Reviews RosinterBank: deposits, loans

It just so happened that when investing their funds, many investors pay attention to the reputation of a financial institution and even its rating among other credit organizations. But, as practice shows, these indicators are not always signs of bank reliability. A vivid example of this is RosinterBank. Problems with his leadership began completely unexpectedly. We will talk more about the problem bank and the difficulties that it had to face.

reviews rosinterbank

Nothing boded ill: general information about the bank

RosinterBank is a very decent commercial bank operating in the Russian financial market since 1990. Since its opening, he has not only sponsored, but also provided comprehensive support to representatives of corporate, small, medium and large businesses.

Its network of branches over time has grown to 40 branches located in Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar and other cities and regions of the Russian Federation. So RosinterBank began to gain momentum, Moscow became for him the main city, where the main office of the bank was located.

Bank awards

Despite quite a lot of competition from other commercial organizations, RosinterBank continued to grow and develop. Some time passed, and the financial organization began to receive honorary titles, bonuses and awards. For example, not so long ago, its management was awarded the highest award in the Socially-Oriented Bank category, and one of the board members was awarded the main prize “For personal contribution to the development of financial literacy of children and youth”.

Rosinterbank deposits

RosinterBank: rating

RosinterBank very quickly turned into a well-known and sought-after financial institution. In addition, by the size of its assets, it entered the TOP-70 of the largest banks in the Russian Federation. Later, the organization got into the TOP-10 among financial institutions famous for their impeccable customer service. Also, the excellent work of the bank’s employees was singled out by customers, placing their favorite organization among the ten leaders in the “Popular rating”. It is noteworthy that among the best financial flagships, RosinterBank managed to hold out from 2014 to 2015.

Credit cards and other bank products

Prior to the introduction of the interim administration, according to numerous reviews, RosinterBank was engaged in lending to businesses and the public. For example, one of the most demanded products of the bank is a loan for education. With its help, many students could pay for their studies at the university. It is noteworthy that this program operated with some state support and had the lowest interest rate at that time - 7.6% per annum.

Another advantageous offer of the bank was “Target mortgage loan”, the rate on which was also lower (11.5–13.5% per annum) than similar loan products developed by other financial organizations. In a word, RosinterBank has attractive rates that stand out from other financial institutions.

Rosinterbank problems

What did people say about the bank?

It is believed that before contacting any financial institution, you must first thoroughly study user reviews. RosinterBank is a financial institution with vast experience and work experience, which is why many Russians applied here. For example, some were attracted by a large selection of loan products and deposit programs. Others liked the favorable conditions for deposits and loyal requirements for early withdrawal of invested money.

Another enthusiastic talked about the excellent service they received at the office located on Kondratyuk St., 3 and in the office at Moscow. St. Miklukho-Maklaya, d. 55.

Some reviews about banks, on the contrary, contain a tearful story about poor service, which led to a number of additional expenses on the part of the client. In a word, opinions on the work of the bank itself are different, as are the clients themselves.

bank reviews

Delicious and tempting contributions from the organization

In addition to credit products, RosinterBank offered deposits for individuals. As in the case of loans, deposit programs assumed high interest rates and very attractive terms and conditions. A vivid example of this is the recent contribution called "Holiday +".

According to the conditions, it could be issued in domestic or foreign currency for a period of 100 to 550 days. The interest rate for the ruble deposit was 10.5-11.5% per annum, and in foreign currency - from 0.8 to 2.4%.

Interestingly, the interest accrued by the depositor was monthly charged to his card account, which RosinterBank opened for him (the license, by the way, has not yet been withdrawn from this bank). And most importantly, "Festive +" allowed early withdrawal of cash within 30% or 60% of the established deposit rate. And, of course, program participants could automatically become happy owners of a gift voucher worth 20,000 rubles (during the prize draw from the bank). This is a song, not an offer!

Rosinterbank License

Another “tasty” offer of the bank was the program “Perspective”. And if at the beginning of the year she assumed a rate of 10% per annum, then closer to the summer the starting tariff grew to 12%. And the “Profitable +” deposit initially offered everyone to invest their money at 14% per annum.

