Masutatsu Oyama: biography, personal life, achievements, quotes and photos

In the article we will talk about Masutatsu Oyama. This is a famous master who taught karate. He is known for his achievements in this field. He is a popularizer of this martial art. We will talk about the life and creative path of a person, as well as get to know him better.


We will begin to consider the biography of Masutatsu Oyama with the fact that he was born in the summer of 1923. It happened in a small town called Gimje, which are located in Korea. At that time, the province was under Japanese oppression, so when the boy was born into the family of a noble nobleman, he was named Choi Yenji. Interestingly, before the young man became a famous fighter, he changed his pseudonyms several times. So, he was known as Choi Badal, Garyu, Mas Togo, Sai Mokko.

At the beginning of the last century, Korea was just a Japanese colony, therefore the rights and freedoms of a strong population were infringed. The family of the hero of our article felt this on herself. It was impossible to choose a name for yourself, to feel free on the streets of the city and to do what you want. Of course, it was also impossible to say something that was not pleasing to the authorities.

When the boy was 9 years old, he moved to live with his sister. She lived on a large estate on a farm in Manchuria. Here the boy lived and developed. He met master Yi, who worked at his sister’s estate. It was this man who began to teach Masutatsu Oyama the martial art called “18 Hands”.

Further development

When the boy was 12 years old, he returned to Korea again. Then he continued his training in the field of martial arts. Oyama conducted Masutatsu's training regularly and never tried to fly away. He paid due attention to his physical and spiritual development, because he knew that martial art would submit only to those who are strong in both spirit and body.

Masutatsu Oyama's life

Parents did not mind his hobbies, because they considered it a worthy occupation, but understood that he would have to choose a business that would bring money. In 1936, at the age of 13, the boy had already received a black kempo belt. This word previously designated martial arts in principle.

Two years later, the young guy went to Japan in order to become a military pilot. In addition to his passion for martial arts, he had to build a career and realize himself in a specific business, so he chose this area. Note that the story of Masutatsu Oyama is very interesting, because in addition to great success in karate in the future, he became the first Korean pilot.


The young guy persistently continued to engage in martial arts, attending a school of judo and boxing. He met students who practiced Okinawan karate. The young fighter was very intrigued by this type of martial art, and he decided to go to Takusoku University.

So, in the fall of 1939, he begins to study with Funakoshi Gichin, a famous master and the first person who, in principle, brought karate to Japan. Continuing to engage, after two years, the young man receives a second dan in karate. Note that from the Takusoku University, which we mentioned above, the famous Shotokan trend has now been formed.

The plans of young people to develop, go about their business, marry and fall in love were prevented by the war. So many people appreciate quotes from Masutatsu Oyama for the simple reason that they are really full of meaning. About the onset of war, he said this:

Japan chose a different path. As a result, a new story began for her, which very quickly ended in collapse.

When the young guy was taken into the imperial army at the age of 20, he already had a fourth dan. In the army, the young man also continued to train, his progress was really impressive.

Masutatsu Oyama biography

New round

In 1945, the young man leaves the army. The defeat of Japan negatively affected his mood, but nevertheless he understood that his whole life lay ahead. In the spring of 1946, the biography of Masutatsu Oyama continues at Waseda University, where he enters to study physical education. There, he brings him to life with a Korean named So Ney Chu.

This was a man from Oyama’s native village. In combination, he was an excellent master of the fighting style of goju-ryu. He was famous throughout Japan not only for his physical strength, but also for spiritual power. Interestingly, it was this man who determined the future life of Masutatsu Oyama.

In 1946, it was he who prompted him to go to the mountains for 3 years and improve his skills. Masutatsu leaves his wife and eldest daughter, fully devoting himself to self-development.

masutatsu oyama sayings

At the age of 23, a man meets a man who wrote a story about the life and achievements of Samurai Miyamoto Musashi. The author of the novel and the novel taught Masutatsu Oyama what the Bushido Code is. It was this book that helped to understand and accept the path of a warrior. After reading it, the man established himself in his idea of ​​going to Mount Minobe.


In April 1949, a man realizes that his whole life is martial arts. He wants to evolve constantly, without losing a minute. For 18 months, he goes to the mountains to improve his skills. He goes to where the legendary samurai lived and trained, about which he read. In those places, Miyamoto Musashi founded his school of Two Swords.

Masutatsu Oyama, whose photo we see in the article, wanted to find a place where he could train and make plans for the future. And he found him. I took only the necessities with me, and also took a book about a samurai.

A student named Shotokan Yeshiro went on a spiritual-physical journey with him. However, a young inexperienced guy ran away after six months, because he could not bear life away from civilization and people. But Masutatsu Oyama's philosophy was strong and solid. He already tested himself in this way, so he was hardened and ready for difficulties. Oyama was not going to return home so quickly. Ahead of him were still waiting for spiritual lessons and grueling physical training. For a very long time, a man was only engaged in the development of his body and soul. As a result, he became the most powerful and skillful karateka in Japan, although he himself did not even know about it.

However, the trip to the mountains had to be unexpectedly stopped, because Oyama’s sponsor said that he no longer had the means to maintain training. Thus, after 14 months of solitude, Masutatsu returned home.

