Pool "Ural" (Ufa): photos and reviews

Among the entertainment, health and sports facilities of the Bashkir capital, the Ural pool is very popular. Ufa can rightfully be proud of it. It is part of the sports complex of the volleyball club of the same name. Both adults and children are happy to swim in it and conduct training on weekdays and weekends. The doors of the establishment are almost always open to visitors.

Pool "Ural", Ufa

To visit this institution, you must have a medical certificate, as well as a ticket or a subscription, which are purchased at the box office during working hours.

On weekdays, the swimming pool of IC "Ural" can be visited from 8.15
until 18.30 on a single ticket, an adult for 170 rubles per hour, a child for 120.

After 18.30 and on weekends, the cost of a ticket for an adult increases to 200 rubles, and for a child up to 150 per hour.

Ural pool

An adult subscription for visiting the pool in the daytime costs 150 rubles, for a child - 100, in the evening, respectively, the price rises to 200 and 150 rubles.

Employees of any organizations have the opportunity to visit the Ural pool under a pre-concluded agreement with corporate discounts.

It consists of six twenty-five-meter paths, with a total width of 14 meters, is also attractive with cascading showers, a sauna, a gym, a room for dancing and aerobics.

Services offered

Pool coaches teach adults and children different types of swimming. Aqua aerobics classes are held. Each student is approached individually.

For students of an educational institution, special rates are provided.
Water is subjected to three stages of disinfection. First, fine cleaning is done through special filters, then water is passed through an ultraviolet station and a dosing station for water treatment.

Ural pool Ufa

The Republican Hygienic and Epidemiological Center conducts constant monitoring, for which monthly water samples are taken for laboratory research.

Visitors can use the wardrobe, left-luggage offices, a hairdryer, a snack in the buffet, where they will offer several types of oxygen cocktails.

The gym offers modern equipment consisting of treadmills, exercise bikes, weight training equipment, etc.

The sports complex has its own company store, which is located in the lobby, as well as a twenty-seat conference room.


The Ural pool is located on Mendeleev Street, Building No. 219, Building 1.
The nearest public transport stops are near the Akbutaz racecourse or near the Oktyabrsky shopping complex.

Ural pool reviews

For those who travel by car, there is a parking area for fifty cars nearby. Up to four buses can be parked there.

Pool "Ural", Ufa: reviews

In the Bashkir capital, cravings for physical education and sports have been cultivated since childhood, so attendance at sports facilities there is quite high.

Young people in Ufa, people of middle and more adult age, as well as children regularly go in for swimming, leaving various reviews about their impressions. The Ural pool was no exception to this rule.

Ural pool

Many sites post stories of his visit with positive comments or criticisms. In particular, regular visitors to this pool with considerable experience have expressed that after the change of leadership of the institution in 2014, some negative trends began to be noted, which was not the case before.

An excess of bleach was noted in the water, from which the eyes watery over the next days. The information board did not work, where information about the water temperature was reported.

The mode of visiting the sauna was not regulated, visitors did not have time to warm up normally after swimming. The coach constantly shouted loudly at the training guys, which created a rather uncomfortable atmosphere.

Later reviews

Judging by the latest reviews of this year, the situation in the pool has changed for the better. Visitors noted a lot of positive points.

pool ural ufa reviews

Many speak out that they intend to extend the subscription to the pool of the Ural Central Committee, because they are satisfied with the water temperature, a small number of people during the visit, they are pleased with the sauna, the cozy home atmosphere in the lobby, and the polite attitude of the staff. Users appreciated the sufficient availability of parking spaces near the pool building, the ability to immediately purchase the missing swimming accessories (for example, a hat) at the box office.

Regarding the paid trainer, the reviews were also in a positive aspect. Although he sometimes yells at the children, but without insults. Parents of the children involved are swimming right there on other paths of the pool, while no complaints have been expressed about the coach from them.

Reviews of the morning pool visit

Women write in reviews that they are trying to visit the Ural pool early, from eight in the morning.

They are satisfied that at this time there are much fewer people than in the evening hours, for example, up to seven people sometimes swim on one lane at 18.45, which, of course, creates a lot of inconvenience.

In the morning, no more than three people are on the track. Sometimes in the freezing winter periods there are 2-3 people in the entire pool. The water here is clean. The only negative is that the sauna does not work in the morning.

Getting to the car is quite convenient.

After 8.45, workouts in children begin and it becomes noisy. Some reviewers recommend using your own hairdryer, as existing hair dryers work in very slow motion.

There are no power sockets inside the women's locker room, but they can be used at the exit next to the common locker room.

There are certain discounts for senior citizens, which is very convenient.

More pool reviews

Many people call the pool "Ural" very good, note the presence of cascades, which are convenient to massage the back. They respond well to the trainers who teach swimming children, about the cordiality of staff.

I like the opportunity to cheaply taste milk shakes that are pleasant to the taste at the counter.

Recently overhauled the entire complex. The pool bath at this moment was completely redone. Outwardly, everything looks clean and tidy.

pool sk ural

There are positive reviews about water aerobics classes in the pool, while only good things are said about water: the temperature is comfortable, the smell of bleach is absent. In a small buffet you can try a wellness cocktail, in particular, oxygen.

As a negative factor, the fact that the size of the locker rooms and showers is not large enough is noted, so sometimes you have to wait your turn long enough to rinse.

Despite the rather large volume of the sauna, a lot of people can fill up, while the front door is constantly opened and closed, so it is not possible to achieve a high temperature.

Final conclusions

Analyzing the reviews about visiting the Ural pool, we can conclude that, despite the certain disadvantages, it remains quite attractive to many people.

Children are happy to study in it, a large number of people visit it during the week and on weekends.

The management of the pool and the entire sports complex are taking measures to improve the conditions of its work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13634/

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