Best tongue twisters for the development of diction and speech in adults

What is the main quality that distinguishes a good speaker on television or radio from bad? Perhaps someone will say that for the former, appearance is most important, and for the latter, the ability to speak clearly, competently and clearly. And both judgments will be partly true. The mistake is that correct diction is important for both. That is why novice announcers exercise for a long time, standing at the mirror, uttering thousands of funny or very complex poems for training the speech apparatus.

However, more than one radio and television worker needs such training. Ordinary people who do not flaunt on a blue screen and do not sound from each radio should also work on themselves. After all, the ability to speak is a great art. Only it can make people listen, hear and follow this or that person.

For this reason, we carefully selected and presented in the article the most effective, interesting, funny, difficult and long tongue twisters for the development of diction. And we invite the reader to read them further.

Beginner Exercises

Funny and hard-to-pronounce rhymes in most people are associated with childhood. Indeed, many of us in kindergarten, school, or with friends for the sake of fun loved to speak them, just to have fun. But only then we did not even imagine what enormous benefit these classes bring. We liked the process itself. When you try to clearly pronounce a funny text - a tongue twister for the development of diction, the language becomes confused, the words are distorted, and the meaning of the poem useful to the speech apparatus is distorted. But at the same time, we learned to pronounce various sounds correctly, improved diction and made our speech more clear and understandable to those around us.

patters for diction

Now we have grown up, many of us even have children. And our task is to help them improve their speech apparatus in a playful way. However, some of us should first exercise ourselves. At first, you can practice the pronunciation of simple exercises consisting of one or two sentences. And after that, proceed to complex and long poems.

The three simplest tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction for beginners:

  1. Six mice of fur coats for kids were sewed.
  2. From the river, three crayfish crept up to the ravine.
  3. The jackal walked, the jackal ran past the fat ground beetle.

Another tongue twister for the development of speech and diction includes only two words and one preposition. That's just that it’s easier to pronounce it. And the reader will be able to verify this on their own, having tried to say at least once with the expression: "Package for popcorn."

More complex exercises, consisting of two sentences

When the above phrases could be pronounced without confusion, you can safely move on to the “next level”. For him, it is recommended to choose those that do not consist of one, but already of two sentences. But to make the transition easier, we recommend that you first practice your pronunciation of the following phrases:

  1. It’s creepy to the bug of May to live life on a bitch.
  2. Brothers-lamb gouache draw beautiful daisies.
  3. The red-haired sister, a fluffy fox, smartly slipped further and further into the thicket of the forest.
  4. Pretzel, cheesecake, bagel good baker from a cool dough baked in the morning.

When they began to work out easily and without hesitation, you can start practicing the following tongue twisters to develop diction. Such, for example, as those presented below:

  1. Beauty Clara strictly punishes the bastard Karl for stealing precious coral. Angry Karl took his clarinet from Clara.
  2. Goats climb in a thunderstorm into a winding vine. And this very vine nimble goats nibble in a thunderstorm.
  3. Circus circus showed tricks Irke. And Irka chewed toffee and dreamed about Kabardinka.
  4. Two nimble playful puppies, having pressed their cheeks to each other, pinch a bristle brush in a corner. The brush is almost without bristles.
  5. Bela birch, slender birch, high birch - red birch. And the oak is powerful.
  6. We barely ate a ruff and a spruce spruce. Now at spruce we do not eat ruffs.
  7. The water carrier carried water from under the water supply. He was carrying water from under the water supply.
  8. A wonderful turtle bug sits on a crooked trail. He has tiny black tortoiseshells on tiny turtle claws.
  9. A mouse rustles in a hut. The hissing cat on the window.
  10. The brave knight ate thirteen pies. In addition to cottage cheese, I did not find another filling.
  11. On a wide edge in a low hut live clockwork old talkers. Each old woman has a large basket, each basket has a tiny cat. And each sews old women boots.
most effective tongue twisters

We train the pronunciation of the letter "p"

Little children often with great difficulty learn to pronounce a "growling" letter. However, it happens that adults swallow or distort it. For this reason, we offer tongue twisters for the development of diction, which will help to hone the skill of speaking the letter "p".

Nursery rhymes for improving the speech system of adults:

  1. Beavers are brave and courageous, confidently go to the burs.
  2. A red bull, a white side, briskly ran to the meadow.
  3. Lyrics from the town of Nerl on the Nerl River were read by lymeriks.
  4. Briana Barbosa scolded, but he did not stick out his nose.
  5. He chopped a tree lumberjack, but didn’t cut it down - he decided to take a break.
  6. The otter at the otter stubbornly strove to snatch the fish. But the otter did not let the fish snatch.
  7. The feathered bird quail hid from the nimble kids of tiny quail.
  8. Grigory Egorovich has a huge garden. There grow tomatoes on the garden, which are often stolen by a mole.

