How to disable Yandex.Zen in Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser is a rare case when a domestic software product can give odds to products from Western developers. True, such a product is based on the Chromium platform, developed by just the same Western experts represented by Google. But Chromium is only a platform, Yandex.Browser is very different from the mass of other Chrome clones thanks to the careful work on the development team of the Russian search engine. Their developments on top of the Chromium platform concern not only the modified interface, as it can be detected by launching that other clone of the Chrome browser. The Yandex browser has its own security system and its own separate functionality. Yandex.Browser is the leader in the number of extensions that can be installed, since it supports working with both the Chrome store and the Opera store. And, of course, Yandex.Browser has its own unique interface, sharpened for working with the services of the creator.

One of these services is the Yandex.Zen newsletter integrated into the browser, alas, for the time of its existence it did not find proper public support. Not appreciating the efforts of the creators of the browser, many users are looking for ways to disable Yandex.Zen. How to do this, we will consider at the very end of the article, first we’ll talk about what kind of function it is and whether to disable it.

About Yandex Zen

The service of the Russian search engine, it’s the full-time functionality of Yandex.Browser, ornately named Yandex.Zen, is nothing more than a regular news collection displayed on the home page of the Tablo web browser, previewing new articles from certain sites.

Yandex Zen disable

The newsfeed is endless, scrolling down will open up more and more previews of materials from the Internet.

The service is available in the desktop and mobile versions of Yandex.Browser, as well as in a separate Android application - Yandex Launcher.

Yandex Zen disable on computer

Service created from contradictions

Why did this completely harmless functionality not please that many people want to disable Yandex.Zen? It is woven from contradictions, perhaps because the efforts of developers are not destined to be appreciated by the audience of the browser.

In pursuit of the beautiful names of its services, the company in this case clearly overdid it, naming the chaos of incoming information in honor of Zen, the school of Buddhism, the teachings of which, though not all, deny the teachings, but many things from social life and social aggression and news turmoil prefer meditative practices.

The newsletter is based on a self-learning mechanism that shapes it in accordance with the interests of users. This is achieved by analyzing the Internet resources they have visited. That's just the creators of the service forgot to foresee the possibility of adding users to the selection of new materials from their selected sites. News can only come from sites provided by Yandex.

how to disable zen in a Yandex browser on a computer

For the most part, this nuance has caused many people to want Yandex.Zen to turn it off.

Newsfeed Activation

A little earlier, the newsfeed was embedded in the default browser along with its installation on Windows. As of the date of writing this article, the rules of the game have been changed: Yandex.Zen is activated only at the request of the user - if he turns it on during the initial setup of the web browser.

Yandex Zen disable

Is it necessary to turn off the newsletter from the standpoint of saving system resources

If the news compilation is not annoying, but we are talking about a device with problematic hardware characteristics, do I have to bother with the question of how to disable Yandex.Zen? On a computer with a weak processor or with a slow HDD, this kind of functionality will not play a special role. But on devices with a small indicator of RAM (2 GB or less), any extra browser functionality is unnecessary extensions, regular news feeds, built-in RSS aggregators, etc. - It is advisable to disable. Since all Chromium-browsers are sharpened for the active use of RAM.

How to disable Zen in Yandex.Browser

On a computer with a browser installed from Yandex, you can disable news feed in the settings.

Yandex Zen disable on computer

Having entered the settings section, we are looking for the column “Appearance Settings”.

how to disable Zen in Yandex Browser on a computer

Here, removing the option to display the news feed, as shown in the screenshot above, you can actually disable Yandex.Zen.


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