Exclusion zones of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: list, photo, area

This phrase is terrifying and at the same time is of interest to millions of people around the world. Exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Films, games and books on this subject become hits. But not everyone knows where the boundaries of the zone lie. Let's try to figure out and find out how things are now in the infected areas.

Chernobyl history

For a year, designers have been looking for a place to build a nuclear power plant. Finally, near the Pripyat River and near the Yanov Station, unproductive lands were discovered. In 1970, V.P. was appointed director of the nuclear power plant. Bryukhanov and preparation for construction begins. In total, it is planned to commission 4 power units. While the station is under construction, all people involved in the project live in the territory of the nearest villages. At this time, the construction of a new city three kilometers from the station is in full swing.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone


A beautiful picturesque place promised to become a new home for 50 thousand people. Architects tried to make a real resort out of a simple working camp. Many trees and green shrubs surrounded multi-storey buildings and places for recreation. A large park in the city center promised to become the most popular place and attract small children with fun rides. To provide work for all residents, a huge Jupiter factory was built. People could always find a place in various enterprises.

list of exclusion zones of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The young city quickly overgrown with shops and entertainment. The Prometey cinema was open every day, and residents could go to a new film session at any time. For versatile and talented individuals, the Energetik culture house was built. Amateur initiative was encouraged and the club constantly had circles for children and adults. Own art palace invited all art lovers to visit the exhibition halls. The construction of the pioneer palace and the new large cinema was in full swing. These buildings did not have time to put into operation before the beautiful city became the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Sports city

The population of Pripyat consisted mainly of young people. The average age is 26 years. Much attention was paid to sports at that time. In this regard, a huge stadium was built where football matches were held. The days off of the tribune were filled with residents and guests. There were several football teams in the city - youth and adult teams competed in the art of ball possession. Later, another stadium was built. For lovers of water sports, there were three pools. It should be noted that in such a relatively small city there were as many as 10 gyms. The youth had a great choice and many opportunities to use their free time.

All the best for children

Much attention was paid to the small inhabitants of Pripyat. 15 kindergartens, designed to meet all possible requirements, every day opened the doors for 4980 children. Preschools were provided with everything necessary and maintained at the highest level. There were only five secondary schools, but this was enough for the young city. Each school had its own pool and gym. For entertainment, 35 playgrounds were built. In each district there was a colorful town where children came to play and chat with their peers.

boundaries of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The end of the tale

On a warm April night in 1986, an explosion occurred. Residents did not pay attention to slight fluctuations in the soil and continued to sleep peacefully. At this time, a real apocalypse began at the station, which led to the formation of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The fourth reactor exploded after unsuccessful tests and now actively emitted radioactive substances into the atmosphere. One worker died on the spot. The rest did not understand the danger and looked for comrades in the uranium hell. The fire brigade arrived in a matter of minutes, but, assessing the scale of the disaster, was forced to admit that they could not cope with such a mission. They were able to prevent fire to the third block and prevented an even greater scale of the disaster. Messages about the tragedy flew to Moscow. It remained to wait for a decision by senior management.

secret objects in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Big cheat

In the morning, rumors of a Chernobyl fire spread throughout the city. The townspeople did not attach much importance to this event. The fact that the fourth reactor exploded at night, no one knew. People calmly walked around the city and enjoyed the warm April rays of the sun. Children swarmed in sandboxes and roadside dust. At this time, radioactive substances penetrated their bodies in order to later remind themselves of various diseases. The appearance in the city of soldiers and equipment also did not cause a violent reaction. A slip through the ad that all the windows should be closed and iodine taken. There was no fear. People did not know about the treachery of a peaceful atom and an invisible enemy, they were not afraid. On the first day after the accident, there was still no talk about the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


After 36 hours, residents heard a message from the announcer. The whole city was subject to temporary evacuation. The population should have taken the documents and the most necessary things. There was no panic, and people quietly got on the buses, in full confidence that they would return home soon. Having blocked the gas and water, they took a minimum of luggage and went on a long journey. At that time, irrigation cars were driving around the city and washing away radioactive dust from the roads. No one was allowed to leave by personal transport and take pets with them. The area of ​​the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP covered not only Pripyat, but also several dozen villages. Residents were preparing for planting when the order came to evacuate.

