
Numerals in the Russian language are a significant part of speech, combining words denoting numbers, the number of objects and their order in the calculation. The questions they always answer are: β€œHow much?”, β€œWhich?”.

There are two varieties of them: quantitative and the other form - ordinal numbers that differ in their meaning.

The first category includes those that indicate abstract numbers - for example, six , or the number of objects - five fingers. In turn, they are collective, for example, five , fractional - two-thirds, integers - nine .

Quantitative integers are numbers or integers. As a rule, they are combined with nouns denoting such objects that can be counted individually.

Using fractional quantitative numerals denote quantities or fractional numbers, combining them with countable nouns and uncountable. However, they are never combined with animated faces.

Collective ones are those numbers that show the number of objects as a whole. For example: three, five, seven , etc. However, they are combined only with some nouns, including those denoting persons of both sexes, with the names of cubs of animals, with the words face, person, child, with words that have a paired meaning - socks, glasses with personal pronouns.

Words that help to indicate the order of several identical objects when they are counted are ordinal numbers. For example: first exam, third ticket, first question.

Like adjectives, ordinal numbers can act as definitions for nouns, consistent with them in the case, number and gender.

However, there is a slightly different approach to this part of speech. Remarkable philologist, academician V.V. Vinogradov believed that ordinal numbers in their formal-grammatical features relate to relative adjectives.

The similarity of ordinal and quantitative numerals is also manifested when using quantitative species in ordinal values. This is especially pronounced when indicating the address: apartment eight instead of the eighth apartment .

Ordinal numbers have a number of grammatical features common with the name adjective. These include a single system for declension, morphological structure and word formation rules. During use, certain ordinal numbers receive a qualitative, phraseologically determined meaning. For example: foreground, second violin, first hand , etc.

Inclining, these component ordinal parts of speech do not change all those components of the numerals that have a quantitative form. Only the last one changes - one that is consistent with the noun and has an ordinal form: in nineteen forty-two .

In their structure, these parts of speech are simple and compound. The simple ones are made up of one, and the compound ones are made up of two or more words. For example: three, thirty five .

Those numerals that consist of a single word, but have several roots, are called complex: eight hundred .

The writing of numerals consisting of two or more bases is continuous: eight hundred .

Compounds are written separately, and in their combination there are as many words as there are significant numbers in a given number, without zeros, but with the addition of words such as a thousand, a million, etc. For example, twenty-four (24), two hundred and eight (208) , etc.

Those ordinal parts of speech that end in the thousandth, the billionth, etc., are written together: twenty-three thousandth .

In grammar, there are two forms of spelling: zero and zero . Based on the terminological meaning, the first form is often used. For example: zero . However, in stable phrases both forms are used: zero attention, per hour zero-zero.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13654/

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