Average laptop life. How to increase the life of a laptop?

Many users who choose a decent laptop on the mobile market, along with ergonomics and performance, are interested in the life of the device. Yes, it sounds rather strange, because this parameter entirely depends only on the owner and conditions of use.

laptop life

This article will detail the life of a laptop. The user is invited to familiarize themselves with all kinds of methods that can extend the "life" of a mobile device. The information will affect not only the built-in components of the gadget, but also tell the owner how to prevent the failure of accessories and batteries.

To be or not to be?

When buying a new laptop, many owners rush to unpack the battery and quickly connect it to the device. Only by constantly working in the office or at home, near an electrical outlet, do users every day reduce the life of a laptop, or rather, a battery, eliminating one of the basic parameters of the device - mobility. There are only two options for solving this problem:

  1. Preferring to work indoors, the battery should not be removed from the box at all. The battery can be stored for many years. At any time, if necessary, it can be connected to a laptop and make the device mobile.
  2. The second option requires the user to work offline. Two or three times a week, the owner of the laptop should disconnect the mobile device from the outlet and discharge the battery to 3-5%, performing a full cycle of charging the battery. This is the only way to extend the life of batteries.

Proper use of the display

Yes, the LCD screen is also at risk. The average life of a laptop is directly proportional to the performance of the screen. After all, this is almost half of the mobile device. There are many factors affecting the display, and the reader will have to get to know all of them.

laptop life Asus

The liquid crystal screen is connected to the base of the laptop with a special loop (many wires of small section). And the hinges are needed only to open the cover and set the angle. Naturally frequent movements of this cover at large angles contribute to the fracture of the cables over time. The problem is solved simply. Carrying out annual maintenance of the laptop, it is necessary to check the loop. If it is jammed in one place, then it is necessary to move it up or down, fixing it with adhesive tape on the laptop case.

Fans of working with a mobile device in nature should worry about the fact that direct sunlight does not fall on the matrix. Literally in one year of improper operation, you can burn out the display. The laptop will not break, but the color rendition will radically change for the worse.

A complex approach

Many users who are interested in how to increase the life of the laptop, sellers in stores recommend using additional cooling of the mobile device. This solution looks quite simple, which causes distrust of potential buyers. The usual stand is 3-5 centimeters high and 1-2 fans that blow up. Although this solution may seem strange, for two decades now all notebook manufacturers have been unable to solve the problem of cooling their products. Therefore, such a stand is the best that you can advise the user to increase the life of the mobile device.

Modern style dictates the conditions

Many buyers managed to notice the emergence of a new style that affects all mobile devices. We are talking about color and monochrome vinyl stickers on the gadget's body. Yes, for some it will seem like another youth stupid thing, but for most users sticking laptops will do good. The fact is that vinyl coating increases the rigidity of the body.

how to increase laptop life

The main thing here is to correctly apply the texture to the plastic of the mobile device. As practice shows, the life of the laptop due to such a refinement increases. After all, if you drop the device to the ground, even from a half-meter height, it will remain unharmed.

Cleanliness is the key to health

The owner needs to worry about the constant cleaning of the laptop from debris and dust that collects inside the device thanks to the cooling system. Maintenance experts recommend 1-2 times a year, depending on operating conditions. If there are pets in the room or repairs are being carried out, frequent cleaning is required, otherwise the device can be serviced less frequently.

extend laptop life

As for the cleaning itself, here the user decides whether to give the gadget to a service center or to service it with his own hand. The first option is preferable, because it provides for the complete disassembly of the mobile device, and only it is able to extend the life of the laptop.

Power elements of a mobile device

Here we will focus not on the mobile device itself, but on the accessory, which is an integral part of any laptop. It would seem that what can happen with a conventional charger, which is equipped with a gadget, but there are still problems. For example, the life of an HP laptop can be significantly extended by using just one safety measure in everyday life - disconnecting the accessory from the mains when not using a mobile device.

hp laptop life

The problem is that the branded charger is very sensitive to voltage surges, as it was created for the American market. In domestic electrical networks there is no stability, the voltage is constantly changing (90-250 volts). It is these jumps that disable the power supply. And then a real lottery - an accessory either burns out on its own, or grabs a laptop power management board with it.

Meal in front of a laptop display

Notebook life can be reduced in a very unusual way. Fans to eat or drink a drink in front of the device display always think that they are neat and prudent. But, as practice shows, 50% of users at least once in their lives poured a laptop keyboard with tea, coffee or beer. These disappointing statistics suggest that a meal in front of a laptop screen does not lead to anything good.

what is the life of the laptop

It’s good if the gadget has a rubberized keyboard and the liquid simply drains through the drain holes, but not all users have such expensive devices at hand. In most cases, one mug of hot coffee can destroy the laptop motherboard in a few seconds and make the keyboard unusable.

In pursuit of high performance

Trying to save money, many gamers purchase low-power laptops. Such users believe the groundless recommendations of enthusiasts that any laptop can be easily dispersed. Yes, this is so, only few people know that such overclocking for a mobile device can be the first and last. After all, all the components inside the device’s case are soldered, and it’s impossible to simply replace a burned-out element with a worker.

average laptop life

For example, the Asus gaming- class laptop has a life of five years. This is an officially announced figure. However, the Taiwanese manufacturer forbids the user to increase the productivity of the device using software or hardware in the operating requirements. In fact, the lifetime already depends only on the user, or rather, on his actions.

More questions than answers.

And yet, what is the life of the laptop? As practice shows, with proper operation recommended by the manufacturer, a mobile device without breakdowns can work for 7-10 years. Here, everything directly depends on the installed components. For example, the lifespan of a hard magnetic drive is 7 years of active use, and the processor will work without problems for 15 years. Do not forget about the battery, which has an official resource of only 3 years, but in practice, with the right charge cycle, this period can be safely doubled.


Trying to find out the life of the laptop, many potential buyers and users overlook another factor that they will face. We are talking about the obsolescence of a mobile device. At this stage of technical development, there is such a thing as “product update”. Here, the manufacturer is already trying to impose on users the fact that the life of a mobile device cannot exceed 5 years, forcing the buyer to abandon old technologies and acquire new gadgets.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13607/

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