Photos of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone


As soon as the last bus disappeared from sight, a massive sweep began in the city. Police officers and military personnel began to shoot animals, passing around all the houses along the way. They quickly found people who refused to leave their apartment and forcefully drove them outside the city. There was a lot of work to do. While robots and people in overalls were cleaning the roof of the reactor, responsible workers were cleaning the apartments. Fridges, sofas, televisions and washing machines flew from the windows. What people bought for a lot of money now needed to be buried. Huge pits were filled with household appliances and furniture. Cars and motorcycles were buried in a special place. If you now look at the photo of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, you can see the colossal parks of abandoned military equipment. At the moment, all this stuff was taken away and taken out, but once it was an impressive picture.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Area

The boundaries of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

In the early days, clear boundaries were established - 30 km around the station. In a matter of days, the nearby forest became red, and the military had to bury not only human goods, but also trees. It looked pretty wild, but was a necessary measure. The worst thing was to survive the villagers. Their houses were demolished and also buried in the ground. Humanity has never seen such terrible pictures. Many photos of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have forever preserved these incredible events. After some time, people realized that they had been brutally deceived and they would never be allowed to return to their homes. Some tried to break through the roadblocks, but law enforcement officers vigilantly monitored the situation. Now it is no secret that the most valuable things and equipment were taken out of Pripyat and sold by valiant policemen and their assistants. Somewhere in the apartments are still standing objects and infect the radiation of their new owners.

Exclusion zones in Russia from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Video filming and photographs of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant of that time confirm the fact of looting on an unprecedented scale. While some heroes, at the cost of their health, threw off graphite from the roof of the reactor, others threw off someone else's good into cars and drove away for sale. Diplomas, thanks and honors were given to both of them.

animals in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Animals in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant felt like real wild animals. They quickly lost the habit of people and went into the forest. Feral and free, they no longer allowed a man to approach them. Now wild cats roam in the forests of Pripyat, and their population is increasing every year. Boars, hares, foxes and other animals underwent mutations, but survived the most terrible first years. Of course, their meat cannot be eaten, as they receive radiation doses daily.

Secret objects in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

In the contaminated area there is only one object, which is still carefully guarded. He no longer presents any secrecy and guards him only for one reason - there are too many who want to disassemble the structure and sell metal. ZGRLS at the time cost the Soviet Union 7 billion rubles and promised to serve faithfully for many decades. Thanks to this huge structure, the military could follow the launch of missiles not only over Europe, but also over America. Its construction near the nuclear power plant was explained by a large consumption of electricity. The Chernobyl itself cost the country twice as much as its neighbor, a spy. At the moment, the building is rusting and is idle.

Belarusian exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Affected Parties

Belarus took over most of the radioactive elements. The closest neighbor, which was located only 11 km from the nuclear power plant. Wind and precipitation in the first days after the accident created the Belarusian exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The photo of those years shows how global the disaster was. 6.7 thousand square meters km was recognized as contaminated territory and was subject to evacuation and resettlement. At the moment, 92 settlements belong to the zone of radioactive contamination. This figure decreases every year, but it’s too early to talk about big changes.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Among the affected countries, there is Russia. In the Bryansk region, 4 villages were evacuated and 186 residents took refuge in other villages and cities. There are no other exclusion zones in Russia from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Several areas were recognized as infected, but significant excess of radiation standards at the moment is not observed.

Native land

In recent years, more and more people began to return to their homes. Despite the fact that the level of radiation is still high and living in the Chernobyl zone is life-threatening, people live in homes and live ordinary lives. Self-settlers, as they are called, start a farm and are not afraid to grow crops. Journalists with a dosimeter regularly visit local residents. But the harsh Ukrainian villagers are not afraid of the crack of the counter. They feel good and believe that their native land will never kill them. For guests, they are always ready to open a jar of pickled mushrooms or cucumbers from their own garden. But do not be offended if visitors refuse food. Someone else's fear is clear to them.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Most of the returnees are old people who once lived here and could not survive the separation from the house. From a younger generation, you can only meet people with no fixed abode and criminals released from prison. The villages in which they settle are included in the list of exclusion zones of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. But no one has been trying to evict them for a long time. All the same, they will return and will persistently stand behind their houses and plots.

Games with death

After the release of the computer game STALKER, there were many who wanted to visit the exclusion zone. Basically, these are young people and lovers to tickle their nerves. They make their way in roundabout ways across the borders and go for a walk around the houses and enterprises of Pripyat. Often, they do not have any radiation protection equipment with them. In the city and its environs there are still a lot of "dirty" spots, once in which you can seriously impair your health. There are daredevils climbing the ZGRLS and observing local beauty from there. Any awkward movement and save such extreme sports fans will be impossible. But this does not stop researchers. Even a fine does not scare away desperate stalkers. It will be many more years before the exclusion zone becomes safe for people. But most likely no one will ever live there ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13632/

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