"Adult" tongue twisters for the development of diction:

  1. He drew a picture of Roma, Paradise painted a fence.
  2. Klara-krala sneaked to the chest.
  3. The British Queen gave the overseas cavalier a beautiful caravel.
  4. Lilies of the valley Lavrenty tore, Varia gave lilies of the valley. Varya took the lilies of the valley, was glad to the lilies of the valley.
  5. Frustrated Lukerya Dmitrievna felt frustrated Nikolka Egorovich sad story.
  6. Overload of striped watermelons was going from a huge body to another body in advance.
  7. And you did not see the beautiful rhododendrons from the arboretum with which Clara decorated the arch in the garden.

Well, and the following tongue twisters for the development of speech and training diction, we often spoke in childhood, competing with friends in speed and correct pronunciation. However, they are effective for us now. The main thing is not to be lazy and often repeat in front of the mirror:

  1. The crow crowed a tiny black black crow.
  2. In the darkness of night, crayfish fight, make noise, rustle, they want to win.
  3. An eagle circles over a steep mountain. There is a feather on the eagle, a mountain under the eagle, that mountain in the Eagle.
  4. Friskily the red-haired sister of the fair-haired couple.
best tongue twisters

We train the pronunciation of the letter "l"

Often people cannot clearly pronounce the letter “l”. And then they also need tongue twisters for the development of adult diction. For example, for beginners, speech therapists are advised by the following:

  1. Lovely doe licked baby Lily on the forehead.
  2. If a tasty halva, we shout to the master: "Praise!"
  3. Hedgehogs and Christmas trees are extremely thin.
  4. Flew high forests, flew green fields white swans with swans.

After them, you can safely proceed to another more complicated, but at the same time funny phrase: you caught burbots, changed, caught burbot, you didn’t catch it.

Well, when this exercise is perfected, you should begin to master the most effective tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction of adults about the girl Lena:

  1. Elena was looking for a pin for a long time. Here are just a pin fell under the bench. Under the bench Elena became lazy to climb. As a result, Elena searched in vain for a pin all day.
  2. Girl Lena loved dumplings, That's just too lazy to sculpt them. But Emelya sculpted perfectly. And Lena dumplings without laziness ate.

And then move on to even more difficult:

  1. Striped rugs were rinsed in the river Vasya. Rinsed, rinsed - the river became striped.
  2. There was a commotion in the garden - there the thistle blossomed. To prevent your garden from stalling, thistle weed.
  3. Polkan long lapped deep Baikal. Lacked Polkan until he fell.
tongue twisters from speech therapists

We train the pronunciation of the letter "c"

If instead of the letter “c” the word produces an incomprehensible whistling sound, one should resort to the help of such tongue twisters-exercises for the development of diction:

  1. Sanya drove to a snow hill from a sled shop. Sanya slipped and fell on a sled. And Sanya and his sleigh rode off the mountain.
  2. They agreed to replace the strip about striped rugs with two half-stripes about colorful vacuum cleaners.
  3. The storyteller told a fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and Sineglazka.
  4. Tickled Seine's nose, Senya carried dry hay in the canopy.
  5. Creative is not creative, you need to re-create!
  6. Do not sleep catfish, do not sniff catfish, do not watch the seventh dream.
  7. The old duck tried, in a hurry. She urgently needed boots.
  8. Two foxes sang, fell in love with white rice.
  9. The fox has a mustache for beauty.
  10. Did the sister-fox crouch in the village, or in the green edge of the forest.

We train the pronunciation of the letter "t"

Most often, difficulties occur with the pronunciation of the sounds “p”, “c”, “w”, but sometimes children or adults have a problem with the letter “t”. Which they get more like a "k". To remove this drawback, you should devote as much time as possible to exercises that train the speech apparatus. To improve the pronunciation of the letter "t", we offer the reader short and long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction.

adult tongue twisters

So, let's begin:

  1. Only Tolik did not manage to finish the volume of the Block, Tata Toli brought the volume of Gogol.
  2. The weaver weaves wonderful fabrics on the stoles of Aunt Thane.
  3. A rubber stamp in rubber slippers trampled the path. He drowned the clapper in a bright blouse in sweat.
  4. Terenty lost the grater, did not rub the crust on the graters.
  5. Three magpies, three rattles lost three brushes.
  6. Stomped, stomped we stomped, stomped to the poplar. But while we reached the poplar, we all drowned our feet.
  7. Toreador Theodore stibril three tartlets with a tripod stool.
  8. Thirty-three striped piglets shake their tails with fear.

