Aloe from a runny nose to a child: recipes and rules for use

In the article, we will consider how to give aloe from a cold to a child.

In children from birth, immunity to the effects of the environment is not yet fully formed. During this period, it is very important to protect the child from probable colds, infections and other adverse pathologies. But not always parents can do this. A runny nose in a child, for example, of a preschool age can be fixed 5-6 times during the year.

The pharmacological market offers quite a few varieties of medicines, drops and sprays that are effective in treating rhinitis in babies, but parents always prefer to carefully eliminate the problem using natural means. One of them is aloe juice. There are many pharmacy products based on it, but you can also make them yourself. Why give aloe from a cold to a child? Let's figure it out.

aloe from a runny nose to a child 3

The benefits of aloe in rhinitis

The chemical composition of aloe is incredibly rich. The pulp of its leaves contains many compounds that are beneficial for the body:

  1. Resinous substances (approximately 10% of the total volume).
  2. Organic acids: l-coumaric, cinnamon, citric, isolimonic, malic, succinic.
  3. Esters.
  4. Phenols.
  5. Polyuronides.
  6. C-glycosylchromone-aloesin.
  7. Chrysophanic acid.
  8. Antrons.
  9. Homonataloin.
  10. Emolin.
  11. Aloin.
  12. Natolin.
  13. Rabarberon.
  14. Emodin.
  15. Allantoin.
  16. Volatile
  17. Vitamins A, C, E.
  18. Beta carotene.
  19. Micro, macrocells.
  20. Other active biological components.

Due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, an aqueous solution based on aloe juice is often used to eliminate colds, including rhinitis. Against the background of its use, a beneficial effect on the mucous lining of the respiratory tract and an increase in general immunity are noted.

aloe in the nose of children with a runny nose

The safety of using aloe from a cold

Pure or diluted juice of this plant contains a high concentration of various compounds. For the mucous membranes of the nose of children, its use may not result in a therapeutic effect, but in various troubles and irritations. In this regard, it is necessary to know the main rules for the use of aloe from a cold for children 3 years old (and at a different age):

  1. The use of aloe-based drugs in the treatment of children should be much less common than in the treatment of adult patients.
  2. This plant does not always eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose.
  3. Not every recipe suitable for an adult will be useful to the child.
  4. As a result of therapy, such adverse effects as a burn or ulceration of the mucous membranes of the nose, allergic reaction can occur.
  5. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using aloe in a particular case.

Need caution

The mucous membranes of young children are highly sensitive, so it is important to use any means with extreme caution. A safe concentration of aloe juice from a runny nose for a child is 6 drops per tablespoon of distilled water. But this is not enough to have a therapeutic effect.

Proper breeding and instillation

It is impossible to use pure plant juice for instillation, since there is a possibility of a burn of the respiratory tract and mucous membrane. Therefore, the extract must be diluted with milk, distilled or boiled water.

aloe juice from the common cold for children

In order for the therapy to be correct, the child should be treated in compliance with certain rules:

  1. The mixture must be instilled exclusively in the nasal cavity, in which it should be detained - it is unacceptable that the juice of the plant gets into the throat.
  2. If the solution enters the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth, the medicine should be spat out without delay, and the procedure should be repeated.
  3. When instilling the product, the child should be in a position convenient for him. This is necessary so that he can remain motionless for several minutes while the solution is absorbed.
  4. It is allowed to use cotton swabs that are moistened in the medicinal fluid, placed in the nasal passages and left for about half an hour.
  5. It is necessary to instill a maximum of five times a day.
  6. Before each procedure, it is important to clear the nasal cavity of mucus.

To enhance the healing and healing effect, it is recommended to make the last instillation of aloe juice in the nose of the child with a runny nose just before bedtime.

Breeding Recommendations

When diluting the concentrate, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The desired concentration of the solution is selected based on the age of the child. For children 2-3 years old, plant juice should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3. Older children are allowed breeding in equal proportions.
  2. To make the solution, you must use water, the temperature of which is slightly higher than room temperature. This is necessary so that the drops can be used immediately after manufacture.
  3. It is allowed to replace water with milk, but it should first be boiled, filtered and cooled. This product helps to mitigate the discomfort that occurs when plant juice enters the mucous membranes.
    aloe from a runny nose to a child

Solution Dosage and Temperature

To prepare a solution using aloe juice in the nose for children with a cold, it is important to adhere to several rules. They relate to the method of collection, temperature, dilution, storage, directly application:

