Alexander Pint: biography, personal life, books, seminars and reviews

We are used to sharing everything: to separate emotions from reason, life from death, medicine from spirituality, chemistry from biology, etc. In our world, one person runs from point A to point B, from another point B to point B, and never a person does not see a holistic picture of the world - the entire distance, and is not able to perceive the multitasking and versatility of this life. How to choose between the desire to sing and dance, between the need to sleep and stay awake, between learning how to live, and life itself, between enthusiasm and sadness, love and hate? How? It sounds even absurd. But this is exactly what we are doing. We constantly cut off “all that is superfluous”, we ourselves limit our life, blocking access to many opportunities.

A few words about the origins

A photo of Alexander Pint is presented below in the article. How was the life of this person? Consider briefly his biography.

Photo by Alexander Pint

Alexander Pint was born on June 2, 1955 in the city of Moscow. Not much is known about his youth and where he spent his childhood. In his own words, he attended school because it was a necessity; he did not feel any particular eagerness to study at the school. This is understandable when a person is capable of free and broad thinking, any system by definition limits a person. In his youth, he studied at the Institute of Road, because it was part of his interests.

Soon after graduation, Alexander married, and his beloved wife gave him three children.

At one time, he worked at a research institute. But the most fateful for Alexander was the study of psychology, and precisely as the science of the soul. To this he was led by a craving for self-investigation, as well as his own life experience.

The essence of his philosophy

soul role

Alexander Pint does not have a psychological education, but this did not prevent him from studying the role of the soul and understanding of human nature as a unit of the universe. He perceives this world as a textbook or a school in which every person comes to hone the "mastery" of the soul and polish its "sharp edges".

A person comes to Earth to build relationships through various lessons, which, in turn, depend on the age and evolutionary status of the soul itself, as well as certain tasks set by the soul before incarnation.

His understanding of the highest goal of man lies in the realization that personality is a living task. Alexander Pint recognizes the task of a holistic perception of the structure of consciousness as one of his main lessons of the soul. And the best way to solve it is to study the self, to which he resorts. Alexander Alexandrovich is a person with a high level of awareness and able to study his own lower “earthly” aspect of the person from the height of the true “I”.

The direction of holistic psychology

The direction of holistic psychology

The key word and direction in the cognition and transformation of personality is holistic (from the English whole), which in translation means "holistic."

It is this concept that most closely reflects the essence of the phenomenon, which means the perception of a person and his bodies: physical, emotional, mental as a single organism, acting in aggregate and coherence. When one of the parts of this organism fails, the work of the entire “system” is disrupted.

And in a more global sense, a holistic approach also applies to the understanding of man as an inseparable part of the entire Universe. In the book “There Are Many of Us, But We Are One,” Alexander Pint reveals in detail the essence of the idea that other people are our reflection, and all of us, in one way or another, are particles of each other that make up one single organism.

“The world is not a lot of people and I, but a lot of me,” says Alexander.

Therefore, it is unreasonable to consider yourself as a separately created and unrelated person. When an earthquake occurs on the planet, it affects not only the place where it happened, but also entails more global consequences. If a finger is injured, it causes concern to our entire body. There is something to think about.

The path to personality transformation

path to personality transformation

One of the key goals of the psychologist’s work is understanding the meaning of human existence on Earth through the prism of the Higher Mind.

Alexander Pint sees this reality, subordinated to a specific structure of thinking or a matrix of consciousness. We live in a world that is under the control of a matrix of divided consciousness, above which stands an even higher level of consciousness. And his task as a researcher was and remains the understanding of a holistic picture of the principles of work of all these levels.

But the fundamental transformation of personality itself is possible only if the basis of the structure of thinking is changed. To be more precise, the structure that is responsible for the survival of the individual - it is she who remains the basis for the majority for this period. Only a few were able to reach the level of that consciousness when a person incarnates with the goal of solving some kind of global mission, not caring about what he will eat tomorrow.

The struggle of opposites

The struggle of opposites

The state of duality, or separation, is quite adequate for the human being. The eternal desire to find harmony between the left and the right, between the male and female sides of one’s personality, as well as between other opposites, is one of the tasks of personification. If you look at the phenomena of nature themselves (day and night, cold and heat, many others), you can understand how natural duality itself is. Without evil it would be impossible to understand the state of kindness. There is a choice in the world, and it is up to man.

