How often to water pepper? Useful Tips

Gathering a good crop of pepper (as well as other vegetable crops) is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The process of growing this vegetable includes several main stages:

1) the correct selection of seeds of the desired variety;

2) breeding seedlings;

3) providing the necessary conditions for growth and development.

how often to water pepper

Pepper is an extremely whimsical crop, and its watering will become an important feature that will ensure the normal development and growth of the plant.

How often to water pepper?

Proper watering has three main criteria:

- the norm;

- timeliness;

- regularity.

how often to water bell pepper

The need for moisture varies depending on the age of a given vegetable crop. At the initial stage of growth before the fruit is formed, not much water is needed. Naturally, then this indicator will increase significantly. At the same time, watering should be regular, because pepper does not tolerate even the slightest period of drought, otherwise it will lead to falling flowers and a decrease in fruit. The risk of disease also increases.

The same applies to the question of how often to water bell pepper, and any other variety. Pepper is water-loving throughout the entire period of its cultivation. The plant needs moisture from the beginning of the first buds to fruit formation, which is about two months. The survival rate depends on how often to water the pepper. That is, with a lack of water, the seedlings will be weakened, growing low, with almost no leaves, and yields will be low. Fruits can be deformed and prone to rot.

The main mistakes gardeners

Many are convinced that pepper, however, like any other vegetable crop, requires more moisture during the heat. This is absolutely wrong, since water droplets in this case play the role of a magnifying glass, which leads to burning of the leaves. This result can be detected after several irrigation. It is best to hydrate the plants in the morning or evening, when the sun is already setting. In this case, the water should be warm. In order for it to always remain at the right temperature, it is enough to simply collect it in tanks or other suitable vessels and leave it in the sun. It is undesirable to use a small amount of water to moisturize a crop, because it will evaporate before it even reaches the root system.

how often do you need to water pepper

How often do you need to water pepper in a greenhouse?

The procedure should be carried out before lunch, trying not to get on the leaves. The first watering should be done 4-5 days after planting the seeds. Start with a small volume, gradually increasing so that the soil is moistened by 20 centimeters in depth. Before the plant blooms, it is watered every 7 days, with the appearance of fruits - up to 2-3 times. How often to water pepper in a hot period? The answer is quite simple - it is better to do this as often as possible (observe the time frames indicated earlier).

From the foregoing, it follows that the volume and quality of the crop in your area directly depends on how often to water the pepper.


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