External and internal motivation: definition, features of formation and factors

In life, it is very important to motivate yourself and other people. The effectiveness of educational or professional activity depends on this in general. To properly motivate, you need to know what external, internal motivation, the features of their formation.

intrinsic motivation

Definition of concepts

External motivation is an impulse to activity through forces from outside. That is, a person perceives the reasons for his behavior as imposed, and considers himself only a pawn. Such motivation is regulated by external material and psychological conditions: money, remuneration, and even punishment. The incentive to action is based on incentives that arise from the current situation.

Intrinsic motivation is determined by the needs for competence and personal choice, which are leading for the human "I". With this kind of motivation, people understand that they are the true cause of what is being done, and perceive themselves when interacting with their environment as an effective agent. That is, in the case of internal motivation, needs, interests, intentions, goals, desires, self-confidence, the possibility of self-realization, a sense of satisfaction from work are used.

We consider separately each type of motivation.

External motivation

The employees were promised a bonus, they began to work faster. Set fines and rules, people began to focus on them, whether they like it or not. A sudden thundercloud makes you run home faster. The criminal pointed a gun at you and demanded money - you will quickly give your wallet back.

external and internal motivation

These are all examples of external motivation. As already mentioned, it induces action through prevailing circumstances or incentives. In another way, we can say that these are achievements in the surrounding society. Of course, internal motivation is much more effective . However, this type of exposure affects individuals better.

So, what methods are suitable as external motivation? Career growth, big salary, prestigious things (apartment, house, car), status, ability to travel, recognition.

External motivation can be constantly changing. Yesterday it was necessary to earn money to feed a family, and tomorrow money will be needed for a new apartment, car, or children's education. The most obvious and classic example of such motivation is the tale of the goldfish and the fisherman.

Intrinsic motivation

A small child is constantly trying or exploring something. It is really important and interesting to him. A person does not work for a salary, but because of his favorite business. These are examples of intrinsic motivation. As already mentioned, it does not depend on external factors and the environment. The content of the activity itself prompts a person to do this.

What can be used as intrinsic motivation? The possibility of personal growth, a sense of need, self-affirmation, the implementation of ideas, creativity, the need for communication, the fulfillment of dreams.

intrinsic motivation of activity

An employee’s internal motivation is when he sees his work as a paid hobby. Perhaps, if not all, then many people would like to strive for this.

It is much more efficient to use both types of motivation. The main thing is to maintain a balance and balance between them.

How do motivation factors work

In fact, all motivational factors can be reduced to two ideas:

  1. Enjoy. These are positive factors.
  2. Get rid of the unpleasant. These are already negative factors.

All of them can be both external and internal. The simultaneous presence of positive and negative factors favorably affects the action. It turns out a very powerful push, a kind of push-push. On the one hand, a person wants to receive a reward, and on the other hand, avoids punishment.

External and internal motivation, positive and negative factors act in different ways, in different directions and always lead to different results. Of course, all types of exposure affect people to a certain extent. However, it can be seen that each person still prefers any one direction. One needs to be constantly urged, intimidated, and the other only needs to promise a reward.

For clarity, below is a table that can be used to motivate employees.

factors of intrinsic motivation

The ratio of factors and types of motivation

Factors of external motivation

Factors of intrinsic motivation

Negative motivation

Salary reduction;





threat to health or life.


lack of communication;

feeling of humiliation;

feeling of insecurity;

lack of health.

Positive motivation


prestigious things;



the ability to travel;

worthy aesthetics of everyday life;


Self-realization, dream;

creativity, ideas;

personal growth;

feeling of need;

need for communication;


conviction in action;



An example of applying knowledge about motivation

The given story will tell and clearly show how external and internal motivation works.

Under the windows of an elderly woman, a company of kids gathered every evening who played and talked very noisily. Naturally, the old woman did not like this, but her requests and persuasions to spend leisure time in another place did not help. Then she decided to change the situation in another way.

Every day, a woman gave children fifty rubles for playing very well near her house. Of course, the guys liked this alignment! The old woman began to gradually reduce this amount. And at one fine moment, when it seemed to the children that they were getting cheaper, they simply refused to play under its windows and did not appear there again.

intrinsic learning motivation

In such a cunning way, the woman decided the situation. The internal motivation of the children (their own desire to play under the windows) was transferred to the external (to do it for money), but then she disappeared.

Motivation of others

People who are motivated by the desire to go up do not pay attention to comfort. They are driven by the realization of the personal interests and goals of the organization. Employees who are driven by punishment will not perform what deprives a comfort zone.

It is very important to take into account external positive factors. This is money, reliability, conditions and security. No less important role is played by internal positive factors. These are achievements, growth, authority, recognition and responsibility. Only the right combination of these factors will give satisfaction with work. In their absence, work becomes hated and unbearable. In this regard, the motivation of students or schoolchildren is no different. It is important that intrinsic learning motivation prevail.

Signs of a motivating environment

When organizing any activity, it is important to consider several requirements. They are simply necessary to meet the needs and the formation of the right motivation:

formation of intrinsic motivation

  • Activities must be creative and diverse.
  • The ability to develop when completing assignments.
  • A sense of belonging to the group and recognition on its part.
  • The right to make decisions independently within the framework of their competence.
  • Feeling of support and help.
  • The presence of external attributes of success: praise, encouragement, compliment.
  • The meaningfulness of the required actions.
  • The opportunity to express their own opinion, which will be noted.
  • Availability and timeliness of information received.
  • Feedback after the work done.

If all these signs (or at least the majority) are present in the organization of activity, then we can assume that the formation of internal motivation will be successful.

Self-motivation is the engine of progress

For a meaningful movement, it is important to know where and where to go, and also have a great desire. That is, self-motivation is necessary. How to achieve it? Follow the techniques and rules listed below:

  • Set only achievable goals. Only in this way will the desire to reach them.
  • Break large goals into small tasks.
  • Keep a diary of achievements.
  • Continually reward yourself with rewards for completing assignments.
  • Try to use as little criticism as possible.
  • Look for like-minded people in your field.
  • Try to compete with others and become the best.
  • Surround yourself only with positive and purposeful people.
  • Read books and watch movies that motivate you.

employee internal motivation

Try to realize if not all, then at least a few points, and you will definitely have a desire to get down to business! Remember that it is important to use positive and negative factors, internal and external motivation in the balance, to achieve a good result.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13694/

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