How to write a business letter: rules and recommendations

An integral attribute of any business is business correspondence. The employees of each enterprise communicate with colleagues and customers, with suppliers and consumers. In general, the daily routine of any office certainly includes participation in correspondence.

Despite the fact that on a daily basis the majority of employees in enterprises and organizations send and receive numerous messages, not all adhere to established norms and rules when creating them. It turns out that correctly and correctly writing a business letter is not so simple. There are a number of requirements and templates used in the world and related to document management. They include the rules for writing a business letter, as well as the main points regarding the design.

business letter
When composing a message to a third-party organization or just a colleague to a neighboring department, you should adhere to a strict style (with the exception of friendly correspondence, for which there are no such restrictions). Do not use too emotional words even to describe the whole importance of the transaction or the enthusiasm for the tested products. A business letter should be clear, concise and reasonably restrained.

The message should begin with the addressee. If it is intended for an employee of a third-party organization, you should certainly indicate its name, position of the recipient, as well as his full name. In the case when the document remains inside the company, a surname with initials is sufficient (you can add the position you occupy).

how to write a business letter in English
A business letter to a third-party organization should be made out on letterhead (regardless of whether it will be sent in electronic or paper form). In its absence, you can simply specify the sender details in the "header" of the document.

Before you start composing a text, you need to consider its structure, outline the main points and goals of writing. In this case, the writing process will be much easier. The letter should end with a signature, which indicates not only the sender's name, but also the position, as well as the name of the company that he represents.

When sending an offer to a potential client or partner at the end, you must certainly express gratitude for cooperation and hope for further joint work.

In addition to the rules used in business correspondence, there are also recommendations. For example, any document addressed to a particular person should begin with the words "respected" with the full name, and not the initials. No need to use abbreviations in letters, for example, to write "uv." or reduce the position of the addressee, his place of work.

business letter writing rules
The international document flow is considered the most difficult, since each state has its own nuances of communication, and the language in which one has to correspond with foreign partners is not always clear to the compiler, so you have to use the services of translators. Before resorting to the services of such a specialist, one should clarify whether he knows how to write a business letter in English, or is it a banal literal translation. If it is planned to maintain foreign workflow constantly, it is better to hire an employee who is fluent in a foreign language to write a business letter on it.

In general, the achievement of the task depends on how the document will be drawn up and how it is drawn up. So in no case do not underestimate the importance of business etiquette in communication.


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