Removal of papillomas at home folk remedies: recipes and reviews

Unpleasant papillomas in one way or another were encountered by more than 90% of the world's inhabitants. The virus that causes the onset of growth can be transmitted during a handshake, accidental touch, sexual intimacy. However, some people tend to be less susceptible to its effects, so they are familiar with the problem only in pictures. Others were less fortunate, so the issue of removing papillomas at home with folk remedies becomes relevant for them. We offer an overview of some of the most effective methods.

Aloe juice

The aloe plant, or agave, grows on the windowsills of many apartments, it is treated with acne, inflammation, and a runny nose. It is also considered an effective way to remove papillomas at home, however, we note that the growths themselves should be small, located on the hands or neck. Proceed as follows:

  • Choose an adult leaf: a slightly yellowish dried tip suggests that it can be used.
  • Rinse the sheet, wrap it with cling film and place in the freshness zone of the refrigerator for 36 hours.
  • Remove, cut into small pieces, wrap in gauze and squeeze the juice.
  • Impregnate the bandage folded several times with juice, apply to the growth and fix with adhesive plaster.
  • Replace the bandage soaked in juice after 5 hours.
  • The procedure is repeated every day for 10 days.

Before using aloe juice, you should conduct an allergy test - drop a small amount on your hand and wait an hour, watching if itching, redness occurs.

Aloe juice - a remedy for papillomas


Celandine contains alkaloids, saponins, essential oils, flavonoids. And organic acids - also one of the components - allow you to burn out tumors and localize inflammation. In addition, the plant has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Grass and Celandine Flowers

Consider the removal of celandine papillomas at home, this simple method is considered to be one of the most effective. The only difficulty is to find a fresh plant, which is almost impossible in the city in winter. But in the summer in a park or park it is easy to find a suitable plant. Having broken the stem, you can see the allocation of bright orange juice, this is a remedy against growths. Juice is applied to education, in the first seven days of the course do it every 2 hours, in the second week the number of treatments should be reduced to 2 per day.

It should be remembered that the plant is poisonous, so its juice should not fall on healthy areas of the skin. If it is not possible to find a fresh bush, then in the pharmacy you can buy a drug based on it, "Mountain celandine."

The pros and cons of using this plant are presented in table form.



The procedure is completely painless

Accidental contact with healthy skin can cause burns.

Fast result (3-4 procedures are enough to remove a small growth)

There is a risk of an allergic reaction.

The tool is completely free (if we are talking about a plant) or very inexpensive (pharmacy drug)

Contact with mucous membranes causes inflammation.

A very effective way, it helps almost always

In some cases, the procedure may not lead to the desired result.

Despite the fact that the celandine has an equal amount of pros and cons, it is used most often to solve the problem, this plant is really effective, for which there is scientific evidence.


Before treating with celandine, you should pay attention to the following list of contraindications:

  • Neoplasms on the face, eyelids, mucous membranes, genitals.
  • The presence of inflammation on the outgrowth.
  • Individual intolerance, allergic reaction.
  • Fresh wounds on the treated area.

The use of plant juice should be discarded during pregnancy, lactation, as well as persons under 16 years of age.

Adam's apple

We continue to consider ways to remove papillomas at home. The so-called "God's tree" or maklura, growing on the American continent, has proven itself very well. The fruits of this plant have a huge amount of beneficial properties, contain organic acids and flavonoids. To remove neoplasms, it is necessary to prepare a tincture: grind a ripe fruit, pour it with 1-2 liters of vodka, place in a glass container and put in a dark place for 14 days.

When the drug is ready, inside it should be used as follows:

  • The first weeks of the course - 3 drops per glass of water, once every 24 hours.
  • The second week - 3 drops every 12 hours.
  • Third week - 3 drops every 8 hours.
  • Fourth week - 4 drops every 8 hours.
  • The fifth week and subsequent - an increase in each dose by 1 drop.
  • Starting from the eighth week - the number of drops weekly decreases by one. Stop treatment is necessary, returning to normal 3 drops after 8 hours.

Thus, the total duration of the course is more than two months. It should be remembered that the fruits of the Adam tree are poisonous, therefore, excess dosage is unacceptable.

Banana skin

According to reviews, banana peel contributes to the removal of papillomas at home. To do this, it is washed, a small piece is cut, which is applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. After that, the peel is removed, the remaining pulp is removed with warm water, essential oil of tea tree or eucalyptus is applied to the growth.

Banana peel - a remedy for papillomas

Potato juice

Another effective remedy for removing papillomas at home is potato juice. Additional advantages of the method are availability and low cost. It’s not difficult to prepare the product: take a medium-sized tuber, rinse and peel it, grate it. Then squeeze the juice, wrapping with gauze.

