Best basic barbell exercises

Basic barbell exercises are an ageless classic. There is nothing better than this type of training, especially if you want to increase muscle volumes and significantly increase your strength indicators. Even the most functional simulator will not replace any classic basic exercise, because only when working with free weight practically all muscles of our body participate in the training. If you are an ardent fan of strength exercises and you are not afraid of a lot of weight and sophisticated equipment, then feel free to include basic exercises in your training arsenal.

Base to failure: training features

Basic exercises are a type of functional load in which more than one joint of the body and the maximum number of different muscle groups are necessarily involved. This type of training is very good for gaining mass and overall physical development, because the more muscles are included in the work, the stronger and more we become. In addition, such exercises help to understand the biomechanics of standard types of muscle load, which means that in the future, when you switch to isolated training, you can easily feel the working area of ​​the muscles. The most effective form of basic training is barbell exercises. After all, it has long been known that exercising with free weight is much better than static loads in the simulator, especially if you are new to this business. Now consider the seven best barbell training options.

Classics of the genre - squats with a barbell


This is the best and most effective barbell exercise for men and women. After all, no other type of training works out as many muscle groups as squats do.

What works?

The load is evenly distributed between the biceps and quadriceps of the legs, also the buttocks. Of the stabilizers, the abs and spinal columns are actively included.

How to perform?

The technique of this barbell exercise requires special concentration. Firstly, you need to choose the correct setting of the legs: the wider it is, the more the load goes to the buttocks and adductors. Secondly, watch your back. Do not bend too low in the lower back and especially bump, keep the body at a slight angle to the floor. Thirdly, do not roll your knees, they should not go beyond the line of socks. Lower and raise the body as slowly as possible, focusing on stretching and contracting muscle fibers.

What to look for?

Control the depth of the squat so that the exercise is good, you need to lower the buttocks, at least to parallel with the floor.

Endurance Test - Lunges

barbell lunges

A difficult but fairly effective barbell exercise. At home, this type of training is also quite feasible, the main thing is to follow safety precautions and not be heroic when choosing a working weight.

What works?

Like squats, hips and buttocks work here. But as the stabilizing muscles acts the lower back, deltas and trapezium.

How to perform?

Lunges with a bar can be performed in statics, but also in dynamics. The second option is more complicated and tedious, but, in turn, works great on endurance. You can also perform lunges forward (to increase the load on the quadra), backward (to work out the buttocks and hip biceps) and sideways (this will include adductors). The technique itself is very simple: while holding the barbell on your back, you need to step with one foot in the right direction, and the second while still in place and lower to the knee.

What to look for?

Try to keep your whole body tense, especially if you are lunging in motion.

Exercise for the Bold - Deadlift


A heavy and traumatic exercise with a barbell. At home, it should be done with great care, especially if you do not have a stand for the bar or elementary skirtings.

What works?

Deadlift involves absolutely all the muscles of our body, especially if we perform it in the classic version. The back, namely the lumbar region, receives the most load, the buttocks, legs and forearms also work.

How to perform?

If there are no racks, then the bar is taken from a sitting position. In this case, you need to sit as close to the projectile as possible. Hand positioning choose the most comfortable, especially if you are working with a lot of weight. With one jerk, lift the projectile when standing up, while trying not to pull with your back, namely with your feet. The essence of the exercise is lowering and lifting the barbell while bending the legs. At the same time, the hands hold the shell in a free hanging and, as it were, “slide” over the surface of the legs.

What to look for?

This is a rather dangerous exercise with a barbell, especially if you do not follow your back. Try not to bend much in the lower back and work primarily with the legs and buttocks, for this, in the lifting phase, try to take the pelvis back.

Power Check - Bench Press

bench press

Traditional basic barbell exercise. At home, it can only be performed in the presence of a partner who will insure you.

What works?

This is primarily an exercise for the pectoral muscles, namely the middle segment of these muscles. Triceps and the anterior bundle of deltoids are also actively helping us.

How to perform?

You can do bench press on a regular bench, as well as on an inclined bench. And in order to take maximum weight, do the exercise from the floor. In this embodiment, the negative phase of the exercise is completely excluded, which means that the entire supply of energy goes into the phase of application of force. To do the bench press, lie on the bench and place your hands on the bar in a comfortable setting for you. At the same time, the feet rest against the floor. Hold the shell with both hands and lower it to the chest, while trying not to roll your elbows. Lightly touch the bar of the body and start lifting the barbell, while you need to reap at the expense of the chest ones, because if you try to perform the exercise at the expense of the strength of the hands, you will get tired pretty quickly.

What to look for?

The main thing is balance. As a rule, the right and left parts of our body are developed in different ways, which means that with one hand it will be easier to lift the bar than with the other. It is necessary to smooth this difference and catch the balance.

Targeted back training - tilt barbell pull

tilt draft

This is an effective basic back barbell exercise. A great alternative to block trainers and crossovers.

What works?

In addition to the widest, biceps and core muscles are involved in this type of training.

How to perform?

The maximum effectiveness of this exercise is achieved only when the body is tilted at a right angle and even lower. Only in this way all three muscle layers of our wings are switched on, and all thanks to the increased amplitude and specific stretching of the fibers. Starting position: the body is tilted forward, hands hold the bar with a reverse grip. You need to pull the shell to the body, and then lower it down again.

What to look for?

Follow the movement of the elbows, they should literally dig into your body and be pressed as close as possible to the body. Also try not to relax your hands at the lower point, here you can safely work inside the amplitude.

Warm up before the service - "army" bench

army bench press

This is a great barbell shoulder exercise. In addition, this type of training develops a good sense of balance and balance.

What works?

The target muscle is the shoulders, especially the middle and back bundles of the deltas. Triceps acts as an “assistant”.

How to perform?

The technique is simply elementary: take the barbell on your chest, and then lift it over your head, then return to its original position.

What to look for?

Do not shift the center of gravity and do not roll your arms. Lift the bar directly above the crown and keep your balance.

Weekly Training Exercises: Program

barbell training

If you want to include a set of exercises with a barbell in your training arsenal, then it is better to give preference to the fullbody system. This is a great way to work out your entire body using the most effective basic exercises.

Base for all muscle groups:

  • Classic squats.
  • Classic deadlift.
  • Narrow grip bench press on a horizontal bench.
  • Rod bar for the back.
  • "Army" bench press in a standing position.
  • Shrugs - pumping trapezoid.
  • Classical biceps flexion.
  • French Triceps Bench Press.

As you have noticed, basic exercises alternate with isolating ones. This will allow the body to relax a bit, because this type of training very quickly consumes energy.


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