Grapes of Arcadia: description of the variety, photo, reviews about the culture

Starting to plan their plot, each gardener, as a rule, assigns a place for grapes. Many people use this culture for landscaping a garden or arch in the yard. It would be advisable to choose an elite tree vine, which is subsequently able to give the owner a generous harvest of amazing fruits. This characteristic can be safely given to Arcadia grapes. Description of the variety, photos, reviews about the culture will be considered in this article.


Grapes Arcadia occupies a leading position among many farmers and is in great demand in the market. It can rightfully be called a very successful achievement in the practice of experienced breeders. The culture was obtained at the Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V. E. Tairov, in the city of Odessa. It is noteworthy that the varieties that were used when crossing, in contrast to the new variety, had a dark color of berries. The bred vines have clear and bright berries. Judging by the description of the variety, photos and reviews, Arkadia grapes absorbed the best qualities of the crops from which it was bred. From Moldova, he inherited endurance to various weather conditions, and from the Cardinal - the positive properties of berries.

Grapes have another name - Nastya, but this is what they call him extremely rarely. In addition to the originally created variety, two varieties of it were obtained - early Arcadia and pink, which have their own differences and features. Further, a detailed description of Arkady grapes, a description of the variety and a photo of the crop is provided.

Arcadia grape variety description photo reviews

Short description

The bush grows intensively, with a large number of shoots, looks very luxurious. The leaves are large, with a whitish bloom below. Most of the shoots throw out brushes (60-70%). One bush is capable of great returns. During the season, you can remove about 30 kg of grape brushes.

The table variety is among the record holders for the number of crops. This can be judged not only by the description of the variety. Reviews and photos of Arcadia grapes confirm this feature of the culture. The enormous conical-shaped brushes look quite impressive. One of these grones can reach a weight of 600 g, and a single berry - 13-14 g. Ripe fruits have a yellowish color and amber structure. Round berries are covered with a waxy, slightly white coating. Their skin is thin, but rather dense.

Arcadia grape description

Detailed feature

To fully appreciate the culture allows a more detailed description of grapes Arcadia grapes and photos. Reviews of people will help to see the pros and cons of this plant. First, pay attention to the following features:

  • Early ripe variety (depending on the region from the appearance of the first buds to the full ripening of berries takes about 4 months).
  • Good adaptation to climate change.
  • Self-pollinating variety, capable of pollinating other grape varieties.
  • Excellent taste qualities of berries that satisfy every taste, as they are not sugary, with moderate acidity and sweetness. Acidity is about 6 g / l, and sugar content is 16%. The fruits themselves are fleshy, juicy and have a pleasant nutmeg taste.
  • It is suitable for cultivation in the middle zone of the country, as it is able to tolerate severe frosts (-22 Β° C).
  • The fruits of grapes are transportable and have a beautiful presentation.
  • The variety is intended for fresh berries as well as for making juices and dessert wine.

Arcadia grapes reviews photos

Grade Benefits

Over the years, the cultivation of Arcadia grapes in the reviews of gardening lovers always occupies a worthy place. After planting young seedlings, the culture does not take long to receive the crop. Already in the third year it will be possible to remove clusters with amber berries. After vaccination on a new standard, the fruits are harvested already in the second year. The variety is resistant to mildew and has tremendous yields. Under very suitable conditions, he is able to give all the potential inherent in him. Cases were noted when the culture pleased the winegrowers with a much larger crop than indicated in the description of the grapes of Arcadia. Professionals managed to grow grones weighing up to 1.5 kg.


Like most garden plants, Arcadia also has negative aspects. Grapes in the description and reviews act as a culture sensitive to high humidity. It is also subject to gray rot and oidium. In the rainy season or with excessive watering, cracking sometimes occurs. Plant shading negatively affects its development and fruit ripening.

Under the weight of enormous brushes, the vine bushes lean close to the ground, which, in turn, threatens mechanical damage to the shoots and rotting of the berries.

Varieties of Arcadia

The pink and early Arcadias mentioned above are slightly different from the standard view. This is noticeable both in the quality of the fruits and in their taste.

Early Arcadia ripens much sooner, has a dense pulp of berries, is resistant to oidium, and is frost-resistant. But her brushes with berries are much smaller than in the main variety.

Pink has a more concentrated fruit taste, dense pulp and pronounced color. Pink berries are quite dense, and due to this they do not undergo cracking.

Varieties of the variety also have valuable fruit qualities, as experienced gardeners have repeatedly mentioned in their reviews of Arcadia grapes. Photos with the image of wonderful berries are posted below.

Arcadia grape variety description photo


There are two ways to grow grapes: grafting and planting cuttings.

Preparation of seedlings:

  • The cuttings are cut so that after the lower kidney there is 1 cm of free space, and 2 cm on top.
  • For two days, the seedlings are immersed in a growth stimulator.
  • After this, the cuttings are placed in sawdust for 14 days. This procedure contributes to the swelling of the kidneys.
  • The last stage is hardening of seedlings. They are left in the fresh air, first in the shade for 10 days, and then in a bright place - for the same period of time.

