Potato varieties: photos, descriptions, specifications, reviews

Potato is the main garden crop of our country’s agriculture. Without this vegetable, it is impossible to imagine a single summer cottage, since most gardeners prefer to plant it. In this article, we will consider in detail the descriptions of potato varieties with photos and reviews of the best of them. But first, let's find out general information about the vegetable and its varieties.

Is it easy to grow potatoes?

Unfortunately not. Reviews of inveterate gardeners show that the vegetable is very sensitive to external factors, that is, it depends on weather conditions and is often prone to pests. Moreover, if you do not take care of it correctly, then the culture will simply perish. Or the taste of the vegetable will be mealy and starchy.

This article presents the best varieties of potatoes according to the reviews and recommendations of domestic gardeners. What is the difference between these varieties from each other? Let's find out.

Such a different and many-sided potato

The detailed description of potato varieties includes several factors: what will the vegetable be used for, when is it necessary to harvest, in which area will the crop be planted, and so on.

If we talk about the purpose of growing, then the potato is divided into several varieties:

  • Canteen. It is used in cooking for cooking, as it has optimal taste and nutritional qualities.
  • Technical Such potatoes are used in production for the manufacture of alcohol or starch. It is clear that there can be no talk about any taste characteristics.
  • Feed. It is used in animal husbandry, that is, for feeding livestock. Tubers of culture have a large amount of starch and protein, therefore, are not suitable for human nutrition.
  • Universal. This kind is suitable for all areas of life. That is, it can be used in cooking, and in production, and in cattle breeding.

We continue to study the characteristics of potato varieties. During the ripening period, this garden crop is divided into:

  • Early. Fruits appear two months after planting.
  • Medium early. Harvest can be harvested after 2.5 months.
  • Mid-season. The tubers ripen for almost three months.
  • Mid-late. Fruits are ready for use on the 100-110th day after planting.
  • Late. Harvested after four months.

If you decide to grow potatoes, then the geographic factor should also influence the choice of variety. It should be taken into account in which region of our spacious homeland culture will grow, what is the climate and weather conditions of this territory.

Modern breeders have brought forth many new and interesting varieties of potatoes, the description of which will be presented below. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, now not only residents of the temperate climatic zone, but also the Siberian region or the Far East can indulge themselves with delicious potatoes.

Potato varieties (with photos and reviews of farmers) that are recommended to be planted by region will be presented below.

But first, let's get acquainted with the diversity of types of culture regarding the time of its maturation. First, we list the early varieties of potatoes, then medium ones, and in the end - late ones.


variety luck

The variety belongs to the early crops, as it is to be dug up already on the 60-70th day after sowing. According to the reviews of domestic farmers, the potato variety Luck is quite high-yielding. Even with early excavation from a hundred square meters, you can collect up to 120, or even 150 kilograms. This is achieved due to the large weight of the tubers. The weight of one potato can exceed 150 grams. The taste of the vegetable is excellent, since the level of starch in it is not very large (only 12 percent). It can be stored for a long time and well tolerates transportation.

If we talk about the external characteristics of the variety, the adult plant is a bush of medium height, with abundant bright green foliage. The tubers themselves are large, have an oval shape and a light yellow peel, covered with small "eyes".

What do luck potato growers say regarding crop care? Many consider this variety to be picky, as it is practically not susceptible to decay and adverse weather conditions. According to gardeners, potatoes tolerate drought and waterlogging, are practically not exposed to pests.

Where is Luck best grown? Based on the observations of farmers, this variety is best planted in the Central, North-Western, North Caucasian, Far Eastern and Middle Volga regions of our homeland.

Zhukovsky early

This variety can be dug up already two months after planting. The culture has average taste, when cut, it does not darken very well, tolerates winter storage (waste is minimal). The tubers are oval in shape and have a smooth pink peel; the weight of each potato can exceed 100 grams.

Zhukovsky early

How do professionals speak about this variety? They recommend cultivating the crop in a warmer climate zone and avoiding planting in the North and East Siberian regions. As evidenced by numerous reviews, the Zhukovsky variety is practically not affected by potato nematode and cancer, and is resistant to drought, but after two or three years of growth in a dry climate, it can degenerate. The culture is susceptible to the negative effects of late blight, and also hardly tolerates waterlogging of the soil.


This variety is also considered an early crop. However, when digging up two months after planting, the crop yields an average yield of 200 kilograms per hundred square meters. If you wait a little while with the harvest, then you can already collect 350-400 kilograms.

The potatoes have a good taste, the level of starch does not exceed fifteen percent. The variety is often used for the preparation of chips, it tolerates winter storage. The shape of the tubers is round-oval, the peel is white, the flesh too.

What do farmers say regarding the cultivation of Skoroplodny The variety is practically not exposed to viral diseases, dry rot, scab. May be affected by late blight. It grows best in the central regions of Russia and in the Urals.


