Vlog is easy! What is vlog?

Video hosting gave each Internet user the opportunity to become a screen star almost literally. Not everyone was given the excitement to write, and if once the diary was a notebook and pen, now it is most often an account on the hosting of personal diaries, from LiveJournal to smaller platforms. Vlog is the same blog, but the main component of the content is not text, but video. Who can become a vlogger, and how difficult is this?

vlog is

How is a vlog different from a blog?

By and large, there are no fundamental differences. Just like a simple online blog, a vlog can be dedicated to personal life, everyday life, political issues, cultural events, travel, and anything else. Vlogs as such are not many years old - they became popular around 2005. If before this the question on the topic “Vlog - what is it and how to join the caste of the elect” could be considered quite logical, now any Internet user has the technical ability to open his own channel.

The most popular video hosting service suitable for opening your own vlog is YouTube. It is on this resource that the most extensive audience, simple functionality. In addition to the fact that you can open a channel on this resource for free, Google provides users with the opportunity to earn money on advertising.

what is vlog

How to become a vlogger?

To create your own video blog, you need to determine your goals. If this is just a window into the world and the most convenient way to share thoughts and events, then in fact a vlog is an analogue of a personal diary. It is worth noting that some people are able to present ordinary information in such an exciting way that they gradually form their own army of subscribers.

In other cases, vlogs are created in search of personal popularity or the promotion of an idea. For example, in 2007, the first beauty vlog appeared. Its creator Michelle Fan lucidly and fascinatingly shared the secrets of beauty, methods of applying makeup. Now, wondering what vlog is, you can find whole shows on which teams of creators working, united by a variety of ideas, are working.

Vlogers shoot videos literally about everything - from making pies to ways to catch rainbow trout. They criticize films, books, programs and other vloggers, compile top reviews on any subject and, to some extent, make up a healthy and daring rival to conventional and traditional television.

vlog what is it

Technical issues

It will not be an exaggeration to say that it is much more important how the video is shot than the type of equipment with which it was shot. Despite the presence of a certain number of technical snobs in the environment of vloggers, by and large plots are shot on any devices that can record video. After all, what is vlog? This is primarily a story about something, not an attempt to brag about a new camera. For the viewer, the usefulness of the channel is more important than the name of the technique with which it was created. Videos are shot using built-in and separate webcams, on the front camera of a smartphone, on a digital camera or modern high-tech gadgets.

Much more important is a reasonable video editing. If it is possible to cut out all unnecessary sounds, hitches, repetitions and moments of uncertainty, then the video becomes not just shorter, but more dynamic and better. Processing can be carried out in almost any video editor, up to the simplest Windows Movie Maker for linear editing. If you are at least minimally prepared for the shooting, then you will not need as many edits as it seems.

vlog vlog

Vlog is very simple

A small survey among YouTube visitors showed that the viewer always sees the insincerity of the creator of the video. For many vloggers, this is just a way to earn money, and the video camera mercilessly captures the slightest nuances of the plot. But if the creator is happy to be engaged in his brainchild, then this will be a truly interesting vlog. The video blog is capable of infecting you with enthusiasm, which is why various thematic channels dedicated to travel, beauty or training are popular.

It is enough to have a desire to share your knowledge or impressions with other people, and you can create a vlog on your favorite topic. Video hosts have the opportunity to recommend thematic videos to those users who are looking for videos on certain topics, so it’s almost impossible to stay without viewers, especially if you shoot interesting materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13651/

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