Profession veterinarian. Where to study at the veterinarian. Vet Salary

The need for a specialist who could treat animals appeared since a person began taming them. In modern society, the profession of a veterinarian is still needed and important. It is this specialist who is contacted by people who have a sick pet. If there are no veterinarians, there will simply be no one to treat kitties and dogs.

A bit of history

Profession Veterinarian

As already emphasized, the profession of a veterinarian has a long history. Initially, animal healers used decoctions and infusions of herbs to combat ailments. People of the above profession, without fail, accompanied the army, went on a trip with caravans.

Since the veterinary service has not yet formed an independent structure, in ancient times epidemics often flared up on the planet, as a result of which cattle died in large numbers, which negatively affected demographics, as people simply died of starvation.

As a result, veterinary schools began to form in the Middle Ages. In Russia, the profession of a veterinarian began to emerge thanks to Tsar Peter I, who invited several foreign animal healers to work in our country. As a result, Russian experts took over the experience from their Western colleagues.

What is remarkable about this profession

Private veterinarian

The profession of a veterinarian is a relevant and popular type of activity. The main task of the specialist in healing our younger brothers is the treatment of diseases and carrying out procedures such as sterilization, castration, childbirth, insemination, vaccinations and so on.

In villages and villages, veterinarians are also involved in monitoring the use of harmful chemicals that can enter the pet food mixes. Moreover, people of the above profession carry out mandatory control of food products (milk, meat, etc.), which subsequently fall on the shelves of grocery stores.

Currently, a veterinary office is provided in almost every locality. Of course, in large cities, veterinary services are more ramified and organized than in the periphery.

Today, a person can apply to both the state veterinary clinic and the private one. Recently, commercial structures began to open quite often. However, a private veterinarian often tries to delay the treatment process, being guided by exclusively selfish motives. In order not to throw money down the drain, first check the reputation of the veterinary institution in which you intend to turn for help.

What qualities a veterinarian should have

Vet Salary

Naturally, every healer is simply obliged to love animals. Such qualities as altruism and endurance should not be alien to him. Without this, it will be very difficult to provide quality assistance to a four-legged friend: to do gastric lavage or to sew a lacerated wound. At the same time, the veterinarian’s sentimentality is pushed into the background. He must have nerves of steel, he needs to show maximum composure and be able to quickly make decisions in unforeseen situations.

A true professional is not only able to treat dogs and kitties in a bright and spacious office, he is always ready for technically dangerous and not always pleasant procedures.

In addition to this, he must be a good psychologist, because animals cannot communicate their feelings and complaints through verbal communication , and the task of the veterinarian is to “read” them.

What else should a veterinarian be able to do

Student vet

The doctor who treats our smaller brothers should be in charge of animal medical records. He must make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment for a four-legged friend. An experienced veterinarian can also conduct laboratory tests.

How to choose a vet clinic

Many pet owners believe that if the veterinary institution has broken high prices for its services, then first-class specialists work in it. In fact, this is far from the case. First of all, attention should be paid to what period of time a clinic exists in the market of veterinary services and whether its doctors have sufficient experience.

In addition, look how technically equipped the veterinary hospital is , how modern its equipment is. Also analyze the sanitary and epidemiological situation: dust, poorly washed floors and dirt on the tiles are a sign that it is better to refuse service in this institution.

Among other things, the clinic should be located as close as possible to the house and work all 24 hours a day.

Make a choice of a veterinary institution in advance, and not when there is an urgent need for assistance to the animal.

How much do vets earn

Learn to be a veterinarian

The standard salary of an animal healer in a public institution varies from 10,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles per month.

The cost of a consultation with a private veterinarian is on average from 500 to 1,500 rubles. The salary of a veterinarian in a commercial clinic is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles per month.

I want to become a veterinarian

Of course, in order to become a healer of animals, you must possess all the qualities that have been indicated above. If you want to go to study as a veterinarian, then you need to submit documents to the Academy of Agriculture or special institutes. For five years of study, you will have to listen to a number of disciplines: anatomy, microbiology, parasitology, physiology. A student veterinarian must also pass tests and examinations in specific subjects, which include veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials, diseases of fish and bees.

Career prospects

Some are interested in what heights in a career an animal healer can achieve. Most of the students of veterinary institutes already in advanced courses go to work as assistants and orderlies in clinics and hospitals that treat animals on a professional basis. This helps them gain the necessary work experience that is required when applying for a job after receiving a diploma. The highest level of the career ladder for an animal healer is the head physician of a veterinary institution.


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