Where to eat delicious national cuisine in Kazan?

Taking a fascinating walk through this wonderful old city, it is worth taking a short break and refreshing yourself. Local cuisine is one of the most interesting sights of Kazan. Acquaintance with the taste of traditional Tatar dishes will best help to penetrate the national flavor of the republic. Where to eat delicious national cuisine in Kazan? About this in our article.

Business card of Kazan cuisine

We offer you to familiarize yourself with an overview of dishes that can be considered a hallmark of Kazan cuisine and the entire national Tatar culinary tradition. A distinctive feature of the treats are two key qualities: satiety and naturalness of the components.

Baking is rightfully at the forefront - it can act as fast food and help out a lot if necessary, while walking around the city, have a bite to eat quickly, tasty and inexpensively. The most popular dish, which is fried in boiling oil, which makes it very fatty, is whitewash. The filling for it is made from various ingredients: lamb, beef, chicken or fish with potatoes. No less popular, especially for those who follow the figure, is the echpochmak - a triangular made of yeast dough stuffed with meat, potatoes and onions pie.

Echpochmak is a triangular pie.

Fried using a minimum amount of oil. One of the oldest national Tatar dishes is Kystybay - a delicious fried tortilla stuffed with mashed potatoes. Traditional Tatar dishes also include:

  • Tokmach - noodle soup cooked in beef or chicken broth with vegetables and roots. Sometimes milk is added to the soup. The delicacy is used as an aperitif for baking.
  • Beshbarmak is an old nomad dish. This national lamb treat is traditionally eaten by hand. The main feature of the treat is that each of its ingredients must certainly be prepared separately, they are combined only at the time of serving.

Connoisseurs call Kazan a real sweet tooth paradise. Ingredients such as butter, honey, dried fruits, and nuts are used to make local delicacies. The sweet symbols of Kazan are:

  • Chuck-chak is a delicacy made of balls or strips of dough and honey. Dessert can be stored for a very long time, therefore it is considered one of the most popular souvenirs.
  • Talysh-Kaleve - small cone-shaped cakes made of flour, honey and butter. The taste of goodies resembles a mixture of halva and shortbread cookies.
  • Gubadiyu - a pie stuffed with rice, raisins and cottage cheese cort. The dish is unusually satisfying and fatty, has a specific pleasant taste.
National sweet dish chak-chak.

Kazan: where to eat tasty and inexpensive?

Searches in this glorious city for places where you can eat deliciously and on a budget, never turn into a problem for tourists. Finding in the center of Kazan where to eat tasty and inexpensive is by no means difficult. A meeting with excellent cuisine awaits the traveler in many establishments, from simple dining rooms to prestigious cafes and restaurants. We offer a brief overview of places to eat in Kazan. According to reviews, a meal in the presented institutions will not cause much damage to the budget.

Where to eat in Kazan on Bauman? "Good dining": description, menu and pricing

I must say that tourists often hear such an answer to their question about where to eat in Kazan: “On Bauman!” This nice street in the center has many high-quality and inexpensive catering establishments, where you can have lunch not only fast food. It is convenient for travelers to enter during their walks around the city. The street is located near the Kremlin and Tukay Square. From almost any part of the historical district of the city, getting here is quite easy. One of the establishments of the Kind Canteen network is located there. Address: st. Bauman, d. 21 (second floor). The dining room is open from 7:30 to 21:00 (on weekends - from 9:00). There is a site with a menu and prices.

"Good Dining" at Bauman.

Experts recommend visiting the establishments of the Kind Canteen network to those city guests who are somewhat wary of getting to know everything new. Here, tourists will be offered a menu consisting of traditional dishes of European and Russian cuisines. You can eat fully and fairly densely, spending an amount of about 100 rubles. per person.

About the menu and prices more

The cost of dishes in the Good Dining Room:

  • Salads: from 9 rub. per serving (100 g). The cheapest is cabbage salad (price - 9 rubles), the most expensive - salad of chicken and sea cabbage (price - 30 rubles), olivier costs 18 rubles here, herring under a fur coat - 23 rubles.
  • Soups: 13-45 rubles. (serving price of 250 g).
  • Side dishes (spaghetti, green beans, rice): 9-22 rubles.
  • Second courses: 17-50 rubles.
  • Baking: 5-35 rub. The most expensive dessert here is elesh (Tatar chicken dish) and empochmak.
  • Sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese and garlic): from 1 to 8 rubles.
  • Drinks: from 7 to 15 rubles.

According to reviews, the incredible cheapness of dishes does not affect their quality.

"Tea House" (cafe on Bauman)

One of the truly legendary places where it is recommended to drop in to all those who are looking for tasty food in Kazan. It is more correct, as many believe, to call it a dining room - judging by the interior and the amount of the average bill (200 rubles).

"Tea House" on Bauman.

The origins of the institution’s excellent reputation date back to Soviet times. Since then, the Tea House has enjoyed considerable popularity among visitors and residents alike. The appearance of the interior in the style of an ordinary Soviet canteen can slightly spoil the impression, especially at first. But according to the regulars, it’s worth overcoming the disappointment that has arisen and ordering a comprehensive dinner at the Tea House. According to reviews, first-class cooks work in the establishment, finding a free place here is quite problematic. Visitors note that in the dining room they cook delicious national dishes. Guests here are advised to try manti, kystyby, gubadiya, as well as meat with cranberry sauce.