Judging by the characteristics and reviews, the Impala potato variety is one of the best for growing in our homeland. Potatoes can be dug up already 40 days after planting, it tolerates well both drought and excessive humidity. The variety is practically not exposed to such specific diseases as nematode and cancer, scab and viral infections. However, it is often affected by rhizoctoniosis and late blight.

A distinctive feature of potatoes is high productivity. From one bush you can collect about 20 tubers, the weight of which can individually reach 150 grams. Usually the fruits are small in size, have a smooth yellowish peel, on the surface of which small “eyes” are visible.

The potato tastes pleasant Impala, the level of starch does not exceed 10-15 percent. The culture is well preserved and transported, it is recommended for cultivation in the North-West, Lower Volga and Central regions of Russia. It can be grown in the conditions of the North Caucasus, but in the territory of this region the variety degenerates very quickly.

Dutch varieties

Cleopatra belongs to the earliest. This culture has a high yield (up to 200-240 kilograms per one hundredths), especially if you do not rush to dig it. The tubers are large, regular oval. On the red peel you can see small "eyes".

Cleopatra variety

The variety is well established among farmers in the Kuban. It can be saved for a long time without losing its presentation. The culture is resistant to drought and late blight, can grow even on heavy soils. Susceptible to scab.

Fresco is another early variety borrowed from the Dutch. It has pleasant taste properties (the level of starch varies in the region of 12-15 percent), has immunity to cancer and nematodes, and is rarely exposed to the negative effects of viruses, scab, and rhizoctonia. It does not tolerate hot climatic conditions, often suffers from late blight.

Tubers, the average weight of which does not exceed 110-130 grams, have a round-oval shape, covered with a yellow peel, on which small eyes are located. According to reviews of gardeners, potatoes are best planted in the northern and northwestern regions, as well as in the Volga-Vyatka, Far Eastern and West Siberian regions.

Another fruit of the work of Dutch breeders is Red Scarlett. A potato variety with such a romantic name is classified as an early-ripening crop. The vegetable has a thin smooth red peel, on which gray or yellow eyes are barely noticeable. Elongated-oval tubers have a small amount of starch (about 10-16 percent) and a pleasant taste. The average weight of the fruit varies between 90-130 grams, on one bush there can be about 20 tubers.

red scarlett

Potato productivity is considered high, so, from one meter square you can collect up to 90 kilograms of vegetable. The culture has some immunity to potato cancer, nematodes, viruses, but suffers from late blight and the Colorado potato beetle. Experienced gardeners recommend growing Red Scarlett in the southern and central parts of our homeland.


This variety came to us from distant Germany. Appetizing in taste, fragrant, with a small amount of starch in the composition (no more than 12-16 percent), practically does not digest and abundantly bears fruit. Adult bushes are of medium length and bright green color of foliage. Tubers, small in size, can reach a hundred grams in weight. Oblong fruits are oval, covered with red peel.

According to gardeners, Rosara is practically not exposed to a nematode, late blight, cancer and scab. He likes moist soil and a cool climate.

Farmers recommend cultivating crops in the conditions of the Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Central (most of the chernozem lands are here) and the Far Eastern regions.

So, we paid enough attention to early ripening cultures. Now let's look at the description of varieties of medium-ripened potatoes. There is also a variety of species and tastes.

Potato Variety Gala

According to reviews, this culture can be attributed to both early and mid-early varieties. Basically, 80 days after planting, the potatoes are already suitable for digging. Most often, one bush gives from 12 to 16 fruits, but with proper care it can spoil much more - up to 25 fruits from the bush.

According to the description, Gala potatoes have a rounded shape and a pale yellow color. The surface of the tubers is slightly glossy, the taste is excellent, the starch level does not exceed 16 percent.

grade gala

Experienced gardeners say that culture is not afraid of scab, but is very demanding in care.


After 2.5 months after planting, you can dig out this variety of potatoes. The adult plant is a low bushes with dense bright green foliage.

Potatoes have average yields. On each bush 12-15 tubers can be located. Oval fruits, covered with a light brown peel, in weight reach 110-130 grams. The taste of the vegetable is pleasant, the level of starch does not exceed 15 percent.

According to farmers, Nevsky tolerates drought, late blight and viral infections. However, it is very susceptible to scab, a nematode, does not like when sprouts break off during planting. Potato has no particular recommendations regarding the growing region.


This potato variety is distinguished by its light beige skin color and average starch level (about 14-17 percent). The mass of each tuber is small, approximately ninety grams. The potato is used in cooking, it is well stored in the winter, especially in the crust method.

Gardeners note that the culture is particularly immune to late blight, alternariosis, bacteriosis, and even mechanical damage. On the other hand, the variety is predisposed to the negative effects of rhizoctonia and scab. Landowners are advised to plant potatoes in the Northwest and Central region of our homeland.