As for the struggle within the person’s personality, this is a consequence of divided consciousness, or, as Alexander Pint points out, the fragmentation of soul energy in our third dimension, in which most of us are.

What is the role of holistic psychology in all of this?

The most important: it helps to realize, and, therefore, transform an outdated model of thinking into a new tool of consciousness. In other words, to make a qualitative transition from a simple state of survival to a state of life and a holistic understanding of the world and oneself in it.

Holistic psychology is new knowledge, or rather, very well forgotten old. In the days of intelligent civilizations that lived before us, the world and all sciences were perceived as a single whole. When the unified science of life was divided into physics, chemistry, anatomy, etc., the fragmentation of our consciousness occurred, and to this day we are trying not only to put together all the parts of one mosaic, we are trying to find them, but destroyed ones - to restore.

School of Holistic Psychology Alexander Pint

School of Holistic Psychology

In the era of Aquarius on the planet finally opens a portal to the possibility of association. It affects all structures, starting from man and continuing with the unity of countries.

There comes a time of integrity when it is necessary to collect all the disparate particles of your own soul and remember the purpose of your coming to Earth. Renewed energies penetrate into all layers of consciousness and subconsciousness, no one will be able to hide. The only question is that so far not all of them feel quite clearly, and for many this remains a "myth of the quantum leap", like that end of the world, which for a certain part of the population is perceived as a direct end to existence.

The School of Holistic Psychology, led by Alexander Pint, is an integral part of a project of planetary importance. The goal is enlightenment and the awakening of the consciousness of people all over the world, the transfer of all humanity to a qualitatively new level of life perception of the world.

More than twenty years of experience in studying a person’s personality and its capabilities on the path to holistic consciousness have been invested in its creation. And today, with sufficient knowledge on this topic, the opportunity has also opened up for the broad transfer of this knowledge to all those who want and are ready to receive it.

Alexander Pint Workshops

If you want to learn more about the "work" of a psychologist and personally ask a question that worries you, meetings and lectures are regularly held in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. For those who are not familiar with his research, this is a good opportunity not only to understand the direction of integrity, but simply to visit the space of this person.

Field seminars are also held monthly in various cities of Russia and Europe. The duration of such a workshop is seven days. Here, not only acquaintance and primary understanding takes place, but also a deeper and more meaningful immersion in the process of self-knowledge in order to feel what it means to collect all the fragments of your soul into a single whole.

Gaining integrity is not a leap into another reality in a week, but a phased development of the personality.

Sources of knowledge

Sources of knowledge

Of course, we are talking about the books of Alexander Pint, which deserve the attention of an inquisitive reader who is following the path of self-development. Here is some of them:

  • The book "The ABC of Self-Study" will introduce the basics of the human psyche, the concept of a false personality, as well as the main difference between the direction of holism in psychology from the usual.
  • The book “How to Transform Your Ego” talks about the illusions in perception generated by the human ego and how to overcome them through meeting your true self.
  • “Mirror for Personality” is a book about how through other people we can see ourselves. About how our inner world and its condition affect the external environment and everything that happens to us in life.
  • “Who are you” shows us how through the experience of duality we can find unity. A person does not need to learn this, this program has already been laid in him, but it is necessary to “unzip” it, to pick up a key. Only this experience is not a coincidence, it is an integral part of the path.

Different point of view

different point of view

But do everyone perceive this direction of holistic psychology appropriately, as it deserves it?

There is a certain category of people who are inclined to perceive the activity and adherents of the theory of Alexander Pinta as a sect, referring to the fact that a person without an appropriate profile “carries near-psychological nonsense”.

Someone considers a person to be nothing more than a part of “protein plaque on the planet’s surface”, thereby destroying in his own words even the possibility of the supreme role and mission of the soul on Earth.

Someone accuses the psychologist of schizophrenia and other deviations from the norm of personality development. But it is unlikely that such a person at all realizes what is meant by all these concepts.

Without falling into further negativity, we only proudly note that there are still more people who truly understand the philosophy of Alexander Pint and thank him for bringing clarity to what is happening. And this means that the world is not on the verge of extinction, but at the source of rebirth.


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