The pull-up technique on the horizontal bar: wide, medium, narrow grip. Pullup program for beginners

Pulling up is a very effective exercise that allows your body to radically transform. You will become stronger and more resilient, and your muscles will gain an athletic shape. A set of such exercises is done on a special gymnastic apparatus - a horizontal bar. It can be found very simply if desired. Each gym has a horizontal bar. But even if you do not have the opportunity to go there, this is not an excuse. Go to any school yard and start studying for free.

The benefits of classes

Many people wonder what pulling up on the horizontal bar gives. If you are also interested in this, it means that you are on the right path of your development and self-improvement. With the help of pull-ups, you can relax your back and relieve tension from the spine. If you have incorrect posture, consult your doctor before starting to exercise. Vis on the crossbar perfectly stretches the back. And if you can catch up again thirty times, then you will strengthen it perfectly.

pull-up technique on the horizontal bar

Of course, the benefits of the horizontal bar are incredible. With it, you can increase your strength indicators and build muscle. With the help of grip you will be able to pump completely different muscles located in the upper part of the body. But to notice the effect, you need to do it regularly. Beginners are not recommended to use weights until the pull-up technique with their weight is well understood. It may take several months.

The technique of pulling up on the horizontal bar depends on the level of your training. Exercising correctly, you can strengthen the muscles of the chest, arms, back and abs. But if you want to build good muscle mass, then you can not do without weighting. You can use both special devices and a regular backpack with books. Training pull-ups on the horizontal bar is very energy-intensive. Therefore, you will consume a large number of calories, which is so necessary to lose weight. Exercising regularly. And you will not only lose weight, but also bring the body into excellent shape.

Where to start?

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (a program from scratch is the key to your success) require a special technique for different levels of training. If you do not know how to lift your weight at all, then try to do the trick. Take a pose as if you were already pulled up, and hold for a few seconds. Now slowly extend your arms and just hang on the bar. Do this exercise several times every day. After a couple of weeks, you can fully catch up.

pull-up table on the horizontal bar

In many halls there is an excellent simulator - a gravitron. It is designed specifically for beginners. Whatever your training, you can handle pull-ups. Set the difficulty level that is right for you. And start pulling yourself up. But make sure that you are not too easy. Otherwise, there will be no effect.

What prevents learning to pull up?

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (a program from scratch will help you quickly master the exercise) require regularity and patience. But many beginners very quickly quit practicing, not even learning how to do anything properly.

pull-ups on the horizontal bar program from scratch

What exactly prevents regular exercise? There are several negative factors:

  1. Very weak muscles. Exercise yourself regularly, developing strength and endurance.
  2. Excess weight. Even a few kilograms is a huge obstacle on the way to pull-ups. In this case, the trainer is recommended to lose weight first, and only then proceed to the horizontal bar. Although simplified versions (for example, gravitron) no one cancels.
  3. You may have well-developed muscles necessary for pull-ups, but you canโ€™t do the exercise. In this case, pay attention to the auxiliary muscles. Maybe you have weak deltoid and radial muscles, as well as hands. In this case, strengthen them first. In general, pay attention to all muscles. Only harmonious development will be the key to proper pull-ups.
  4. Wrong pull-up technique on the horizontal bar. Before attempting, watch a video or consult with a trainer. After all, with the wrong technique, you simply will not be able to catch up.

The right technique

The pull-up technique on the horizontal bar includes several very important rules. They will be the key to proper training:

  • Grip should be very strong. Grasp the horizontal bar as firmly and conveniently as possible.
  • Only exercise at the expense of your muscles. Do not jerk or jerk. Wrong technique is not only ineffective, but also traumatic.
  • Rise and descend very smoothly. The slower the better. Eliminate jerking.
  • With each repetition, the chin should be above the horizontal bar. Only in this way will the exercise be considered correctly performed.
  • Do not hold your breath. Remember that on the rise you need to exhale, and on the descent, on the contrary, inhale.
  • Pay attention to the housing. During pull-ups, he should be in an upright position.

reverse pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Regular grip

The pull-up technique on the horizontal bar with a regular grip is a standard exercise. Every athlete must master it. In this case, the width of the grip should be slightly larger than the width of your shoulders. While lifting, touch the chin of the horizontal bar. With this pull-up, you can use the abs, back, forearm and biceps. Everyone who wants to learn how to pull up from scratch needs to start with this exercise. Since his technique is quite simple. Therefore, the exercise does not require such physical preparation, as with the grips of a different kind.

Narrow grip pull-up

This type of exercise helps strengthen the lower latissimus dorsi. In addition, the front dentate muscles work well, as well as those located near the vertebrae. This exercise will help to make the back more prominent and strong. Grasp the crossbar so that between your hands is no more than twenty centimeters. Exercise can be performed forward and reverse grip. During the direct option, the most load is on the back muscles. But the reverse grip works out in most of the biceps.

pull-up training on the horizontal bar

Pay attention to your elbows. During training, their position should not change. Extend your arms fully each time. At the same time, consider that you need to learn how to feel the back muscles well and try to work only with them. If such pull-ups are still difficult for you to do, ask your partner to help you.

Reverse grip

Reverse pull-ups on the horizontal bar is the easiest type of exercise. Perfectly pumps biceps. Recommended for girls who do not know how to pull up. Reverse grip can be medium and narrow. It differs from other varieties in that the palms are placed on the horizontal bar on themselves. The technique of the exercise is not particularly different from a direct grip. Starting to pull up, watch your shoulders. They should be lowered and laid back. Above, start to reduce the shoulder blades. This exercise pumps your biceps and back muscles well.

Wide grip

Pulling on the horizontal bar (the back muscles are perfectly pumped) with a wide grip is characterized by the fact that the hands are placed beyond the width of the shoulders. Here, the entire load falls on the top of the broadest muscles of the back. When doing this exercise, focus on making it work, not hands. Only in this case, the exercise will be effective.

muscle pull-ups

Using this grip, you can perform another kind of pull-ups - for the head. This exercise is very difficult. It consists in the fact that during the rise you need to touch the horizontal bar with the back of your head. Such training strains your back even more. It is better to do such an exercise under supervision, since it is extremely traumatic.

The pull-up table on the horizontal bar "30 times in 30 weeks"

Experts have developed a pull-up scheme, thanks to which even a person with poor training can perform thirty pull-ups in thirty weeks. But before starting this scheme, get rid of excess weight and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Try to pull yourself up six days a week, doing one day off. Itโ€™s best to relax on Sunday to start next week on Monday.

which gives pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Tips for effective workouts

The pull-up table on the horizontal bar will help you quickly achieve your goal. Find on the Internet the program that you like the most, and stick to it daily. Thus, you will not feel sorry for yourself and learn to pull yourself faster. If you choose a program for people who do not know how to pull themselves up, then for a few weeks just hang on the horizontal bar to strengthen the hands. If you want to increase endurance, to make beautiful and strong all the muscles of the upper part of the body, then use different grips.

Follow the pattern, but not to the end. If you canโ€™t pull yourself up five times, as written in the program, then do as much as you can. And already, based on this result, make a table yourself. During training, listen to pleasant, motivating music. Thus, you will improve your mood, and the training will be more effective. Try to pull yourself up correctly. It is from the technique with which you will perform the exercise that the further result will depend. And do not be upset if you do not succeed. The main thing is to exercise regularly and do not forget about the right rest. And very soon you will become strong and sturdy, and your muscles will get the desired relief.


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