Bee pork: useful properties, reviews, methods of application. What is useful for perga for children and adults

Perga is flower pollen mixed with bee enzymes and honey, and then rammed inside the honeycomb. The useful properties of bee bread, reviews of which give reason to become interested in such a product, have long been proven. In the process of β€œpacking” into cells, the substance undergoes lactic acid fermentation, this ensures that, unlike simple flower pollen, it remains sterile, since acid destroys bacteria, while simultaneously enriching the bee bread.

Perga useful properties reviews
It is believed that bee bread is a powerful natural stimulant. This contributes to the beneficial properties of bee bread. Customer reviews about this are positive and numerous. The product owes this quality to medicinal plants, and more precisely, to the flowers from which the bees collect pollen.

Content of useful components in the product

Perga contains vitamins such as:

  • pyridoxamine;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • anti-sterile vitamin;
  • riboflavin;
  • antihemorrhagic vitamin;
  • retinol;
  • hesperidin;
  • ergocalciferol.

In addition, it contains a lot of fatty acids, namely:

  • omega - 6;
  • omega 3;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • myristolein;
  • palmitoleic;
  • arachidonic, as well as carotenoids .

It contains micro and macro elements:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • gold and platinum.

Perga also includes 16 amino acids. There are studies that have proven that when using this high-calorie product, muscle building occurs. It occurs at a high speed, therefore these useful properties of bee bread, reviews of which are uniquely positive, are used by people involved in professional sports.

Perga and weight loss

Useful properties of bee bread reviews
Perga is often used to quickly recover after significant physical exertion. Athletes use an equal mixture of beef and honey and use it on a dessert spoon four times a day. The anabolic properties of the drug are enhanced by the addition of lemongrass and leuzea extracts.

Representatives of power martial arts use perga without honey, separately, performing a dosage of 0.5 g per kilogram of its own weight per day. I wonder how the effect of taking a substance such as slimming pork affects? There are few reviews about this, so you should wait until enough statistics are gathered.

The effect of purg on the body

With the constant use of bee bread helps to strengthen the human immune system and increases its vitality. The product provides restoration of the balance of intestinal microflora, and also improves the quality of the gastrointestinal mucosa, improves liver activity, acts as an active stimulant of bile secretion, and promotes better excretion of harmful decomposition products from the body.

Since it is proved that a product such as bee bread has useful properties, reviews of which can be gleaned from numerous sources, there is no doubt its ability to improve blood circulation and hematopoietic activity. In addition, the product lowers bad cholesterol and increases hemoglobin.

Scientifically confirmed the beneficial properties of bee bread. Reviews indicate a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system in general and the heart muscle in particular.

Perga in cosmetology

Perga reviews
It is used in cosmetology of bee bread with honey. The reviews that women leave after carrying out the procedures indicate that this is truly a guarantee of health.

The product acts perfectly on every cell. You can quickly and easily use this substance to get rid of acne. For this, it is necessary to use it inside, and also to wipe the face with an additional alcohol extract of propolis.

Making masks from bee bread, reviews of which are very numerous, a woman gets a velvety, tender face. Proof of the effectiveness of the tool will be the type of beekeepers, many of whom achieve longevity, while maintaining clarity of mind and strength.

Perga and the reproductive system

The substance inhibits the development of inflammation, activates the restoration of damaged tissues. The product increases the body's resistance to a viral and bacterial attack, as well as to the adverse effects of other environmental factors - from atmospheric pressure and sudden temperature changes to ionizing radiation and the effects of toxins.

Bee bread bee reviews
Scientists have proven the beneficial effects of bee pollen in stress and depression. Its use contributes to mental and physical activity. The substance allows you to maintain a normal hormonal balance and increases potency, improving blood supply to the organs of the male and female reproductive systems, which, in turn, has a good effect on the process of spermatogenesis, as well as embryonic development.

The product is used not only to increase potency, but also for the treatment of male infertility and prostate adenoma. The constant use of bee pollen makes it possible to increase the motility and the number of active sperm by several times.

Also, men say that they have seen for themselves what kind of healing salmon has. Reviews of the stronger sex show that the product allows you to prolong sexual intercourse.

