Correct arm wrestling technique. Secrets of arm wrestling: technique of movements, capture, position

The correct arm wrestling technique will not only make any man a real winner in this sport, but also build up biceps. A healthy lifestyle always benefits the body, in fact, any exercise, regardless of which muscles they are aimed at, only helps strengthen immunity and improve appearance. Of course, if you do everything right.

Probably any boy since childhood dreams of having the same strong hands as bodybuilders. And arm wrestling will help to realize this dream.

arm wrestling technique

From time immemorial

For a long time wrestling on hands was considered one of the most popular methods for resolving disputes and measuring forces. A little later, it became a separate sport. Despite the certain static and unaesthetic nature of this struggle, actually one of the most popular sports (both for women and men) is arm wrestling. Technique, subtleties and secrets here, as in any other sport, are very important. Even thanks to some psychological tricks, you can break an opponent and give yourself confidence.

In any sport (and arm wrestling is no exception), very high-quality and professional training is required. Often, beginners stop their career paths long before the first amateur performances, as they were injured at the training stage. Do not trust the tutorials and try to prepare yourself on your own. The best option is to record in a special section.

Of course, the beginner will not immediately sit down at the table, because the arm wrestling technique implies not only a fight, but also a whole range of exercises: building muscle, using a special nutrition system, an individual regimen for each athlete.

All workouts that focus on strength, developing the hand, forearm, shoulder and biceps are ideal in this case. Such exercises include work with the bar, barbell, dumbbells , etc.

Also, do not forget that the reaction is important in this sport, because even a fraction of a second by which an athlete is ahead of his opponent can ultimately become decisive. But do not forget about special techniques that allow you to win a landslide victory.

arm wrestling technique


In this sport, there are many different tricks, but there are 3 basic ones:

  • Triceps. Immediately after the start of the fight, the athlete who decided to attack should bring his shoulder to the side of the opponent and at the same time pull his hand towards him. After that, with the triceps force, it is necessary to press the opponent’s hand against the pillow.
  • Top hook. The standard wrist movement, but without visible pressure, so that the opponent does not suspect the reception, the attacker should go to the side, thereby piercing the opponent’s hand.
  • On horseback. As in the previous trick, it is necessary to penetrate the arm with a classic grip, but without going to the side.

Sport for everyone

A person of any gender and age can choose arm wrestling for himself. The athlete’s technique will show how good he is in a duel with an equal opponent. In fact, competitions are not so frequent, about 95% of all time is spent on training and preparation.

arm wrestling technique

It is important to consult a doctor before starting classes so that he determines whether such a sport will harm you, maybe it is better to choose chess. If there have been injuries to the arms and shoulder, torn ligaments and fractures, if you are diabetic and / or hypertensive, you are not recommended to engage in this sport. There are also a number of other contraindications that can stop an athlete on the path to success. You should find out about them from a specialist.

In any case, if you have no health problems, and you decide to give all of yourself to this sport, then the first thing to do is to study the rules.


The rules in arm wrestling are surprisingly simple. Despite the fact that it will take several minutes to study them, they must be carried out implicitly. In front of the wrestlers there is a special armwrestling table, where everyone has their own handle to hold on to it, an armrest and a pillow.

In principle, the competition conditions are very simple. It’s clear that you can’t tear your elbow off the table, and with your second hand you must touch the handle.

You can tear off your legs from the floor, but it is forbidden to help yourself during a shoulder fight.

Many athletes use not very honest (at first glance), but quite effective tactics, which are based on provoking an opponent to foul. For example, some specifically jerk their hand in front of the referee's signal to make it seem like the opponent made a false start, etc. The most important thing is not the armwrestling technique itself, but the correct setting of the starting position, which is very strictly regulated by the rules.

Torso rivals should be in the same symmetrical position, nothing can be put behind the midline, it is also forbidden to cross it. The phalanges of the thumbs should be visible during capture.

proper arm wrestling technique

Correct arm wrestling technique

So, the fight begins with the legs. If the athlete is right-handed, then he should put forward his right leg, it should be in the middle of the table. Arm wrestling technique and tactics are no less important than the initial position of the body.

After the referee gives a signal, it is necessary to make a knocking motion of the opponent’s hand, while the left leg goes into a slight bend. The elbow should move diagonally.

Beginners should not start their training directly from the struggle itself, because this often leads to injuries. Arm wrestling technique (more precisely, its main task) is to use as much muscle-ligamentous apparatus as possible during the fight. You must have a variety of techniques to become a diverse fighter. That is why you should not decide on your technique initially, because with the growth of muscles and experience it can change several times.

arm wrestling technique and tactics


Arm wrestling technique implies 3 main methods of wrestling - triceps, hook and horseback. The latter, in turn, is effective in confronting a stronger opponent, in which case the big role is played not by pressure on his hand, but by the correct inversion of his hand.

In the hook, it is best to fight with a weak opponent. In this form, it is necessary to attract the opponent’s hand to him, after which, working with his forearm, to crush him.

Triceps are very rarely fought, as this is the most traumatic species.

In order to win, it is necessary to use several techniques at once, drastically changing one after another. It is also worth adding that the fight strategy is thought out before the start of the fight.

There’s another little trick: wrestlers use magnesium salt and magnesia grease to dry their hand. You can only smear your fingertips, because of the sweaty back of your hand, your opponent’s hand will slip and he will not be able to hold tight.


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