Potatoes of this variety are small pink fruits with dark eyes on the surface. The weight of the tubers is small (about 90 grams each), the taste is normal, the starch level is slightly overstated - about 15-17 percent. The crop is not well preserved, but its particular advantage is that this variety is suitable for two-crop cultivation.

Gardeners advise planting potatoes in the Urals. Bezhitsky does not like excessive soil moisture, has immunity against rhizoctonia and nematodes. However, it is often affected by late blight and viral diseases.


Another variety of Russian selection. It is a small rounded fruit with a pink peel. The weight of each tuber varies between 80-100 grams, the starch level is slightly increased (approximately 15-17 percent). However, the variety is actively used in food production in the manufacture of chips. Moreover, it is well preserved in winter, resistant to viral diseases and scab, tolerates drought well.

Experienced farmers recommend growing potatoes in the southern regions of Russia, especially where black soil prevails.


A table variety of tubers of red color with a smooth peel. Oval fruits have a different mass. The weight of each tuber varies from 50 to 150 grams, the starch level reaches almost 18 percent. It is well saved and transported.

As many gardeners note, this potato is best planted in the Lower Volga region. The variety has a strong immunity to cancer, but it is often affected by late blight and nematode.

Ukrainian selection

Among mid-ripening crops, the Lugovskoy variety must be singled out. This potato has a good yield and pleasant taste, resistance to drought on the soil. The tubers are usually small or medium in size. This variety grows well throughout almost all of Russia, but summer residents do not recommend planting it in the Middle Volga region.

Another mid-season culture is Kiev Svitanok, characterized by high productivity and pleasant taste. The starch level in this potato variety is very high - about 19 percent. Large fruits have a rounded shape and a pink peel, on which small "eyes" are visible. The variety is well stored in the winter, resistant to cancer, practically not affected by mosaic viruses, scab, black leg, late blight and rhizoctonia. Often subjected to such a negative phenomenon as curling leaves.

Farmers are advised to plant potatoes in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Ural, Far Eastern, Middle Volga regions.

European varieties

Breeders around the world are engaged in the cultivation of various varieties of potatoes, which can be successfully planted in our climatic conditions. For example, Adretta. This culture came to us from Germany. Tubers of a light yellow color of rounded oval shape, large, weighing about 150 grams. From one bush you can collect up to 2.5 kilograms of fruit. The starch content is average, ranging from 13 to 17 percent.

grade of adretta

Adretta recommended by farmers for cultivation in Siberia and the Far East. According to reviews, the variety does not tolerate heat, during winter storage it quickly begins to germinate, is relatively resistant to viruses and late blight. This is a very high-yielding culture, actively used in cooking.

The Netherlands has enriched Russian agriculture with many useful varieties. They are resistant to external adverse factors and have excellent taste characteristics. Variety Escort is one of them. The culture is resistant to drought, tolerates winter storage well. Sante is another potato variety, characterized by high productivity and pleasant taste. The vegetable is often used to make chips, but it has small tubers and is degenerate. On the other hand, the culture is able to be stored and transported for a long time, without losing its presentation, has strong immunity against many diseases. Farmers recommend growing Santa in the Central and North-Western regions of our homeland, as well as in the Urals, Western Siberia and the Far East.

Raj is a high-yielding crop (up to 460 kilograms per hundred square meters) designed for universal use. Starch levels in fruits vary between 14 and 22 percent. Rounded tubers are covered with red peel, flesh is inherent in light yellow shades. The variety is practically resistant to all ailments, but it does not tolerate heat and can quickly degenerate. Recommended for cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka Russian region.

Cardinal.This variety is well preserved in the winter and is distinguished by its nutritional properties. Tubers - small or medium, covered with a red peel. Romano is another red-tuberous variety that tolerates winter storage well. Fruits are short-oval, small, average weight varies between 70-80 grams. The starch content in the vegetable does not exceed 10-12 percent. It is resistant to most types of diseases, but is exposed to the negative effects of scab. It tolerates drought poorly. Farmers recommend Romano for cultivation in the Central and Far Eastern regions.

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Late grades

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Many experienced gardeners who have decided on the optimal variety of seed potatoes are faced with the problem that over time, the culture degenerates and ceases to please not only with taste, but also with abundant crops. Why is this happening?

The fact is that over the years of cultivation of the same variety, many different viruses and other microorganisms accumulate in tubers. They actively multiply, causing harm to vegetables. This manifests itself in the form of chopping fruits and losing a pleasant taste during the preparation of potatoes. Therefore, many experienced farmers advise periodically updating the seed, buying potatoes for planting in specialized stores or from intermediaries.

In order for the crop to always please with its unsurpassed taste, quantity and long shelf life, do not forget to properly care for the potato, given its variety and other growing characteristics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13614/

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