Vaccination is carried out as follows:

  • The new cuttings are pre-soaked in a stimulator to root the plants.
  • The old vaccination stand is cut off, leaving a small stump, and a hole is cut in it.
  • A young stalk is inserted so that the wood of the plants is in close contact with each other.
  • Then the place of vaccination is wrapped with a film and tied with adhesive tape, and coated with clay on top.

The plant can be inoculated only on the stems located in an open bright place. In the description of the grape variety Arcadia, it was noted that it does not tolerate shade. Therefore, the choice of a bright area is an important factor in planting a crop. This also applies to planting cuttings. Next, we will talk about how to properly prepare a place for growing grapes and plant seedlings.

Arcadia grapes photo

Suitable soil

To get a good harvest (for example, such as in the photo) of Arcadia grapes, you must first take care of the proper planting. Permeable soil is required for good root system development. The soil should be stony and fertile. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the soil and with further growth of grapes. Stagnant water, excessive accumulation of salts and lime can lead to death or disease of the vine.

Landing holes are more convenient to dig out square (80 x 80 cm). 250 g of potassium and 400 g of superphosphate are scattered along the bottom. Then create a three-layer soil, the lower part of which consists of sand, the middle of the earth, and the upper of humus. The pits are half full.

Cuttings are placed in the finished recesses, straighten the roots and sprinkle with fertile soil. Nearby immediately establish a support and tamp the soil. The earth around the seedling is abundantly watered. When it dries out a little, it should be loosened and, after the next two irrigation is carried out, mulched at intervals of a week.

Arkady grape seedlings are planted in April or May (depending on the weather). Cuttings with already blossoming green leaves can be planted in early summer. Autumn planting begins in October.

Arcadia grape variety description


The description of Arcadia grapes focuses on the fact that he reacts very sharply to improper care, as well as to the conditions in which it grows. For this reason, the cultivation of an elite culture should be approached correctly. Care consists of proper irrigation, fertilizer and bush formation.

Watering. Young bushes should be watered regularly to prevent the soil from drying out. Large plants are best watered with buried pipes near the roots of the grapes. A home-made irrigation system allows you to maintain the constant humidity needed for woody vine. It should not be forgotten that the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Excess moisture adversely affects the quality of berries.

Fertilizer. Three basic top dressings are obligatory: during the growing season, flowering and fruit formation. In order for the roots to be fully fed, it is recommended to apply fertilizers in liquid form. Most grapes are responsive to organics. You can also use nitrogen and mineral complexes.

Pruning. When forming a bush, the inner vine is freed from extra shoots for better penetration of sunlight and oxygen to it. Thinning plantings is carried out in any period, with the exception of winter. At the same time, they depart from fruitful shoots in a right angle. The first pruning is carried out when the seedlings are at a height of 15-16 cm. A bush is formed in the fall (at the end of the juice circulation process): the shoot length is shortened by 10 buds. In the spring, weak, damaged and dry vines are removed.

When the vines bloom, remove all excess brushes, leaving one on each shoot.

Before frosts grape bushes shelter.

With all the necessary procedures, the appearance of your vineyard will be the same as in the photos used as illustrations for the article. Grapes of the Arcadia variety, judging by the reviews, are a real decoration of the site. And besides, he gives berries of remarkable taste that are always appropriate on the table.

Diseases and Pests

To combat oidium, sulfur-containing and manganese solutions are used. This procedure should be carried out necessarily, as grapes of this variety do not have immunity to this type of fungus. Many winegrowers recommend using the Ridomil Gold.

Preventive measures always guarantee that the plant will be healthy and fruitful. It would be nice to process the vine with iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Spraying is carried out 2 times a year. A three percent nitrafen solution can be used.

Insects that damage grapes include: wasps, leafworms, ticks, phylloxera, fleas and weevils. To protect the culture from pests, boric acid and insecticides are used.

To protect against wasps, special nets are used that are worn on brushes with berries. Various baits are also hung on the bushes, distracting insects from the main berries. If you remove the fruits in time, the wasps will attack the grapes less.

In late autumn, rodents can undermine the vine . To scare off such pests, gardeners lay smoked pieces of rubber or wool between the bushes.

Winegrower Tips

Now let’s summarize the information about the grapes of Arcadia. Reviews of people involved in the cultivation of vines indicate that, with the right approach, the variety can be cultivated in any region of the country. Where harsh winters, experienced growers are advised to still cover the bushes, despite the fact that it is a frost-resistant plant. Due to the fact that the variety is early, in areas with a short summer period, the berries manage to reach full maturity. Beginners are recommended to engage in viticulture from this particular variety, since it is unpretentious in care.

Arcadia grapes reviews


The characteristics of the woody vine discussed in the article show that the culture really deserves the attention of gardeners. Judging by the description of the Arcadia grape variety, photos and reviews of farmers, universal berries have excellent commercial qualities. They do not rot for a long time, are well transported and look very appetizing. Because of these features, grapes are suitable for growing for sale. By applying diligence and applying a competent approach, everyone will be able to please themselves with delicious berries.


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