Hair growth rate on the scalp in men and methods of stimulation

In recent years, an increasing number of media persons, in particular men, have positioned the absence of well-groomed hair as the most fashionable trend in hairstyles. The lack of vegetation on the head cannot be considered a global theme. However, it happens that to restore hair growth on the head in men is difficult or almost impossible. The fact is that among representatives of the stronger sex, often there is no cover at all and this turns into a real disaster.

How fast do they grow? Nuances

how to change the hair growth on the head of a man

The rate of hair growth on the head in men is somewhat different from the pace of the female half of society. And this is a well-known fact. For a month, male hair, as a rule, grows by 2–15 mm, while female - by 15–20 mm. But the passage of phases, which is called regeneration, is faster in men.

How many centimeters?

increase hair growth on the head in men

How many centimeters per year is hair growth on the head for men possible? It depends on individual characteristics. All of these indicators determine the rate or growth of strands on average:

  1. During the day, the curl grows by 0.35 mm.
  2. For a month, respectively, hair grows by about 1 cm.
  3. For a year, the figure usually reaches 15 cm.

What is the rate of hair growth on the head in men? It is worth noting that in young people during a month the hair grows up to 15 mm, in boys - up to 13, and in the elderly the limit decreases to 0.5 cm. Hair grows at a faster pace in the period from 15 to 30 years. This is scientific information.

The growth rate of hair on the head in men varies and depending on race. For instance:

  1. In Africans, hair grows 0.27 mm per month. The reason for this is that the strands can curl into a spiral.
  2. In Asians, strands grow by about 1.5 cm or more per month. It should be noted that they are considered champions among all owners of a beautiful, thick and long head of hair.

Can hair loss be considered normal? What do scientists say?

restore hair growth on the head in men

The rate of hair growth on the head is different for men of different age categories. In addition, each person has his own genetic characteristics. The human body is designed so that along with its aging, some structures are updated. So, for example, there is a continuous update of nails, hair and skin. Both women and men lose their hair. In a normal amount, a person drops about 150 pieces per day. However, sometimes the named number for one reason or another increases and day after day, gradually the man’s hairstyle undergoes cardinal changes. Bald spots appear, bald patches appear.

Reason for frustration

hair growth on the head in men

All this, of course, is frustrating and requires stimulation of hair growth on the head in men. It is unpleasant when, instead of a young man with a thick head of hair, a not the best sight appears in front of a woman's face. Unfortunately, in the modern world a fifth of the male population is trying to some extent to overcome baldness.

The growth of curls is significantly slowed down, the restoration of hair becomes almost the main goal, because the man’s self-esteem in this case was seriously damaged. In women, issues related to baldness are much less common. Although some of them, like the male half of the population, want to accelerate the pace. Improving the growth of hair on the head in men and women is one of the urgent tasks that trichologists face.

Possible reasons

How to change hair growth on a man’s head? First you need to find out the reason for the deviation. Throughout life, hair, like other organs, can exist "in a different form." This is due to the psychophysiological state, factors of the world, the absence or presence of diseases, stress, and so on. The causes of hair loss in the male population should be formulated as follows:

  1. Heredity. The fact is that in the genes of some people from birth, a program is relevant that, in one age or another, triggers the failure processes in the activity of the hair follicle.
  2. Problems of the hormonal plan. Bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs, etc.) inherent in the male lifestyle.
  3. A number of infectious diseases.
  4. Psychological overload in the form of permanent nervous disorders, stress.
  5. Abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Significant physical activity.
  7. Vitamin deficiency.

In order to bald, it is not necessary to have the whole set of the listed reasons. One of them is quite enough.

How to enhance hair growth on the head in men? Expert opinion

scalp stimulants for men

Means that can prevent baldness and accelerate hair growth are conditionally classified into several types. The most popular are dietary supplements and cosmetic preparations of industrial importance. But home hair growth stimulants for men’s head are also in demand. It is advisable to consider the content of each of the presented groups separately.

