Sense of anxiety

Anxiety and anxiety in the soul are integral components of everyday life. Most often, people feel anxiety when confronted with an unfamiliar situation or some kind of danger. Concern can be caused by sports, exam, important meeting, interview.

A sense of anxiety has a twofold effect on the body. On the one hand, it affects the psychological state, reduces the concentration of attention, makes you worry, and disrupts sleep. On the other hand, it greatly affects the physical condition, causing a rapid pulse, trembling, dizziness, sweating, indigestion, hyperventilation of the lungs and other physiological disorders.

An alarm can be considered painful if the anxiety that appears is stronger than the situation requires. Increased anxiety refers to a separate group of diseases, they are called pathological anxiety conditions. Such ailments in one way or another occur in 10% of people.


1. Panic. It manifests itself in the form of unexpected, periodically recurring attacks of severe anxiety and fear, often without cause. Sometimes combined with agoraphobia, fear of people, open spaces.

2. Obsessive manic disorders. In this state, a person has the same type of thoughts, desires and ideas. For example, he constantly checks whether the doors are locked, whether the appliances are turned off, and often wash his hands.

3. Phobias. These fears defy logic. These include social ones, which force a person to avoid appearing on people, and simple ones that cause a feeling of fear of spiders, snakes, and height.

4. Generalized disorders based on anxiety. In this situation, a person experiences a constant sense of anxiety. This may contribute to the appearance of mysterious physiological symptoms. There are times when doctors cannot find the causes of a disease for a long time, and a large number of tests are prescribed to identify diseases of the digestive, nervous system, heart. But the reason lies in psychological disorders.

5. Disorders accompanying post-traumatic stress. Distributed among war veterans, but can occur in any person who has experienced an event that goes beyond the usual life. Often such events are experienced many times in dreams.

    What to do in such cases? A constant sense of anxiety requires medical attention.

    In everyday life, try to minimize factors that contribute to anxiety. These include:

    • drinks that stimulate the nervous system (coffee, strong tea, energy);
    • smoking;
    • drinking alcohol, especially for sedation.

    Reduce anxiety:

    • Tinctures and teas based on soothing herbs (peony, motherwort, valerian).
    • relaxation, the ability to physically relax (bathing, yoga, aromatherapy). It goes well with moderate physical activity before this.
    • The development of psychological stability and a healthy attitude towards the surrounding reality.

    How will the doctor help?

    A specialist consultation will be appropriate in any case, no matter what causes your alarm. The treatment of these types of disorders is carried out using several effective methods. Short-term conditions allow drug therapy.

    Cognitive psychotherapy and behavioral treatment are currently very popular. These methods help a person understand that he does not have any psychological illnesses and is taught to overcome anxiety. The patient gradually realizes the causes of his anxiety. He learns to evaluate his behavior from a logical point of view, in a new way, to look more positively at the causes of anxiety. For example, the fear of flying on an airplane can be countered by the expectation of a wonderful vacation abroad. This treatment is especially relevant for people suffering from agoraphobia, which often prevents them from using public transport during peak hours.

    Most importantly, do not leave an increased sense of anxiety without attention. A sound approach to solving this problem will help make your life more relaxed and joyful.


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