How dreadlocks are woven: features, recommendations and reviews

Is it possible to weave dreadlocks? This question immediately arises in my head when I look at the original hairstyle, which came into the domestic fashion from African countries and has become very popular among modern youth.

dreadlocks can be weaved
Dreadlocks are chosen by people who seek to oppose themselves to the world around them, braiding individuals who respect the exotic in the framework of modern life.

Historical reference

In fact, dreadlocks have long been worn by representatives of almost every ancient civilization (not just Africans). Moreover, in bygone times, this was not a form of self-expression and a fashionable hairstyle, as it is today.

how do dreadlocks unravel
Dreadlocks are a natural pile of hair that does not know shampoo, combs and scissors, and therefore does not need daily care. Their main admirers are Rastamans - representatives of a religious movement that originated among African Americans and includes a musical direction, type of behavior and a certain belief system. For a long time, the visiting card of these personalities was curls curled into braids. Ordinary people in horror shied away from such hairstyles, called them dread locks or just dread, which meant "terrible curls." How do dreadlocks unfold? Today we will find out.
how do dreadlocks unravel

The long hair for the Rastamans is a symbol of invincibility associated with the lion; in the Bible, the king of beasts is a symbol of divine power. There is a myth that with the advent of the end of the world, God Ja recognizes the rastamans precisely by his long hair, for which he will pull them to heaven.

Ways of weaving dreadlocks

How do dreadlocks unfold? To understand the conduct of this procedure, which requires enormous patience and painstakingness, it is desirable to know how to weave dreadlocks:

  • Of his own hair, which a person who wants to get such an exotic hairstyle deliberately grows for many years in order to one day braid them in dreadlocks, and after a while say goodbye to them forever. The length of the hair should be impressive, since during the weaving process it is reduced by almost half.
    dreadlocks can be weaved
  • Sewn. The disadvantage of this method is the not-so-natural kind of dreadlocks. Positive point: own hair is saved better.
  • Weaved (safe). The lifespan of such dreadlocks, also made from artificial hair, is about 3-4 months. When the hairstyle loses its attractive appearance or just gets bored, the fasteners can be braided. At the same time, your own hair will remain intact. It will be interesting to look at a hairstyle in which several different shades of hair are combined.

Helpful information

Owners of short hairstyles often dream of long dreadlocks. To realize their desires, there is an artificial material - kanekalon imitating hair. It is woven into short curls, and the dreadlocks woven from it can have any desired length.

is it possible to weave dreadlocks

Weaving dreadlocks is a rather long procedure and can take about 6 hours (as an example: with 40 curls, the length of which is on the shoulders). By the way, long tangled curls, like any natural hair, can be dyed. True, paint from such hair is very poorly washed and can cause burning of hair and rupture of dreadlocks.

Features of the care of dreadlocks

So, before you figure out how dreadlocks are woven, it would be interesting to know how easy (or difficult) it is to live with such a hairstyle.

In the first month, it is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoos. According to dredomania reviews, there is a head itch, which is recommended to be removed by rubbing the skin with chamomile broth. You can’t scratch your head. During the day, each dreadlock needs to be rolled up well, fixing the desired shape and correcting the broken strands. To give density, the roots need to be lubricated with wax, honey, protein or ash.

After a month, you can wash your hair with soap or tar shampoo, and then immediately carry out the correction of hair in order to avoid shaggy. It is also recommended to rub burdock oil into the skin, which helps to strengthen weakened curls.

Those who wore dreadlocks spoke well of washing their hair in hibiscus broth: 1 pack of tea for 10-15 liters of water. Cinnamon should also be added here. The main disadvantage (except for the safe method) is the inability to return to your original hairstyle. Is it possible to weave natural dreadlocks? This is a very complicated procedure, so I would like to answer that it is better to search for a quicker alternative for protracted unwinding.

Advantages and disadvantages of dreadlocks


  • the brightness of the image against the background of other people, dissimilarity to others;
  • cheap hair care;
  • the head does not freeze in winter.
    is it possible to weave dreadlocks


  • the severity of the hairstyle, which at first is very difficult to get used to;
  • when washing, the hairstyle becomes especially difficult;
  • everyone will want to touch such an unusual head of hair;
  • lovers of hair should often give up their habit.

Tired of dreadlocks: can you unwind yourself?

Sooner or later, any hairstyle requires updating or change. Therefore, the time comes when the dreadlocks want to weave. Or the time when they just need to be untied, because the life span of such an extravagant hairstyle is 3-6 months.

dreadlocks can be weaved
Is it possible to weave dreadlocks? How to get rid of them? Which method is the fastest? Naturally, a haircut, which will also be relevant if you want to change the image. You can decide on such a change of hairstyle at any time, and very often many carriers of dreadlocks shave bald. This is not strange - an extravagant appearance for fans to express themselves is gradually becoming the norm. Dreadlocks can be cut off after several weeks, waiting until their own hair grows at least 3-5 centimeters.

How Dreadlocks Unwind: Useful Tips

If you do not want to cut your hair short, you can try to braid it. How to weave dreadlocks at home? It is required to use a crochet hook (or fork), several combs with cloves of different densities and restorative agents for damaged and weakened curls.

how to weave dreadlocks at home
According to reviews of people who wore dreadlocks, before starting the procedure, the hair needs to be held in hot water to give it softness. Then you need to hook the hook gradually, gently, slowly, starting from the tip, pull out the strands. If the tip is woven into the dreadlock, then it should first be pulled out, and then begin to bring out the locks. And so to the very bottom. You should not pull out the tufts of hair with force in moments of despair associated with the weaving of dreadlocks.

There is very little pleasure in performing such a procedure, pain is much greater, and hair loss is significant. The main thing is not to rush and remember: the calmer and more thorough the work will be carried out, the more chances there are for the hair to remain on the head safe and sound. Of course, such an operation will take more than one hour (sometimes even several days), and then if honey and wax were not used when forming the hairstyle.

Benefits of Salon Dreadlocks Removal

You can trust the salon master, who will remove dreadlocks many times faster, using nourishing and regenerating masks. In any case, after such an unpleasant procedure, it will be noticeable that the hair has thinned.

Is it possible to weave natural dreadlocks
According to reviews, combing takes place rather painfully and unbearably long: about a few hours, depending on the number and thickness of the dreadlocks. And the cost of such pleasure makes you think about the need to contact professionals.

Do not despair: just a little time, maximum care with the use of regenerative wraps and nourishing masks - and the hair will again become thick and lush.


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