What is the difference between the words "painting" and "signature"? How to: painting or signature?

Very often one can hear from people the misuse of various words. Most of them belong to the group of paronyms. These are words having the same root, having a similar sound, but a completely different meaning. Paronyms usually belong to one part of speech; they perform a specific syntactic role in constructing sentences . Examples of such words are the concepts of “signature” and “painting”. The difference in their meaning is very large, but they are often used incorrectly.

Types of Paronyms

painting or signature

Many authors describe the concept of paronyms quite broadly. Researchers include in their list not only root words, but also any similar in sound, even if they have different roots. Examples of paronyms with a single basis are the words "painting" or "signature". And expressions having different roots, but also sometimes referred to as paronyms, are, for example, “drill” or “trill”, “forcemeat” or “farce”. As a rule, the most often confused meaning is precisely those words that have the same roots.

Paronyms are not words that have a common historical basis, but have lost their connection in the modern sound. These include the concepts of "tuber" or "strawberry".

Paronyms are divided according to the following criteria:

  1. Different prefixes ("painting" or "signature").
  2. Different suffixes ("entity" or "creature").
  3. Paronyms consisting of words, one of which has an initial basis, and the other is a derivative of it with a prefix, suffix ("growth" or "age", "inhibition" or "brake").

Most paronyms are close to each other in meaning; nevertheless, when using them in speech, it is important to observe a subtle semantic connotation of these words. Such paronyms include the words “long” or “long”, “painting” or “signature”, “diplomatic” or “diplomatic”.

Paronyms in Fiction

signature and painting difference

Paronyms are widely used in fiction, performing various functions. Many examples of the correct use of such words can be found in A.S. Pushkin, who very skillfully conveyed the real meaning of each expression. This is evidenced, for example, by such a quote: "Having put on a wide bolivar, Onegin goes to the boulevard."

The writer may also knowingly misuse paronyms. This use of words is intended to indicate the mistakes of the heroes, to give a detailed description of them.

The use of paronyms in poetry is also very appropriate. They allow you to clearly highlight the meaning of a word, achieve harmony of sound. A vivid example is the use of paronyms by V. Khlebnikov: “The smut of dark glory, not empty and not hateful, but tired and cool, I'm sitting. Warm me".

difference of painting from signature

Example of Paronyms: Signature and Painting

One of the most common words, the meaning of which is often distorted, is the paronyms "signature" - "painting". These words have different concepts and should be used in accordance with their essence. But in reality this happens very rarely. The reason for this is a classic example of paronyms - cognate words that differ from each other by a prefix, distorting the meaning of which is quite easy for a person. So what is the difference between painting and signature? In what situation should each of these words be used? To do this, you need to consider the meaning of each paronym separately.

The meaning of the word "signature"

Explanatory dictionaries define the following concepts of the word "signature":

  1. This is a surname written with your own hand on something. In other words, a signature is a handwritten individually selected set of characters, usually including part of a person’s first or last name. It can be put on an official document, letter, drawing.
  2. This is the inscription on or under any item. The signature can be located under the picture in the museum, it can be made on a plate located at the bottom of the pedestal.

The meaning of the word "painting"

The explanatory dictionary clearly defines the difference between the mural and the signature. The word "painting" is used in Russian in the following meanings:

  1. Mural is a different painting on walls, buildings, columns. It is an image of a certain plot, made on the walls of buildings, the interior of the premises, household items in order to decorate them, to make them unique.
  2. A mural is any written list or list of objects, cases or other objects.

Correct use of the "painting" and "signature"

paronyms signature painting

It is important to remember well the use of the words "painting" or "signature". They are completely different, and in order not to get confused, you can remember a few examples.

Signature can be put on any documents. All kinds of contracts, letters, receipts. One of the main documents in which the signature of any person is attested is his passport. A signature is a unique set of certain characters, usually including the entire surname of its owner or part of it. It is important, serves as a guarantee of the authenticity of many documents. She is put on various business papers, financial. The secretary may refer the documents for signature to the director.

The word "signature" also acts as the concept of inscription under any subject. It can be made under a famous painting. With a large number of signatures we come across in the museum, at exhibitions. They are located under the paintings, sculptures, expositions.

The word "painting" most often has the meaning of painting, which adorns the walls of buildings, their interior, ceiling, columns. The painting can be applied to household items in order to give them uniqueness and decorate them. She may be artistic. Old Russian murals are widely known.

how the painting differs from the signature

The word "painting" can also be heard when talking about a list or list. People make an estimate of their expenses for a certain time. Bailiffs can provide a person with his property list in order to collect debts.

Thus, we can see the signature on business papers, documents, certificates. The painting can be admired in ancient buildings, which are historical monuments, ancient churches, museums. Unique pieces of art also have beautiful art paintings that delight many people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1367/

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