How to massage with pinching of the sciatic nerve?

Today, most of the population is susceptible to various diseases of the spine. One of the most common ailments is sciatica - pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. To relieve pain and improve the condition of the patient as a whole, a special massage will help. When pinching the sciatic nerve (sciatica), it is required to follow a certain technique available to highly qualified masseurs. In the article, we consider the causes and symptoms of a pathological phenomenon, as well as varieties of massage procedures that will bring relief.

The causes of the disease

Pain in the lumbar and sacral spine, extending to the leg, is often a sign of pinching of the sciatic nerve, which consists of several nerves and therefore is the longest. Nerves pass from the lower back along both legs to the tips of the fingers.

massage for pinching the sciatic nerve

Most often, the main reason for the development of inflammation is the presence of intervertebral hernias in the patient. This pathology is characterized by rupture of the intervertebral discs with bulging contents beyond the spine and pinching of the nerve roots. The disease usually occurs against the background of osteochondrosis - a disease associated with an improper and sedentary lifestyle of modern people.

Pinching can occur when lifting weights, constant physical exertion, hypothermia and lower back injuries. Often, pregnant women suffer from this condition.


Sciatic nerve neuralgia has a characteristic picture of the pathological process. Patients note that severe stitching and burning pains usually appear. Such sensations arise and disappear suddenly. An attack can develop after physical or emotional overstrain. Even slight hypothermia will accelerate the development of inflammation. The first symptom to which you should pay attention is numbness and tingling of the leg in the area where the nerve passes.

During the attack period, the patient takes a certain position of the body, which allows to slightly relieve pain. Each movement in this state is given with special difficulty. Strong pain can lead to loss of consciousness.

Is massage possible when the sciatic nerve is pinched? Manual technique will really help to cope with the syndrome, but only a qualified specialist should conduct it. Before prescribing such a treatment to the patient, the doctor should conduct a diagnosis and prescribe a number of studies: laboratory tests, x-rays, MRI scans or CT scans of the lumbar spine.


The elimination of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a rather long process. To alleviate symptoms, doctors prescribe, first of all, powerful painkillers that can eliminate inflammation (from the NSAID group): Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Denebol, Diclofenac. Muscle relaxation is facilitated by medicines based on vitamin complexes. With very severe pain, Novocain blockade is indicated. They are made exclusively in a hospital.

massage for pinching the sciatic nerve at home

After the pain is weakened, massage is recommended. With pinching the sciatic nerve, this will improve blood flow in the focus of inflammation, eliminate muscle spasm. Manipulation should be carried out only by an experienced specialist. Neglect of this rule usually leads to the development of serious complications.

If the inflammatory process arose against the background of spinal injuries or in the presence of hernias of the intervertebral discs, surgical intervention may be recommended. The purpose of the operation in this case is to eliminate the causes that led to the development of pathology.

Therapeutic massage for pinching the sciatic nerve

Sciatica significantly reduces physical activity and negatively affects the quality of life in general. To restore normal mobility and eliminate pain, it is necessary to correctly approach the solution of the problem. Manual therapy is contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of the disease. This can lead to poor health. Therefore, it is possible to massage with pinching of the sciatic nerve after the onset of a period of remission and the passage of a course of drug therapy.

therapeutic massage for pinching the sciatic nerve

The course of therapeutic massage - 12-15 sessions. After applying massage procedures, the following changes in the patient's condition are observed:

  • symptoms of spasm pass;
  • relief comes due to increased blood circulation in the area of ​​pinching;
  • pain is stopped;
  • normal nerve activity is restored.

Subject to all the features of the massage technique, a long remission occurs.

Types of massage

With sciatic nerve neuralgia, several types of massage can be used. According to reviews, acupressure has the most pronounced therapeutic effect. It somewhat resembles an acupuncture procedure, but instead of needles, a specialist uses his own elbows. Thus it turns out to act on the points responsible for certain organs. Point (acupuncture) massage with pinching of the sciatic nerve allows you to activate the mechanisms of restoration of muscle tissue and spine, improve metabolic processes.

Is it possible to massage with pinching the sciatic nerve

Vacuum massage helps to cope with the stagnation of blood and lymph (and therefore eliminate pain). To do this, you must have special banks that will be installed along the spine. The skin in this area is lubricated with massage oil or baby cream. A small stick is introduced into the jar, on one end of which a cotton wool is wound, and set on fire. After burning oxygen, the jar is placed on the back.

The main localization of the cans is near the focus of pain. By time, manipulations are carried out for 20 minutes. The patient will feel significant relief after the first procedure. To consolidate the result, it is necessary to do can massage for 5-7 days.

Proper technique: how to do massage?

When the sciatic nerve is pinched, massage manipulations are performed according to a certain scheme. To begin with, the patient must take a supine position on a special couch. The body should be completely relaxed, arms evenly extended along the body. After that, the specialist begins to stroke the leg from the buttock to the heel, seeking relaxation of the muscles and tonus. You can also use massage oil for this.

foot massage for pinching the sciatic nerve

It should be borne in mind that spasm-affected muscles are not recommended for manipulation. Attention should be paid to the surrounding area. Stroking should be soft and smooth. Sharp movements will only bring increased pain.

Features of sciatica massage

A thorough foot massage is necessary . When the sciatic nerve is pinched, massage movements are performed from the most painful point, passing to the sacrum and gluteus. Then they descend along the leg and end with the heel area. If movement brings pain, massage should be stopped immediately.

Patient Reviews

Usually the pain recedes after the first sessions. Some patients practice massage (for pinching the sciatic nerve) at home. At the same time, warming ointments are also used to rub their own preparation. However, doctors warn that such methods may aggravate the condition due to the presence of contraindications.

how to massage with pinching the sciatic nerve

Physical therapy will help relieve spasm and establish metabolic processes with sciatica. Like massage, it is performed only during the period of remission. In the early days it is allowed to do exercises in a prone position without the use of weights. No less effective will be exercises from yoga to stretch the muscles.


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