retracted, and when a fall occurs, they slow down.

In addition, slider-type safety devices are used. They give freedom of movement along anchor lines, when a person falls, they work automatically. Most often they are used in the process of working on an inclined plane.

Work at height

The third way is to use safety slings. In such a system, harnesses are connected to anchor devices. A shock absorber is mounted on the safety sling to reduce the dynamic load on the body.

Positioning system

It is used to fix a person while he is doing work at heights. She provides him with support under his legs. When it is used to maintain stability, you need to hold on to your hands. So, this is necessary when working on a cellular mast or on a tower. Slings are attached using an anchor device or in girth to the supports. The positioning system is always combined with insurance.

Evacuation system

The devices included in its composition help the employee to go down in 10 minutes. At this time, he should not get injuries associated with a suspended state. In a system of this type, winches, portable anchor devices, individual rescue devices are often found to ensure independence of descent.

PPE Check

Any personal protective equipment must be carefully checked. The technical regulation decided that PPE must be certified before being put into circulation. They are mandatory examined by workers who have a third safety group when performing high-altitude work, and also have been trained. After they make their conclusion, the question is decided whether to use these devices further or stop their operation.

About the components

Restraint systems typically operate at ambient temperatures from -40 ยฐ C to +50 ยฐ C.

The leash usually consists of waist belts, buckles, sashes, fastening for slings. It includes several shoulder and hip straps. Slings are tape files with several carabiners.

How to put on the system

An important role in the full implementation of the functions of restraint systems is played by the observance of the rules for their operation. So, it is important to wear leashes correctly.

Before this process, be sure to straighten the tape, then take the leash for the rear rings, and then intercept above the straps on the shoulders. Next, the belt is unfastened, and the legs are passed into the girths on the hips. Then the hands are threaded into the girths for the shoulders, and the belt is fastened.

Then proceed to adjust the length of the tapes. They should fit snugly to the body. Be sure to ensure that the free end does not exceed five centimeters.

It is important to correctly connect the sling and harness. To do this, the fixing loops are inserted into the D-ring, the carabiner - into the fixing loops, the structure is tightened.

A metal sling together with a cable is connected to a leash using a screw carbine.

Operating requirements

When using the restraint system, you need to remember that the anchor points are located on the belt. Slings must be pulled, free movement is limited to an area not exceeding 0.6 m.

In no case should people participate in work at height when intoxicated or intoxicated. The effects of drugs on them should be ruled out. People who have not undergone a medical examination are never allowed to work at height.

Safety precautions

The use of restraint systems is justified only in cases where a person has reached the age of 18, has undergone appropriate training and instruction. He must be granted access to independent activity. When carrying out any high-altitude work, you need to familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan.

In no case should you use a restraint system as a safety net. If the activity is somehow related to fire, then do not use polyamide ropes. They are not held along a sharp edge.

They never make their changes to the system design without first coordinating it with the manufacturer. It is forbidden to use the system used to stop the fall. Do not store the system with heat-generating devices, acid, alkali, flammable mixtures.

Never use the system without observing the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer.


Carry a restraint system in compliance with a number of requirements. So, one should not allow getting wet or affecting the adaptations of aggressive external factors. Store them only in dry rooms, humidity should not exceed 70%. It is forbidden to keep the system for a long time in direct sunlight. Before storage, the products must be dried, and then components made of metals are wiped.

Warranty periods are 2 years from the date of production of funds. They serve for 5 years. During the first 2 years of operation, the owner retains the right to replace the broken system at the expense of the manufacturer. However, it is important that the operating rules are followed.

A guarantee is not provided if it was proved that the damage was caused by normal wear and tear, making adjustments to the original design, storage rules were violated, and the care was poorly provided.

The manufacturer does not replace the funds if they suffered direct, indirect or other damage due to the incorrect use of the system.