Biologically active substances

These drugs should include certain miraculous agents that can change the growth rate of curls. Supplements allow you to deliver to the human body those useful substances that he needs due to lack of. Indeed, it is the deficit of such that causes hair loss on the head at an accelerated pace. A full restoration of hair is difficult enough to guarantee, however, these drugs can create a kind of screening on the path of excessive loss, accelerate hair growth. Experts recommend the use of the following additives: "Merz" in a dragee; Spirulina Vitrum Beauty; Fish oil capsules; Nutricap "Alphabet" (a special complex of vitamins and minerals); Pantovigar; "Perfect".

All of them have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, benefit directly for the hairstyle, and for the male body as a whole. It should be noted that for the female half of the population, such drugs are very useful. They can have a significant effect on the density of hair.


Stimulation of hair growth on the head in men can be carried out due to cosmetic preparations. Modern industry cares about the beauty of a strong half of humanity, releasing various cosmetics to improve the condition of hair. As a rule, preparations that belong to this type contain in their composition substances such as cinnamon, caffeine, burdock oil, mustard, phyto essences and other components. The named helpful assistants are able to activate the blood circulation of the head, which has a beneficial effect on the hair. So, their growth rate is changing for the better.

Growth stimulants

The network of pharmacies for the male half of the population offers different hair growth stimulants. Consider the most popular today:

  1. Shampoo "Fitoval". Method of application: the hair must be moisturized, apply the cosmetic product with massage light movements. Hold the shampoo on your head for about 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is 2 months (once every three days). “Fitoval” stimulates hair growth, significantly reduces hair loss. In addition, he is able to accelerate the process of restoring hair.
  2. Revalid capsules. They should be taken orally before meals in a course of three capsules per day for 2-3 months. "Revalid" improves the general appearance and condition of the hair. These capsules are useful for the body as a whole and, in particular, for nails.
  3. Esvitsin liquid. It must be rubbed into the skin three times every seven days, and also taken orally, one tablespoon every day. The course of treatment is about three months. After using the product, the hair becomes much thicker and more healthy. Well-groomed hair will be provided to you.

Folk methods

onion mask

Traditional medicine is ready to offer even more ways to improve hair condition and combat baldness in men. Massage with useful elements, preparing masks, rubbing certain mixtures into the scalp - and this is not a complete list of what can be done at home. Available to everyone and extremely simple means can turn into real healers if they are systematically used to cure hair.

It is advisable to include onions, olive and burdock oils, peppers, and henna to such helpers. For example, onion juice, which must be applied to the hair for 30 minutes, helps curls become more beautiful and thicker. And mustard oil warmed up with henna leaves returns the former beauty of the hairstyle. This mixture will strengthen the hair, and the rate of regrowth becomes significantly greater.

For the treatment of hair, various simple masks are widely used. Consider a few of them:

  1. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of natural honey, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Cooking algorithm: to the heated oil (not more than 39 degrees), add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Apply the mixture to the hair and skin of the head. Hold the mask for at least 20 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo. Such a composition is recommended to be used once a week.
  2. Components: 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, 5-6 drops of tincture of red pepper (available at the pharmacy), one raw chicken yolk. Method of preparation: the oil should be heated to approximately body temperature, then drive in the yolk, pour in the tincture and mix thoroughly. The composition should be rubbed into the scalp once a week. This is done to reduce the tendency to fall out.
  3. Ingredients: 50 g of brandy, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Cooking algorithm: mix the ingredients until the lumps are eliminated. This mask, applied for 30 minutes, can activate the growth of curls by improving blood circulation.

Final part

stimulation of hair growth on the head in men

So, we examined the issue of hair growth rate in the male half of the population, as well as ways to restore hair. In addition to the means and methods listed in the article, to improve the condition of the hair, you can use healing broths that are prepared at home. They have a positive effect on the hair follicles. Such decoctions can be used as rinses that complete the procedure for washing the hair. It is worth clarifying that there is no need to wash off the compositions.

Consider one of them. Let's say a decoction of onion peels. For its preparation, the flaky outer walls of the onion (you should take one handful of onions) must be poured with boiling water (about half a liter) and brought to a boil. Darken for ten minutes under the lid, cool and strain. The broth is used for rinsing.


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