Crimean champagne: reviews, prices. Champagne "Crimean" semisweet

Champagne appeared in the 17-18 centuries. Many prominent personalities have contributed to the development and promotion of this drink. Therefore, some varieties of champagne are named after them: "Widow Clicquot", "House of Perignon" and others. The development of Russian winemaking owes much to Prince Golitsyn.

Crimean champagne
It was he who began the production of champagne wines in the Crimea, whose traditions are appreciated and respected even today. Crimea is an amazing place where all the natural conditions have been created to create a delicious wine bouquet. Therefore, Crimean champagne is worthy of special attention.

A bit of history

One cannot but tell about the history of the creation of champagne wines in Russia. Prince Golitsyn, the founder of winemaking, having visited Paris, became very interested in French wines. He spent a lot of time among ordinary winemakers in their vineyards. Learning from some experience, he returned to Russia. To realize his dreams, he chose the Crimea, as the most suitable place for growing the best grape varieties. In the purchased estate "New World" he began to create Crimean champagne. Things went uphill, and now the first wine cellar was laid. Winemaking in Crimea has reached unprecedented heights. Crimean champagne “Coronation” was presented to the whole world. It was a resounding success. Since then, the production of champagne wines has not stopped.

Modern history

Today the factory of champagne wines, located in the Crimea in the village of New World, has turned 136 years old. Production did not stop, despite all the difficulties. New Crimean champagne is represented by several varieties, including collection ones.

Crimean champagne price
The factory produces brut champagne wines (without sugar), dry (0.8 percent sugar), dry (3 percent sugar), semi-dry (5 percent sugar). Some brands of champagne were awarded at international exhibitions and received medals.

Champagne production

Crimean champagne is made only from high-quality grapes. Pure water, characteristic of the nature of Crimea, is also used. Preparatory work includes three stages. The production process begins with filtration, that is, the removal of impurities and sediments. Then comes blending, as a result of which champagne is given a special taste and aroma.

Crimean champagne reviews
The production of wine is completed by placing products in special tunnels. Here the product will be aged and acquire a unique taste. Thus, the secondary fermentation process takes place and the famous Crimean champagne is born. The reviews about this drink and its popularity speak for themselves. Therefore, it is in demand in many parts of the world. So they produce the best Crimean champagne, the price of which is quite reasonable.

Champagne Extract

Champagne is kept in special cellars from one to three years. During this time, a complex process takes place under the vigilant supervision of specialists. Several times a year, each bottle is turned over. This is necessary so that the sediment does not adhere to the walls. When the holding time comes to an end, an operation called remuage is performed.

New Crimean champagne
Each bottle gradually changes the angle of inclination. As a result of this process, for three months, all sediment remains in traffic. In the third stage, called degorging, the cork is removed along with the sediment. All operations are carried out manually. This is a distinctive feature of the production of Crimean champagne. Many foreign manufacturers switched to these operations with machines. Next, I add expeditionary liquor to the champagne, forming a unique bouquet. The bottles are sealed with a cork stopper, which is the hallmark of quality champagne. A wire bridle is worn to maintain packaging integrity.

Sparkling wine "Novosvetsky Carnelian"

This is a brand of sparkling pink wine made from the best wine materials. Champagne is bottled in new bottles, where the champagne process takes place. Then the wine is aged for about a year. The name of the drink is due to its unusual color, which conveys the entire color range of carnelian. Champagne has a sugar content of 4 percent. It has a delicate aroma of Cabernet grapes and contains amino acids and microelements corresponding to collection wines.

Collection Crimean Champagne

This is the brightest representative of the entire line of wines of the New World factory. Champagne is prepared according to classical technology, by the method of secondary fermentation with aging in the famous cellars of Golitsyn for at least three years.

Crimean champagne in Moscow
This drink has a pronounced bouquet with the aroma of a sunflower. This is the best Crimean champagne. The reviews of those who have tried it, note a very harmonious and fresh taste. This is a semi-dry champagne with a strength of 11.5-12.5 percent. The bottle is corked.

Champagne "New World"

Dry wine is especially appreciated by connoisseurs of this drink. No sugar is used for its production. This is a classic among a large number of brands of champagne. Brut is made by the method of secondary fermentation with a holding time of at least 3 years. The bouquet contains the aroma of flowering grapes, light and fresh. The proportion of sugar in this wine is 1.5 percent, and the strength is 11.5-12.5 percent. It is intended for those who want to try real Crimean champagne. The price for a bottle is such that almost every lover of this drink can afford it. Semi-dry champagne with a sugar content of 4.0-4.5 percent is produced under the same brand. It has a pronounced floral taste and aroma. The extract of this drink is three years. Dry champagne with a sugar content of 2.0-2.5 percent is also produced. The wine has a floral taste, full and harmonious.

Gourmet Champagne

About this drink it is worth saying a few words separately. It is produced almost from the first day of the founding of the plant. Champagne "New World" semi-dry with a sugar content of 4.0-4.5 percent. For its production using the best French grape varieties that grow in the foothills of the Crimea.

Champagne Crimean semisweet
These are Chardonnay, Aligote, Pinot Blanc, Cabernet, Pinot Gris, Riesling of the Rhine and Pinot Fran. All of them give champagne an unrivaled taste and amazing aroma. The bottle is closed with a cork stopper, which does not react with wine and does not violate its bouquet.

Rich assortment

The plant produces several more brands of fine wine. Semi-sweet Crimean champagne is made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. It is saturated with carbon dioxide during natural fermentation. Then the wine is aged for about a year in the famous Golitsyn cellars. It has a rich ruby ​​color, velvety taste and delicate aroma. Collection champagne “Prince Leo Golitsyn” has a great taste and rich aroma. It is named after the founder of the winery. This is a semi-dry wine with a strength of 11.5-12.5 percent.


Crimean champagne is the standard of winemaking. This is a drink with a wide selection of tastes and aromas. The nature of Crimea allows you to grow the best wine material, from which a drink worthy of all sorts of praises and the highest awards is obtained. Not without reason, some brands win medals at international exhibitions. You can buy Crimean champagne in Moscow in specialized stores. The pricing policy of the manufacturer makes this product available to all connoisseurs of champagne wines.


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