Fights of Masutatsu Oyama

Finally, after his return, the man decided to take part in the National Martial Arts Championship, which was held in Japan. The hero of our article performed in karate style and won. But this public victory did not bring him any joy, because he longed for an internal victory. He was very upset that he could not complete 3 years of his training all alone. That is why he again decides to go to the mountains. Now he goes to Mount Kedzumi.

oyama masutatsu philosophy

There he practices 12 hours a day. His passion for karate comes to fanaticism, because the man loads himself, not recognizing weekends and holidays. He trains, standing under the winter waterfalls, breaking rocks with the strength of his hands.

All this was done in order to maximize their performance. However, in addition to heavy physical exertion, he was also interested in Zen, meditation and philosophy. To do this, he studied various schools of martial arts in order to take himself the best of them. After 18 months of such a life, he achieved what he wanted. Any surrounding events have lost their meaning.


Photos of Masutatsu Oyama shows us that he was a sturdy athletic man. That is why he decides to test his physical strength and capabilities. It does this by participating in performances with bulls.

In all his life, he fought with 52 bulls, three of which died immediately as a result of the battle. 49 animals he chopped off the horns with his crown blow. However, new victories were given to the man with great difficulty. Once in an interview he talked about the fact that he won his first victory with great diligence. So, as a result of his attack, the animal became very angry, and only at the last moment the man managed to win.

masutatsu oyama pictures

In 1957, when he was 34 years old, he nearly died in Mexico City during a battle with a fierce bull. Then the animal touched the man’s body, but at the last moment he recoiled and broke his horn. After this battle, Oyama lay in bed for six months, after which he miraculously recovered from a fatal wound.


In 1952, Masutatsu went to the United States for a year to perform and demonstrate karate. There he appears in various arenas, he is even shown on Central Television. The next few years pass quickly for him, because he defeats absolutely all his opponents. In total, he fought with more than 270 wrestlers. Many of them were crushed with just one well-aimed blow.

Interestingly, a man has never been more than 3 minutes in the arena. By this time, often, the outcome was already decided. The karateka himself explained his success by the fact that all his training and philosophy are based on the main principle of the samurai, which sounds like this: one blow is inevitable death.

Over time, Masutatsu Oyama was called the divine fist. In the minds of people, he was a classic manifestation of invincible Japanese warriors.

During his next visit to the United States, Masutatsu Oyama, whose statements and spoken language were well known, met a strongman of Romanian origin, Jacob Sandulescu. This was a man of enormous size, who weighed more than 190 kg, with a height above 190 cm. When he was 16 years old, he was captured and then sent to work in coal mines, where he spent two years of his life. These men, who had a steel will, became good friends. Warm relations between them remained until the last years of life.

In 1953, Masutatsu opens a dojo - a small piece of land where you can train young children. Three years later, a larger jojo opens near Rikkyu University. A year after the opening, about 700 people trained there, despite the fact that the requirements were very high, and the training was highly cruel.

Interestingly, the masters of other reputable schools came here in order to test their skills and practice with the great Oyama. In addition, Oyama's military equipment was popular for the simple reason that it was not limited to karate techniques. He studied various martial arts and combined the most effective techniques.

Masutatsu Oyama quotes

Many beginners cautiously entered the battle because they were afraid to leave it with injuries or not to leave at all. However, over time, brutal attacks in the head and groin, seizures, bumps, throws became commonplace in training. The fight always lasted until one of its participants surrendered. That is why young karateka have always been injured. Injury Oyama training was approximately 90%. However, his students did not use protective clothing or special equipment, and they also did not have the right clothes for training.


In 1952, the wrestler still performed in Hawaii. Then Bobby Lowe saw him. The man was impressed by the strength of the Korean, although he himself was a pretty strong man who was versed in martial arts. Initially, Bobby studied with his father, who was a kung fu instructor and could teach any style of martial art. At the age of 33, he had 4 dan in judo, 2 dan in kempo, 1 dan in aikido. Despite this, Bobby Lowe decided to train with Oyama. After long trainings, which lasted for a year and a half, he said that you can start to learn martial art only after 1000 days of training.

The best students of Masutatsu, whom he personally selected, were called samurai of the 20th century.

Oyama Masutatsu

In 1957, Bobby returned to his homeland and opened the first Masutatsu school abroad. In 1964, the IOC World Center was opened. It was from here that Masutatsu's martial art spread to more than 120 countries. The number of people who practiced this type of martial arts exceeded 10 million.

Among the famous people who practiced these techniques are Sean Connery, Dolph Lundgren and Nelson Mandela.


In the spring of 1994, at the age of 70, Masutatsu died in hospital from lung cancer. The master of 5 dan, who was the technical director, remained responsible in his organization. As a result, this led to various political and economic conflicts that are still not fully resolved. Experts say that a split in the organization can occur, similar to what happened in the Shotokan martial arts school.

Now part of the followers of the great master are engaged in participating in these feuds, and the other part is dedicated to developing their own style and improving skills. Masutatsu Oyama would probably wish all his students and followers to engage in self-development.

To summarize, we note that today we discussed the biography and career of an outstanding karate master. What can we conclude? To achieve any results in any business, it is necessary to devote to him the maximum of his time. Only if you are faithful to what you love can you count not only on success and achievements, but also on recognition around the world.


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