Basma for hair. How to dye your hair with basma

Basma is a herbal natural dye. Get it from indigo leaves (tropical plant) processed into powder. Since ancient times, Basma has been the darling of the women of the East, the dye with which they dyed and strengthened their hair. They knew in every detail how to properly perform basma hair dyeing to get the right shade. It must be said that this is not easy, because the natural color of the hair, which is obtained by coloring only with basma, is not even blue (indigo - blue), but green.

Basma for hair coloring is always combined with henna. Depending on the proportions of basma and henna taken for hair coloring, a fairly wide range of shades can be obtained. The result is also affected by the structure of the hair, its original color, the freshness of the product, the time of coloring, the presence of gray hair and many other factors. The dark gamut of colors is especially rich and advantageous: from dark chestnut to almost black with a warm shade of dark chocolate.

How to dye your hair with basma

If the gray hair is 40-50 or more percent, then the color of the hair with basma should take place in stages: first they are dyed with henna, and then with basma, so it is much easier to control the receipt of the desired color. The amount of basma and henna necessary to obtain the desired shade is determined taking into account the ratio of these natural dyes, the length and volume of hair. The powder is poured into porcelain, add a little hot water and mix thoroughly. The resulting slurry is gently, as evenly as possible, applied to the hair.

Henna and basma for hair intensively stain the skin, so you need to use rubber thin gloves. Then a plastic cap is put on the head and wrapped with a towel. The intensity of the color obtained directly depends on the staining time, so you need to be very careful. Basma and henna are washed off with running water, preferably under high pressure, to completely remove paint particles.

It is not recommended to dye basma and henna hair:

• recently painted with chemical paint or coated. Due to the very poor compatibility of plant and chemical dyes, the result will be difficult to predict;

• after perming. For the same reason, hair can acquire an unpredictable shade - from green to orange;

• very bright by nature. Dyed hair can acquire a bright red color.

A couple of tips for curlers

Plant dyes are very persistent and penetrate deep into the hair. They can not be washed off or removed from the hair in any way, so even after a couple of months the paint still remains in them. It only fades, and the curls become less bright. Therefore, categorically it is not recommended to do a perm in this case . Even the best hairdresser will not take such a risk. It will take quite a lot of time so that after henna and basma it is possible to use chemical dyes, to make highlighting or perm.

Henna and Basma for hair are very effective and positively affect their health and beauty. The substances contained in them nourish the hair follicles, activate growth, and help blood supply to the scalp. Curls become obedient, shiny and smooth after coloring. Basma for hair helps to get rid of dandruff. Another important advantage of basma and henna is that, unlike chemical dyes, they do not affect the structure of the hair when dyed.

Unfortunately, the so-called "colored" henna, whose composition contains synthetic components, is increasingly found in stores. In pursuit of new shades, one should not forget that hair coloring using “colored” henna is far from being as safe and useful as natural plant basma and henna.


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