What fabric is best for bedding. Types and characteristics of fabrics for bedding

In order to look rested and alert in the morning, you should take care not only of the quantity, but also of the quality of night sleep. To do this, listen to a series of tips. So, the sleeping room should be well ventilated. In addition, the indoor temperature is important. She must be comfortable. There is still a dependence of healthy sleep on the quality of bedding. Therefore, the importance of choosing the right fabric for you is growing. Shops and boutiques, supermarkets and markets offer their customers a huge variety of different bedding options. Which one to stop at? How to find the right fabric?

Purpose of purchase

Bed linens offered by the manufacturer differ not only in price and quality. It is sewn from various materials. What types of fabrics for bedding should you pay attention to when buying? Often it depends on specific goals.

choice of fabric for bedding

Linen for everyday use should be made of inexpensive, but at the same time practical materials. It is desirable that the price of it be in the middle range. If you buy linen as a gift, then it should be luxurious. The cost of such a kit will be in the high price range.

Fabric selection

To a good bed linen a lot of requirements are made. In this regard, each buyer will certainly think about the following question: which fabric is better? For bedding, you need a material that does not fade, does not fade during washing and does not roll after it, does not tear and does not decrease in size after soaking. The composition of such fabrics should be as natural as possible (99.9% cotton or linen).

Traditional materials

The most commonly used fabrics for bedding are linen, cotton and silk. Their varieties are chintz and cambric, satin and calico, etc. They are materials in the production of which various weaving of the thread is used. The density of the fabric for bedding depends on this.

linen fabric

Recently, a bamboo canvas has appeared on the market . It has gained great popularity among buyers.

As a rule, natural fabrics for bedding are taken. Viscose, as well as any other exotic materials are not used for sewing such sets. Manufacturers often offer bedding, the composition of the fabric of which is mixed. Such materials combine cotton with linen, silk, synthetics, etc.


What fabric is better for bedding? Certainly high quality! Of course, her choice depends on the tastes and needs of customers. However, it is worth remembering that even the most beautiful and refined linen will not bring any pleasure if it is sewn from low-quality fabric. Putting a low price at the top of their own priorities is fundamentally the wrong decision.


This indicator informs about the number of threads that are in one square centimeter of material. The density of the fabric for bedding is sometimes indicated on the package.

What is the classification of the canvas for this indicator? Density with the number of threads per square centimeter:

  • low - 20-30;
  • below average - 35-40;
  • average - 50-65;
  • above average - from 65 to 80;
  • high - from 85 to 120;
  • very high - from 130 to 280.

With a higher density, the canvas is more durable. The lowest values โ€‹โ€‹of this indicator are for the cambric. Below average and average density in cotton and flax. Above average values, this indicator is found in artificial materials and Turkish silk. Satin has a high density. The same characteristic is in some types of artificial fabrics. Chinese silk is also on this list . Japanese silk has a very high density.

There is another definition of a density indicator. For example, the calico most popular for sewing linen has these values, defined in grams per square meter. Indicators according to Standards and GOST should correspond to 125 g / sq. m or 142 g / sq. m

The most common material

Surely every buyer asks this question: which fabric is better for bedding? The most common material, of course, is cotton. Bedding sets sewn from it breathe perfectly, that is, they allow air to pass through. In addition, cotton absorbs excess moisture remarkably. That is why a person sleeping on such underwear does not have a feeling of discomfort if he sweats in a dream.

Cotton fabrics for bed linen meet all the necessary requirements. Such materials are well washed and easy to iron. Cotton bedding can last several decades.

Or maybe you want to get luxurious sheets? Or choose a bed set as a gift? Then be aware that today manufacturers offer materials such as satin and jacquard, percale and many others on the market. These are cotton fabrics for bed sets, each of which has its own characteristics.


Bedding sets made of this material will suit lovers of luxury. Satin is a very beautiful fabric that will not only fit perfectly into any interior, but will also become its highlight.

which fabric is better for bedding

This material is made from twisted cotton thread having double weaving. Satin is distinguished by its brilliance and high density (120-140 threads per 1 sq. Cm). It feels like silk to the touch, but its cost is much lower. It is worth saying that this fabric almost does not crease.