  1. Leaves of only those plants whose age exceeds 3 years have medicinal properties.
  2. The lower leaves should be used, since they are more fleshy, that is, they contain a larger amount of juice and nutrients.
  3. After harvesting, the leaves must be kept in the cold for 12 hours (it can be in an ordinary refrigerator, the temperature should be a maximum of 5 degrees). As a result, vitamins, macro- and microelements are activated.
  4. Before you cut the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them, they should be washed under running water.
  5. If a baby is to be treated, do not dilute the vegetable juice in a strong concentration or use undiluted substance, as this will provoke irritation, hyperemia, and swelling of the mucous membrane in the child’s nose.
  6. The normal reaction of the child to drops is increased secretion of mucus from the nose, accompanied by sneezing and lacrimation for 20 minutes after the procedure.
  7. Aloe juice from a cold for a child up to 1 year old and infants is recommended to be warmed to room temperature. You can do this by leaving the medicine bottle in advance for 1-2 hours in a warm place.
  8. Store the solution preferably in the refrigerator, for a maximum of 24 hours. New drops should be prepared daily.
  9. During the day, you can dig in the product no more than 5 times.
    aloe in the nose with a runny nose for children reviews

Use in the treatment of infants

In the first year of life, aloe in the nose for children with a cold is rarely used. Only in exceptional cases, doctors allow such a tool. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the child’s nose to aggressive substances in the juice.

It is necessary to carry out therapy according to the following scheme:

  1. Instill the agent three or four times a day.
  2. The recommended dosage is 2-3 drops of an aqueous solution in each nasal passage.

If within three days the effect of therapy is not observed, aloe in the nose of children with a runny nose should be canceled.

Treatment of children over one year old

For the treatment of children older than a year, juice should be used, which is diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 3. Distilled water can be replaced with ordinary, but previously boiled.

Before use, the medicine should be preheated to room temperature. To quickly warm up the solution, you can use a water bath. It should be heated no higher than 25 degrees. The recommended dosage is 3-4 drops in each nasal passage. Application should be three or four times a day. You can continue treatment for up to 2 weeks.

Cold recipes

There are quite a few prescriptions for preparing medicines with aloe juice for the common cold for children. The most popular of them is mixing it with distilled or boiled water, oils, honey.

A solution prepared with boiled or distilled water is usually used in the treatment of children under 10 years old. It should be cooked in a ratio of 1: 3. Water should be clean and warm. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Leaves should be cut, choosing the most fleshy.
  2. After that, keep them in the refrigerator for about 12 hours.
  3. Then wash thoroughly in running water.
  4. Remove the skin and thorns, remove the flesh.
  5. Wrap the mass in gauze, squeeze the juice into a prepared container.
  6. Mix with water, measuring the right amount with a pipette or a measuring glass. It is most convenient to measure with drops.
  7. Store the solution in a cool place no longer than a day.
    aloe from the common cold for children 3 years

Aloe juice from a runny nose for children 2-3 years old should be instilled as follows: in each nasal passage, 2 drops. At the age of 3-10 years - inject 3-4 drops of the drug into each nostril. For adolescents, the dose can be increased to 5-7 drops. It is recommended to carry out the instillation procedure in a half-sitting position with the head tilted to one or the other side alternately.

You can also dilute aloe juice with oils, but this recipe is used infrequently, since it is effective only in the treatment of mild rhinitis. To cook it, you should:

  1. Take the lower leaves of aloe.
  2. Soak in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.
  3. Peel the sheet, remove the spikes, finely chop.
  4. Put the pulp in cheesecloth, squeeze the juice in a separate container.
  5. Combine in a ratio of 1: 5 with olive, burdock or linseed oil.
  6. Before use, the solution must be warmed to room temperature.

For children older than a year, such a medicine is instilled three or four times a day for 2-4 drops.


Is aloe always allowed for a runny nose for a child (up to 3 years and older)?

Despite the fact that the plant has a number of useful properties and advantages, there are certain contraindications to its use:

  1. For the treatment of children under 1 year of age, aloe can be used only after approval by a pediatrician.
  2. Therapy should be discontinued if the first signs of negative manifestations occur. The drug is dangerous for patients suffering from heart disease and hypertension, since under the influence of aloe, blood flow accelerates.
  3. Viral runny nose.
  4. Hypersensitivity to aloe: burning of the mucosa, itching, swelling, nausea, skin rash.
    aloe from the common cold for children 2

Reviews about aloe in the nose with a runny nose for children

Parents respond to drops based on aloe, used in the treatment of rhinitis, rather ambiguously. On the one hand, the remedy is natural and in many cases effective. On the other hand, with a severe cold, it helps a little, often provokes an allergy in a child. Therefore, before using such a tool, it is important to consult a doctor.


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