We train pronunciation of letters "w", "w", "h", "c"

Recently, foreign words have become more common in our language, which we are forced to use in everyday communication. Some of them can be replaced by Russian, more familiar and easier to pronounce. But sometimes such a replacement is simply impossible. And the reason for this can be both the absence of a Russian-language synonym and the inadmissibility of such a procedure. For example, when transmitting news on radio or television, business negotiations or teaching various disciplines at school, university and other educational institutions, a person must clearly pronounce the given words or terms. And after explaining their meaning with the help of synonyms, as, for example, occurs in education workers. That is why fuzzy or incorrect pronunciation leads to the fact that the information by the interlocutors, listeners, students, etc. will be misunderstood.

complicated tongue twisters

To avoid such an incident, you should also work on yourself. If the reader has difficulty speaking the letters "w", "w", "h", "c", we recommend him the following simple and complex tongue twisters for the development of diction of adults:

  1. Sasha’s sister darned pants, and Sasha didn’t darn pants.
  2. Wonderful wonderful turtle, it is two hours, not bored, teapot with a mug of tea.
  3. For hours the Chukchi is sitting in the plague. That is why the Chukchi in the plague is clean.
  4. Already granted the hedgehogs six excellent pajamas. Old pajamas are punctured by hedgehogs.
  5. Rustling Koschey, rustling Koschey, he drags a huge box of fresh vegetables.
  6. The circus from a real circus to the circus Zinochka presented a wonderful scarf.
  7. The caterpillar clings tenaciously to a branch, hides from starlings - it does not like starlings.

When the previous phrases are obtained without hesitation, the language does not become entangled, and the words are not distorted, we can move on to even more complex tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction:

  1. A sting snake already. The snitch can't get along. From horror I’ve already become a little narrower - I’ll eat a snake for dinner. And he will say: (repeat first).
  2. Dimochka and Vovochka - the sons of Mommy Valeka and daddy Lesha and granddaughters of the grandmothers Galechka and Ninochka and grandfather Kolechka and Tolechka.
  3. Why are they talking about wolf cubs, why are they talking silently? Is it because the galchts ran to visit the wolf cubs? And the wolves answered them for lunch.
  4. Their pesticides will not re-enrich our pesticides.
  5. The otter from the bucket jumped out noisily, the water from the bucket splashed out loudly. She jumped out, jumped out, she threw out, and jumped back, but she couldn’t throw in anymore.
  6. The fidgety constitutionalist Konstantinov was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople, who was engaged in the invention of a dust bag-raiser.

Modern tongue twisters for the development of diction

Have we ever wondered how rhymes for training the speech apparatus appear and do we need a special skill to come up with them? Indeed, no. It’s enough just to be able to feel the poetic pace and select various rhymes for words. Therefore, each person can independently invent an exercise for himself. To collect in him the most complex and unpronounceable words that are not obtained from him. And then repeat until the problem is resolved.

long tongue twisters

For example, from modern tongue twisters (some of them were invented by ordinary people), the following can be distinguished:

  1. Julia stubbornly bustled, and Konstantin continuously stated various facts.
  2. Wolves, did you howl at night? Were you near the forest? You asked: "Were we?" There were feet in the river washed.
  3. If you are not bankrupt, the ATM will give you banknotes. If you are bankrupt, the ATM will not give you banknotes.
  4. Hour after hour is not easier, because the wonderful macaque too often dipped a half-sleeping koala into very hot brown cocoa. There was such an incident in distant Macau.
  5. Four black imp in an hour pripaput to the summer cottage. They will begin to clean part of the area under the black-red cherry from stunted grass.
  6. A certified dentist is stifled with cheap cologne during the day, and perfumed in the evening.
  7. Expected animals: giraffe, toad and ground beetle, hid in honeysuckle and did not come to the circus.
  8. A burry boy who does not pronounce the letter “L”, with a tongue twister about Karl, Klara and corals, gathers a lot of crows around him in a couple of minutes.

We train pronunciation like real professionals

Having practiced on the above phrases, sentences and rhymes, some people begin to imagine themselves to be a real master, who can handle absolutely any, even a very long and complex tongue twister for the development of diction. But in order to verify our professionalism, it is necessary, at least, to repeat slowly the poem “About cone-drying factory” that has become famous on the Internet. You can get acquainted with him, thanks to the video presented below, in which the girl clearly and without hesitation pronounces the text of the advertisement for finding an employee in a factory specializing in processing bumps.

The longest tongue twister

Liguria is a place that few would know about, if not a wonderful and very difficult pronunciation, the tongue twister is the best for the development of diction.

Her story begins with the traffic controller, which regulates traffic in a small region of Italy, located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea. If you learn to pronounce this unusual composition with expression, without getting confused, you can significantly improve the pronunciation of many words.


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