Satin lingerie is very durable. It is able to withstand from two hundred to three hundred washes, after which it begins to lose its shine a little. Kits from this material are more expensive than other cotton materials.


This is the most common fabric that is taken for sewing bed sets. In its composition, one hundred percent cotton, which is remarkably erased and practically does not crease.

types of fabrics for bedding
Coarse calico is carried out by rather dense weaving of thick threads. She has no shine. There are several varieties of this cotton linen - universal, crepe, luxury, etc. The indicated types of fabrics for bed linen have a density of thirty to one hundred and forty threads per square centimeter. The higher this indicator, the finer the thread used in the manufacture of the fabric and the higher the quality of the calico.

The characteristics of this material make it possible to stop the choice of a buyer who has not yet decided for himself which fabric is best for bedding. Coarse calico is wearproof and strong, besides it has a democratic price. It is able to maintain its original brightness for a long time. In addition, this tissue is completely non-hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation of the skin. That is why calico is a great option for baby bedding.


This is one of those fabrics that have been used since time immemorial. It is worth saying that they already knew about flax in Ancient Egypt. This canvas has always been of high enough quality.

fabric density for bedding

This fabric for bedding (linen) is distinguished by its durability and long wear. But, unfortunately, in its pure form, it wrinkles strongly and is hardly ironed. That is why manufacturers often use a cloth in which flaxseed is combined with cotton. Such underwear is more pleasant to the touch. In addition, it wrinkles less and smoothes better.

If you stopped the choice of fabric for bed linen on linen, then know that it is the classical material checked for centuries. Being a natural conditioner, it cools the skin in the heat and warms in the cold. Flax is anti-allergenic, in addition, has antiseptic properties. In favor of choosing this fabric speaks and its ability to withstand a large number of washings.


Bedding sets made of this material are considered the pinnacle of luxury. It is not only pleasant to sleep on such sheets, but also comfortable. For many years, the luster of silk has been attracting people. Moreover, no other material can replace this fabric in quality, grace and beauty.

The only drawback of bedding made from natural silk is its too high price. The highest quality materials are produced by Japanese manufacturers. Chinese and Turkish silks resemble natural ones only with their external characteristics. Their quality is much lower. Such silk cools and glides. Leads quickly appear on it. Real Japanese fabric pleases with a long service life. Artificial silk and in this regard often upset their masters.

characteristic fabrics for bedding

Bedding sets from this truly royal fabric are not only beautiful. They are also healing. Those who sleep on bedclothes sewn from natural silk, quickly get rid of skin, as well as rheumatic diseases. In favor of this fabric is its hypoallergenicity and ability to repel dirt. Silk can perfectly regulate body temperature. It is durable and does not lose color.


Bedding sets made of this fabric have become especially popular in recent years. Bamboo is an excellent natural material. It grows on soil in which there are no pesticides and chemicals in private land or special farms.

Made of bamboo fiber, the fabric for bedding is soft, with a beautiful, nature-given sheen. The quality of this fabric can be compared with cashmere or silk.

natural fabrics for bedding

The main advantage of bedding made from bamboo fabric is its hypoallergenicity. It is perfect for people with sensitive skin, as well as children. The positive properties of bamboo fabric include its breathability, as well as absorbency, which contributes to the porous structure of the material. In addition, sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers sewn from this fabric have antibacterial properties.

Modern manufacturers often offer sets sewn from fabric, in which, in addition to bamboo fiber, there are cotton threads. Such underwear is not only ultra-soft, but also does not slip. Many housewives prefer to give a large sum for such underwear, but then do not worry about purchasing a new set. And this is quite justified, because the material from bamboo fibers can withstand up to five hundred washes without losing its qualities and color.

We hope that the above description of the fabrics for bedding will help you decide on a purchase.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1369/

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