To be touched is how? Meaning, sentences and synonyms

Now is the real era of tenderness. The Internet is replete with pictures, over which both old and young can put up a tear. Therefore, the analysis of the verb will not seem unbelievable. To be touched is about us, users of the World Wide Web. Consider the meaning of the verb, its synonyms and sentences with it.


Baby laughs

To feel the fullness of the contents of the verb being analyzed, think about fluffy kittens. Or, if you are closer to children, then about children who smile. After all, it’s so beautiful - a child’s smile or his laugh. First, the meaning of the word β€œbe touched,” then comments:

  1. Come in tenderness.
  2. Express tenderness.
  3. Soften (obsolete and portable).

As you can see, the key to the verb is the noun. We will explain its meaning: tenderness is "a tender feeling, aroused by something touching."

Yes, to be touched is good. Next, let's examine the sentences with the word.

Sentences with the word

Now no one needs to explain what is tenderness. Everyone has enough practice. You just need to turn on some kind of feed, even news. Therefore, the reader himself could make suggestions, but you always want to help people. Therefore, here are the options:

  • When Pyotr Nikanorovich was filming his daughter's wedding, he involuntarily touched, although his reputation did not allow this. Pyotr Nikanorovich was a stern military man.
  • Vasily came to the premiere of his girlfriend with a bouquet of flowers, when she danced her number, he involuntarily touched and gave flowers. In turn, the girl, too, was embarrassed and blushed.
  • The ability to be touched is a very important quality, because it testifies to the existence of the human in a person, about the life of humanistic values ​​within him.

The last thought, perhaps difficult, but if you think a little, then there is nothing so transcendent in it. We only have to make out one.


Touching Lions

Despite the extensive practice of everyone in emotion, an automatically expanded vocabulary is not attached to it, therefore, in order to enrich it, you sometimes need to read books or consult the dictionary of synonyms. Here are his details:

  • melt;
  • soften;
  • soften;
  • turn sour.

Judging by the replacements to the verb, for the state of tenderness you will not always shake hands. And this is right, because everything is good on time and to the place. In any case, the reader now knows how to be moved, so he can do whatever he wants with this information.


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