As a result of a competent marketing policy, the attracted population and business representatives simply lost their vigilance. They entrusted their finances to a seemingly reliable credit institution, and CB RosinterBank brutally failed them. What happened to him? And what is the cause of his problems?

Causes and effects: what happened to the bank?

As early as September 9, bank representatives shouted out loud about their new credit card designed for teachers. But a couple of days ago, the office and all the operating branches of a financial organization were suddenly closed. The official website of the organization stopped working, and the hotline phones turned off.

As a result, most depositors and customers of the bank had a panic. Many of them began to write angry reviews (RosinterBank is a financial institution that works with entrepreneurs and individuals), asking questions. And some even came to the central office and tried to break the grate, wishing to get inside the building at all costs. But all of them were interested in the main question: "What happened?"

And the casket just opened

With patience, the customers of the unreasonably “silent” bank finally got answers. As it turned out, RosinterBank (deposits here could be opened in foreign and domestic currencies) suspended its work due to the sanctions of the Central Bank. He, in turn, explained these actions as forced measures aimed at determining the real financial picture in the bank.

According to the regulator, the position of RosinterBank at the moment has been defined as unstable and unstable. And since this was a direct threat to creditors and depositors, it was decided to stop his work during the audit.

Rosinterbank Moscow

Introduction of interim administration

As a result of the proceedings on the part of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a temporary administration was introduced in RosinterBank (problems began here recently). At the same time, such a responsible post was unanimously handed over to the representatives of the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency). The powers of the managers and shareholders of the financial organization are temporarily suspended.

The interim administration of the bank was appointed for a period of six months and began its duties on September 15 of this year. According to eyewitnesses, the bank managed to publish this information on its official website on Thursday. From that moment, the electronic payment system was turned off and cards in the terminals of a financial institution ceased to be serviced. But what is the reason for the regulator’s discontent?

What is the reason for the distrust of the Central Bank?

According to numerous reviews, RosinterBank not only pursued a high-risk credit policy, but also openly chemicalized it using household deposits. The same information about the bank was confirmed by a source close to the regulator. A huge number of questions from the Central Bank arose precisely because of the state of liabilities formed by attracting funds from depositors of a credit institution.

As it turned out, the official data provided to the regulator by RosinterBank for many years corresponded to the established norm. However, the real numbers, according to the reviewers, should be much higher. Perhaps there is some truth to this. Judge for yourself, for the first quarter, according to unofficial data, the cost of funds raised amounted to 13.5% in annual terms. But the result of such a turbulent activity is not reflected in the documents of the bank. This means only one thing, that a credit organization is playing a shadow game and is associated with dubious money transactions.

Interbank Market: Borrowed Money

Along with strange documentation, RositerBank was seen among major lenders of the interbank market. According to preliminary information, at the beginning of August, the total share of borrowed funds of this financial institution amounted to more than 30% of all passive income. Gradually, this figure began to grow, as representatives of the bank, apparently, fell into a certain dependence on creditors. According to experts, such actions by the borrower indicate problems with its liquidity. This is also evidenced by the numerous reviews of banks that had similar situations before declaring bankruptcy.

Rosinterbank addresses

Bank representatives caught on a hot

Probably the last straw in the bank’s activity was an incomprehensible scam, which was recently conducted by its representatives. According to a source close to the regulator, various rumors were circulating about the strange activities of RosinterBank. However, they could not verify their reliability or refute the Central Bank until a certain point. As it turned out, the representatives of the regulator decided to take dishonest representatives of the bank on hot.

To do this, they sent their man, who pretended to be an ordinary depositor, who decided to put money on deposit. At some point, he called RosinterBank (the address of the branch in question, unfortunately, is not), said that he needed to go abroad for a long time, and specified about the interest calculation.

After a certain time, the source reports, the nth amount of money was written off from the account of the “mishandled Cossack”, although he didn’t do anything similar in reality. As a result, representatives of the bank had a long time talking with the regulator.

A more detailed investigation is currently underway. It is assumed that some funds of depositors, as in the cases of Arksbank and Mosoblbank, were not officially listed anywhere. Moreover, the owners of such accounts themselves might not even suspect about it. All these controversial issues are to be studied by representatives of the interim administration.


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