Periodic Checks

Before the use of restraint systems, as well as during operation, it is mandatory to carry out a thorough check every six months. Be sure to test for static loads equal to 4 kN.

Each component in the fixture is tested in turn. It is believed that the system passed the test if no damage was detected, and the bearing abilities were fully preserved. Each device always has its own passport, in which the date of verification is entered.


In some cases, devices are removed from service. So, the need for this arises if there are doubts about the conditions for the safe use of funds. It is also important to do this if it has already been used to stop the fall. After this incident, the system cannot be operated until the written confirmation by a specialist that it is again suitable for use is issued.

In transport

The restraint system is also used in vehicles, reducing the risk of injuries to passengers and the driver in cases of sudden maneuvers. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the devices limit the mobility of the human body. A separate category is child restraint systems. But for the full effectiveness of these funds, their competent operation is important, as well as a high-quality and reliable design.

According to the latest traffic rules, the transportation of children in cars is allowed only with the use of child restraint systems. On motorcycles, persons under 12 years of age are prohibited.

The restraint system in the car includes many elements - buckles, fasteners, additional devices, including cradles, removable seats.

If the juvenile is not fixed in the car, then a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed.

Why is this needed?

The question may arise, why do we need separate child restraint systems if the car has seat belts for everyone? However, in reality, security systems in car bodies are designed for people who are more than 150 cm tall. Therefore, in emergency situations, people below this mark have a throat squeeze, which leads to injury even in small collisions. The most dangerous situation is when the child is transported on his lap. If a collision occurs, his weight will increase several tens of times, and his body will cause serious damage to an adult.

Car seats for children

There are several restraint systems for persons under 12 years old. In addition to car seats, they also use the simplest of them - the domestic FEST. It costs several times cheaper than car seats and at the same time meets all the requirements of the law.

The design of the child restraint system in the photo is clearly visible.

Main rules

In order to ensure the safety of persons under the age of 12 years during their transportation, as well as during the installation and use of restraints, be sure to comply with the instructions.

So, each child needs a separate restraint. There are no devices of this type that are intended for several children at the same time.

Before starting any trip, it is mandatory to check the attachment of devices to the machine even in the absence of children. The thing is that in itself an unsecured device becomes a danger to adults.

It is always necessary to use restraints and fasten the child with a seat belt, regardless of how long the trip will be.

If regular seat belts are used when transporting children from 3 years old, then you need to make sure that they cover the body over the shoulder and in the region of the belt.

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"FEST" is used only for persons weighing 15-25 kg. A restraint for children of this type is used only for one child with one seat belt. "FEST" provides comfort when transporting children. It is placed on regular car belts, while it does not interfere with their work. The device is quite simple to install and remove.

In no case do they subject the structure to mechanical impacts, make sure that moisture does not get into them. "FEST" is made from environmentally friendly materials. The device has passed the relevant tests, meets all the requirements of GOST 41.44 2005. It has become extremely popular in Russia.

The test results are a clear evidence that the child, fastened by the "FEST", is provided with almost the same safety as the one who is in the child's car seat. According to reviews, FEST is often even better at this task.

Thanks to the device, you can transport children in the front seat. It is also compact, there is no need to take care to constantly ensure its immobility in the absence of children in the cabin, as is the case with a car seat, which can be dangerous for adults. FEST can be stored even in glove compartments. Using it is easy.


When using restraint systems, it is important to remember that the airbag is always deactivated. Otherwise, having worked, it will cause a child injury. If this is not possible, the installation of child restraints in the front seat is prohibited.

Often, a special Isofix mount is used. Sometimes provide an additional platform, which is installed under the infant carrier or car seats.

The system provides special brackets on the lower platforms of child restraint systems. Through them carry out its mounting on the eyes on the seats of the car. The third attachment point is provided with additional slings that attach to the back of the rear seats.


Restraint systems, when used correctly, provide comfort and safety during work at height. However, they always require close monitoring, continuous attention of workers.


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