Institution located at: st. Bauman, 64, open:

  • on weekdays: from 9:00 to 20:00;
  • on weekends (Sunday) - from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Quotes from the menu

The cost of dishes is:

  • Salads: 40-120 rub. (serving price of 100-120 g). The cheapest is a salad of crab sticks, the most expensive is Caesar.
  • Soups: 70-120 rub. (serving price of 200-250 g). The cheapest soup is borsch, the most expensive is olesha (a national Tatar dish).
  • Side dishes: 20-60 rubles.
  • Second courses: from 90 to 150 rubles.
  • Baking: 20-50 rubles.
  • Sauces: 10-15 rubles.
  • Drinks: 30-70 rub.

Cafe "Fairy Tale"

In this family cafe, located on the street. Bauman, 58, the established culinary traditions from the 70s of the last century are touchingly preserved. The most popular is ice cream, which is loved by both children and adults. The menu also features some meat and fish dishes.

Cafe "V. Klyuchnikov

A small cozy cafe-pancake (address: 45 Bauman str.) Has its pleasant atmosphere and reasonable prices for holding long spiritual gatherings. The waiters here work at a somewhat slower pace, the guests share, so you can come here just to relax, take your time to eat and continue on your way. According to reviews, the food in the cafe is very tasty. The institution operates daily, from 11; 00 to 23:00.

About the "Evening Cafe"

Going down from the Peter and Paul Cathedral, at the intersection of Bauman and Musa Jalil Streets, you can look into this pretty good summer cafe. According to reviews, here you can also run into the sluggishness and slowness of the staff, but this is how lucky. Mostly the impressions of visiting this place, the guests remain positive. Many people like both service and food. But the main feature of the cafe is its sincere and cozy atmosphere created by the presence of fountains here, a beautiful terrace and greenery. Address: st. Musa Jalil, d.14a. The cafe is open daily from 12:00 to 24:00, on Fridays and Saturdays - from 12:00 to 2; 00.


This inexpensive café-dining room is not in the center (address: Dekabristov St., 205). The food here is very tasty and varied, and the prices are quite budget. Therefore, all who find themselves in the area of ​​the North Station, experts advise to look here.

Cafe-dining room "Navruz".

Cafe with an average bill of 400-500 rubles

This selection will certainly come in handy for those who want to know where to eat in Kazan. According to reviews, in the institutions from the list below, you can taste the real culinary masterpieces of the national Tatar cuisine. European dishes are also served. The selection will help determine where to eat delicious and inexpensive dishes of national Tatar cuisine in Kazan and beyond. The following are several cafes, the average check amount in which is 400-500 rubles.

Chuck Chuck

A cozy, quite budgetary institution is located in the city center, on the street. Bauman, d. 7/10. It serves European and Tatar cuisines. Open from 9:00 to 21:00. The cafe is positioned as a family. It is the closest option to eat tasty and inexpensive for those who are on a walk near the Kremlin.

Cafe Chuck Chuck.


The menu of this network of cafes and restaurants is based on Tatar dishes. According to tourists' reviews, it is here that you can taste this salad of mutton and solyanka in Kazan. Guests taking a walk in the center of Kazan can visit the institution located on the street. Butlerova, 31. Open daily from 10:00 to 23:00.

"Gallery of world cuisines"

This complex includes four zones where you can get acquainted with various culinary traditions, including tasting national Tatar dishes. The institution is located at: st. Butlerova, d. 43.

Cafe "Alan-ash" ("Gallery of the cuisines of the world").


This cafe is recommended for visiting lovers of Vedic cuisine. The property offers a vegetarian menu, ginger tea, and handmade sweets. Cafe address: st. Chistopolskaya, d. 79. Works: from 12:00 to 20:00.

Restaurants with an average bill of 1000-1500 rubles

Finding where to eat delicious national Tatar cuisine in Kazan in an atmosphere of greater comfort and luxury is also easy. The following is a selection of places with an average check of 1000-1500 rubles.


This two-story oriental palace seats up to 800 guests. The menu of the establishment consists of approximately 30 pages. Visitors can order dishes of both Tatar and Uzbek, Azerbaijani and Russian cuisines here. The restaurant is located at: st. N. Nazarbayev, d. 35/98. It works daily, around the clock.

"Shelter bachelor"

One of the most popular Kazan restaurants. Guests pay special attention to European and Japanese cuisines. Located at: st. Chernyshevsky, d. 27a. Schedule: 11: 00-00: 00 (on Saturday - until 2:00).

"Dried apricots"

The menu of this restaurant, located in the center of Kazan, at the address: st. Bauman, 36, you can taste dishes of European, Uzbek and Russian cuisines. According to reviews, they cook here very tasty, the interior is very comfortable. Restaurant address: st. Bauman, 36. It is open from 12:00 to 24:00, on Fridays and Saturdays - from 12:00 to 6:00.

In the restaurant "Uryuk".


This article lists only some places that are positioned in many reviews as the best and relatively inexpensive. According to experts, they are definitely worth a visit to everyone who cares about where to eat in Kazan. But in fairness it is worth noting that in almost every institution in the city offers unusually tasty and inexpensive food, including national Tatar dishes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13633/

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