With the resulting product, lubricate the growth every 6 hours, after which it is simply dried, it is not necessary to glue it. Actions are repeated daily for 3-4 weeks.

Potato tuber from papillomas


Consider removing garlic papillomas at home. This method deservedly enjoys love and is considered one of the most effective. It is necessary to prepare the gruel from this vegetable, rubbing it on a fine grater, then mix with a fat cosmetic cream or petroleum jelly to get a kind of ointment, which you need to apply to the growth. To do this, a small amount of the product is placed on a bandage folded several times, fixed with an adhesive plaster. After half an hour, the patch can be removed, the procedure is repeated twice a day for a month.

Garlic - a folk remedy for papillomas


Another vegetable that can help remove papillomas at home is onions. The procedure is simple: a small onion is peeled, rubbed on a fine grater or squeezed juice, the resulting slurry is applied several times over the folded bandage, or the fabric is soaked in juice. Next, you need to apply the resulting compress to the neoplasm, leave for 30-40 minutes, then wipe it with a damp cloth. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

The onion peel also proved to be good, which also helps to get rid of unpleasant neoplasms on the neck and hands, face. To prepare the product, the husk is placed in a glass container, filled with vinegar (3%), it must completely cover the onion husk. Next, the dishes are covered with a lid and cleaned in a dark place for 15 days.

Onion - a remedy for papillomas

The method of application is simple: compresses are made that are applied to the affected area for several hours. It is very important to act carefully, before the compress, grease the skin around the papilloma with a rich cream.

Chestnut tree leaves

We will get acquainted with a great way to remove papillomas at home from a piggy bank of folk wisdom. These are leaves of a chestnut tree, which must be collected in a rather large amount (approximately Β½ bucket is required), pour boiling water for 12 hours, and then strain. Add the resulting broth to the bath, the water procedure should take at least half an hour, carried out every 3 days. The duration of the course is at least a month. The method is good in that it allows you to fight with tumors throughout the body.


This plant, hated by summer residents and gardeners, is an excellent alternative to traditional medicine, which allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of growths on the hands, neck, face. The procedure for preparing the tincture is as follows:

  • Pick up fresh sunny yellow flowers in a field or meadow, away from highways, manufacturing plants and cemeteries.
  • Pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, put the container in a dark place for at least 14 days, preferably 20.

After waiting for the required period, you should apply a few drops of tincture on cotton or bandage, attach to the growth and leave for 40 minutes. The procedure is repeated every 4 hours for 21 days.

Dandelion - an effective folk remedy

Essential oils

There are two effective oils that help get rid of growths - tea tree and lemon. They have the same method of application: gently a drop of oil is applied to the neoplasm, it is most convenient to act with a cotton swab to avoid getting the product on healthy skin. Repeats once a day for a month. Folk doctors advise: if there is a large amount of papillomas, then you can not remove them with essential oil at the same time, you should first deal with 2-3, then proceed to the rest.


Consider removing papillomas with household soap at home. You can also use tar, the result will be similar. The growth is lubricated with soap daily at night for a month. The method was used by our grandmothers, but modern medicine is incredulous about it.

A thread

Removing papillomas with a thread at home is a way that they have outlived themselves, modern doctors categorically do not recommend using it, only in remote villages folk healers still practice it, and some use hair instead of a thread.

The essence of the method is as follows: a cotton or silk thread is taken, which is tightly tied at the base of the growth, so as to block the blood flow. It is noted that in this case, the neoplasm will disappear. Sometimes the procedure can be quite painful and at the same time ineffective, so the method itself has lost its relevance.

You can remove papillomas with threads

There is another method similar in principle to the operation - drying of the growth. Cotton wool is applied to the papilloma, fixed with a patch so that the tumor does not receive oxygen. Within two to three weeks, the affected area should be sealed in this way, periodically changing the patch and cotton wool.


Having considered the removal of papillomas at home, we note those actions that can never be performed:

  • Cut the growth with scissors or a knife, tear it off.
  • Try to independently remove a neoplasm of black, red color or rapidly increasing in size. In these cases, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  • Try to tear off using tape.
  • Get rid of growths on the genitals. Only a gynecologist can do this, after a preliminary examination.

In addition, the removal of papillomas on the eyelid at home is also highly not recommended, as it can leave a scar or lead to infection.

In the next video, you can watch an overview of some effective and simple ways to get rid of papillomas.

It should be remembered that papillomas should be removed only after consulting a physician, therefore, any recipes of traditional medicine can be used only after examination.


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