Metro of Nizhny Novgorod: construction, scheme

The Nizhny Novgorod Metro is the largest carrier involved in off-street traffic. He is known even outside the country. Nizhny Novgorod residents are proud of their metro, because it was formed in Russia by the third - after the subway of Moscow and St. Petersburg.


The Nizhny Novgorod Metro began to be built in 1977. In November 1985, the opening of the first stage was celebrated - from the Moscow station to the Proletarskaya station. The line consisted of 6 stations, its length - 7.8 km. At that time, the metro was called Gorkovsky. After returning to the city the original name of the metro, it became known as Nizhny Novgorod. Today, the Nizhny Novgorod subway ranks 10th among the CIS countries and 4th in Russia.

Until 2012, the metro consisted of two lines - Avtozavodskaya and Sormovskaya. Their length was 15.5 km. The number of stations is 13. The lines worked as one. At the Moskovskaya station, traffic changed its direction.

Metro of Nizhny Novgorod


The project for the construction of a metro bridge across the Oka River was created back in the 90s. Its car part opened in 2009.

On November 4, 2012, a new station was launched, which was called Gorkovskaya. Its design is made with a reminder of the work of Maxim Gorky, "Song of the Petrel." In 2013, the city authorities purchased new trains for the metro.

Metro Nizhny Novgorod Scheme


It is planned to extend the Sormovskaya branch by 2 km and the construction of Varya and Sormovskaya stations. Further, the metro will pass either through Pochinki or through the Svetloyarsky microdistrict in Koposovo. From the Moskovskaya station, the next will be the stations at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair and in the Meshchersky Lake microdistrict.

They wanted to build a station in the Strelka area by 2016, but so far its construction has been postponed. The Avtozavodskaya branch should be extended to the Opera House, and then to Sennaya Square. The third line should go to the Upper Caves and Kuznechikha. But this is in the distant future. According to plans, by 2025 15 new metro stops should appear.


During the construction of the subway in Nizhny Novgorod in the Sormovsky district, the municipality faced a problem. The management of Russian Railways does not respond to requests to transfer land in the area of ​​the Varya platform to the ownership of the municipality.

At this point, the metro should become a ground, the passage of its line is planned along the railway lines. But this road belongs to GZhD.

Strelka station was not built due to other difficulties. The amount for its construction - 13 billion rubles - is large for the city budget, so the question is about replacing the metro with a light rail in this section.


Prior to the launch of the station in the upland part of the city, the metro of Nizhny Novgorod was not at all a popular mode of transport. However, times are changing. After the launch of the Gorkovskaya station, Nizhny Novgorod got the opportunity to travel from the lower part of the city to the upper one, which greatly facilitated their life. And the metro has become a commonly used vehicle.

Every day, the subway serves up to 130 thousand passengers. Interval of movement - from 4 to 12 minutes.


A trip to the metro of Nizhny Novgorod is possible after buying a token. It has a round shape. And it strongly resembles the token of the St. Petersburg subway. To avoid moving tokens to St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod people make holes in them.

The subway works from 5 am to 24 hours. At 24 hours, all stations cease to operate. Trains "spend the night" in the tunnel. Engineers go on rails to rest rooms.

Metro Nizhny Novgorod, scheme

Now there are two branches in the subway - Avtozavodskaya and Sormovskaya. Only 14 stops. 13 of them are located in the lower part of the city, 1 - “upstairs”.

All stations are shallow due to the terrain and the proximity of groundwater. At Moskovskaya and Gorkovskaya stations, escalators were built.

Metro construction in Nizhny Novgorod


The largest three mobile operators provided Nizhny Novgorod with communication at all metro stops. There are no communications in the tunnels yet. Tele2 supports communications at most stations.

Interesting Facts

In 2004, director Konchalovsky shot the frames of his film “Escape” in the Nizhny Novgorod metro. Moskovskaya imitated one of the Moscow subway stations.

When filming the film “Near Football”, the station “Park of Culture” was involved. The film has gained great popularity.

Some trains of the Nizhny Novgorod metro are registered. They're called:

  • "Pioneer";
  • “72 years of Victory”;
  • Kuzma Minin;
  • "30 years of the Nizhny Novgorod metro."

One of the residents of the city wrote the poem "Build the subway to Shcherbinki." It expressed universal dreams of extending the subway to the Shcherbinki neighborhood.

Nizhny Novgorod Metro Nizhny Novgorod


During the construction of the subway, there were some horror stories. A year before the launch of the first branch, the walls collapsed in the vicinity of the Moskovskaya station, in connection with which two builders passed away. History really took place in reality. But since then there have been rumors that the phantom of the deceased construction student in a helmet is still wandering around the expanses of the subway. Some passengers say they saw a ghost, heard ominous sounds. Experts explain this fact by the principle of the structure of paths underground.

Whether the ghost really is or not is not exactly known. In any case, the subway remains popular. And all of Nizhny Novgorod are looking forward to the construction of new branches of the Nizhny Novgorod metro. Nizhny Novgorod will benefit from these projects.


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