A few tips to remember what you forgot

The modern pace of life requires great attention from every person. But often in a whirlpool of events, people simply forget about the little things that they have to do or say. You can deal with this problem. There is a list of tips on how to remember what you forgot.


First of all, it is worth saying that in order not to deal with the problem, it is better to avoid it. Therefore, you need to pay maximum attention to all your affairs and people with whom a person communicates. This is necessary in order to delve into all moments of life and try not to lose sight of them. If you tell yourself that this or that matter is important, the brain is unlikely to just “disconnect” and “throw” it out of your head.


It is good if a person can set himself up in such a way that he succeeds not to lose sight of the necessary things. But if, nevertheless, some little things are forgotten, you need to forcibly return them to thoughts. To do this, use various aids. Advice on how to remember what you forgot can be a recommendation to everyone to create logical chains or associations. According to this principle, for example, it is very easy to remember phone numbers, houses and other important numbers. You can also remember new full names. If a person, for example, has the surname Shulga, he just needs to be presented as writing a letter with his left hand. This association will remain in the brain, and, having built a logical chain, the memory will quickly "throw up" the necessary information.

Back to the past

There are tips on how to remember what you forgot, which will be useful to people who had fun well last night. To do this, you just need to start remembering what happened from the moment when consciousness was still clear. By the way, it’s better to do this collectively together with people from the company in which you had a rest yesterday. So soon it will be possible to recall important little things and come to the right conclusion.


If a person needs to remember, for example, the surname of a famous person, but it doesn’t come to mind, you just have to wait a bit, switch to something else, just get distracted. You can be sure that after a certain time the right fact or person will "pop up" in your head.


In order not to seek advice on how to remember what you forgot, and eliminate to the maximum small memory lapses that often accompany the everyday life of an ordinary person, you can simply train your memory by giving it daily loads. Studying poetry or prose, remembering new songs - all this contributes to the brain.

Useful material

Scientists have proven that consuming certain foods has a positive effect on brain function. So, for example, if a person forgot what he wanted to do, it means that his body has a lack of boron, zinc or iron. You can replenish the stock with the help of fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits, as well as periodically eating meat.


You can also help the brain work and activate memory with the help of various medications that are dispensed today in a pharmacy even without a prescription. After a course of treatment, a person can immediately feel an improvement. But this option is best used by older people who have forgetfulness associated with the number of years lived.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13652/

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