Studying about such a substance as bee bread, the reviews that women leave, it can be judged that it has a beneficial effect on the normal course of menstruation. Throughout her life, a woman is faced with infections of the genital area. The inclusion of bee bread in the diet allows you to forget about all kinds of inflammatory processes that exhaust the female body for a long time.


Honey perga reviews
Perga is a good remedy for premature aging. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Still, judging by what reviews the purg has, it improves the work of the adrenal glands and other organs of the endocrine system.

Despite the extensive list of advantages of this product, the intake of bee bread can lead to a negative effect. The use of bee bread for the treatment of cancer is undesirable, since neoplasms can ambiguously respond to a tonic.

Individual intolerance to the substance also does not contribute to its use as a panacea for all cases. Very carefully, a substance such as bee bread should be given to children. Reviews that the product is not suitable for the child's body are also present in many sources.

It is also undesirable to use the bee bread to people suffering from bazedovoy disease, that is, thyroid hyperactivity. Although if you know the dose of this product, then in that case it will not bring harm.

How to take purg

How to take the bee bread in order to get the maximum effect, you need to know for sure. It is worth saying that there are different ways to use this valuable product.

Slingshot reviews
Any bee bread is extremely useful. First of all, this is due to the fact that, as a fermentation product, this substance has prebiotics in its composition, which improve the state of our intestinal flora. Having various digestive problems, you can eat, without drinking anything, half a teaspoon of this product, about twenty minutes before a meal.

The opinions of apitherapists are very different in the question of dosage, as, however, are the kind of reviews that bees receive. Some advise taking doses of 2 g, others recommend as much as 40 g. By the method of errors and tests, most experts have come to the conclusion that for an adult, the intake of this product should be no more than 5 g per day, that is, a teaspoon.

It is advisable to break the recommended dose into several doses. In the morning and evening, drink 2.5 g on an empty stomach thirty minutes before meals. Since bee bread is considered a fairly active product, the evening intake should be no later than six in the evening, since the substances used with the product before bed can cause insomnia, disrupting quality rest.

Recommended Admission Courses

The course of admission is thirty days, then a break is made for the same time, and then it is necessary to resume the admission again. To support the body, experts recommend conducting 4 courses per year.

It is better to start treatment with pollen in the fall. Customer reviews indicate that it is in the mode when the first course is held in October, the second - in the winter, and two more - in the spring, the most positive result is achieved.

How to take purg

Perga kids reviews
Is bee bread useful for children? Reviews about this are quite controversial. Some experts do not recommend the use of the product until the age of three, since the child has not yet strengthened his internal organs.

Other doctors advise the daily dosage for an adult to be divided by 70, as the weight of the average person, and the result should be multiplied by the weight of the child. The resulting dose is divided into two doses - morning and evening. When everything goes well, you can increase the amount of product taken by another half.

A growing organism requires the intake of vital trace elements for normal functioning and growth. Therefore, bee bread can become an indispensable product for any child. It, in addition to influencing physical strength, helps to improve the mental ability of children.

Bee pork significantly improves vision, metabolic processes, normalizes blood red blood cells, develops the brain and the activity of the nervous system, and strengthens the immunity of the growing organism. However, in all cases, it is worth consulting with a highly qualified specialist.

Product Reviews

It is worth noting that in the vast majority of situations, bee bread has only positive reviews, since it helped consumers get rid of a number of diseases. A large number of such reviews are left by women and elderly people who use the product to stabilize pressure, get rid of sclerosis, strengthen the body and treat female ailments.

Regular addition of perga to the diet as a prophylactic means allows you to get rid of a number of diseases characteristic of humans.


Dietitians strongly recommend consuming only natural bee bread with unique healing properties. In this case, it is desirable to purchase chewing grades located directly in the comb. It is in this case, interaction with human saliva contributes to a very effective assimilation of this miraculous product.

Although it also benefits from processed, extracted from bee honeycombs and completely freed from optional components of the bee bread. However, it should be borne in mind that a dried, crushed and ground product loses a significant share of its initially useful properties! It is also worth fearing fakes, of which quite a lot have appeared on the domestic market lately. Trust only to sellers who have earned positive feedback from consumers. Such companies value reputation and do not order the product from dubious suppliers.


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