What are the prefixes: meaning and spelling

Any word consists of parts that in linguistics are called morphemes. The most important of them is the root. It is the main point. It is like a house on the foundation, to which various premises are attached in the form of suffixes (affixes) and prefixes (prefixes), they adjust, when possible, and the ending. And each time after such construction work, the purpose of the house can change significantly. It is worthwhile to pay more attention to the facade, but for this you need to know: what are the prefixes, what new ones give the meaning of the word, and whether there is any danger in themselves.

What are prefixes for?

what are the consoles
That which stands before the root, at the beginning of the word, is the prefix. The prefix refers to significant morphemes, since its main function is education. Despite the fact that a word can have more than one prefix (two, three), they are all written together. But you can do this without errors, only knowing certain rules.

In modern Russian, there are more than 70 prefixes. Of course, not all of them have spelling regulated by the rule. What are the prefixes for these features, you can find out by considering three main groups:

- uniform spelling. These are prefixes that do not have a consonant pair. For example, b- or o- (because there are no prefixes f- or a-). This may also include: for-, to-, pa- ,-, su-, y- and so on;

- features of writing prefixes ending in "z" or "s". These are such consoles as ras- (raz-), nis- (bottom-), demon- (without-). If there is a voiced consonant after the prefix, then it is necessary to write “z” at the end, if it is deaf, then “s”;

- the prefix pri- and her sister pre-. The unmistakable use of these prefixes depends on a proper understanding of the meaning that they bring to the word.

What are the prefixes of origin

what are the prefixes in words
Consoles are divided into native Russian and foreign languages. The first include:

- by, in, from, on, without, above, when, that is, prefixes, which can be prepositions;

- pa- and pra- are obsolete, but still found in such words as stepdaughter, flood, great-grandfather;

- inter-, after-, outside-, near-, contra-, once these prefixes were adverbial pretexts, but over time they became part of the word.

Foreign in origin are:

- prefixes with the letter “a” (Greek): anti-people’s, immoral, archival;

- counter-, de-, dis-, re-, ultra-, ex-, trans-, extra- (Latin): counteroffensive, demobilization, disqualification, regression, ultrafilter, ex-champion;

- eu-, ev- (ev-) - prefixes of Greek origin with the meaning of “present”. For example, evangelism (true news), eu-bacteria (regular bacteria);

- des (French): disorganization, misinformation.

Both honey agarics and shards have the prefix o-

prefix pre
Very often we do not think about what prefixes in words are. And how with their help the original meaning changes. For example, everyone knows what a stump is. Let's add the prefix o- and the suffix -ok. As a result, we get the word “honey agaric”. Do not think that this is a mushroom growing on a stump. The real understanding of this word is given by the prefix o-, which denotes the spread of action around something. So honey mushrooms are not located on a stump, but around it.

If you recall the mistake, typo, typo or oversight, you can immediately see that the prefix o- has one more meaning - an indication of an incorrect, reckless action. And if you pay attention to the words: a fragment, a cigarette butt, a cinder, a stub, then the new meaning of the same prefix becomes obvious - a particle of an object obtained after some exposure to it.

What is the difference between pre- and pri-

For the correct spelling of these prefixes, you need to clearly know the meaning of the words in which they are used. For comparison and better memorization, you must create a table

The prefix is ​​pre-. Value:The prefix at-. Value:

- the highest degree of quality. It is possible to replace the prefix with the words "very" or "very": unpleasant, wise;

- sign, action: abyss, excelled;

- excess of measure: surpass, exalt;

- a value close to the prefix re-: block, convert.

- approaching, joining, adding or spatial proximity: school, come, stick, add;

- incompleteness of action or its completion for a short period: to crouch, stand up, lie down, crouch down;

- Bringing the plan to the end: nail, attach, invent;

- to commit in someone’s interests: to hide, to preserve;

- an additional action to the main: to sentence, jump, dance.

Similar in sound, but different in writing

There are words where the prefix pre- (pri-) carries the main semantic load, and here it is important not to make a mistake, otherwise the meaning will completely change. You can only arrive somewhere and on something, but staying means already being somewhere. For example, arriving by train to the station, but staying carefree in the carriage.

There are many such sound pairs in Russian. To understand their correct spelling, you can only know the Russian language: what are the prefixes in such and such a meaning, and which in another. And then the verbs “to behold” (to shelter) and “to despise” (to neglect, ignore) will not be confused in the head.

prefix at

It is worth remembering once and for all that the receiver is what it accepts, and the successor - takes over someone’s experience, position. You can lean something against the wall, but you should bow only before what is worthy of respect. If the product is recommended to be shaped, then it will only be possible to betray a friend, dreams, ideals. It will be possible to pretend only a window or a door, and dreams and ideas will be realized.

A little more about spelling

In our language there are prefixes that are separated from the word by a hyphen. There are only three of them: in-, in- (in-) and some. In dialects in -sky, -tski, -y, -em, -om, this is a prefix in: in a foolish way, in its own way, in its Volga style, in a hare. For pronouns without a preposition, something is written with a hyphen: someone, somehow. Introductory words are made out as follows: "thirdly," "secondly," "apparently."

There is one more rule connected with prefixes and which very often is forgotten to apply on the letter, being guided by only one pronunciation. This is the choice of vowels “and” or “s” following the prefix. In this case, the spelling is not connected with what prefixes are, but with what letter to start the root. This applies to all words on “and”: play, search, history, integral, idea, etc.

Russian what are the prefixes

If a prefix appears in them with a consonant at the end, then “s” is written after it. for example: play, find, background, unprincipled. There are exceptions to this rule:

- Complicated words: sports equipment, pedagogical institute;

- charge;

- prefixes super- and inter-: superinteresting, inter-institute;

- foreign language prefixes: counterplay, sub-inspector, post-impressionism.

We tried to dwell on the main moments of the life of the consoles regarding their meanings and spelling, because this little morpheme carries a lot of meaning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13666/

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