Dry dandruff: causes, treatment methods, especially scalp care

Dry dandruff appears more often than oily. It is a small flake of dead epidermal cells. There may be several reasons for its appearance, but most often dry dandruff occurs due to improper care of the scalp. To treat this cosmetic deficiency, special shampoos are used, as well as folk remedies.

Why dandruff appears

Causes of occurrence

Microscopic bacteria that live on the scalp regulate epidermal renewal and feed on sebum. In a healthy person, a certain amount of skin flakes exfoliates daily. If a failure occurs, then the flakes begin to exfoliate in too much quantity and at the same time stick together into large flakes. Their number is so great that they become visually noticeable.

However, today it is rare to see a person whose shoulders are covered in dandruff. Thanks to modern developments of cosmetic companies, today a sufficient number of therapeutic shampoos have been released that perfectly cope with this shortcoming.

Causes of occurrence

Dandruff Remedies

As already mentioned, there are many causes of dandruff. But the most common among them are the following:

  • Stress, due to which sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work in an intensive mode in a person.
  • Climate change does not contribute to scalp health. The body often reacts very sharply to temperature changes.
  • Often the cause of dandruff is dermatosis, which appears as a result of taking antibiotics.
  • The lack of certain vitamins adversely affects the general condition of the hair and scalp.
  • Very often in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the hair is in poor condition. Curls quickly become oily or, conversely, become dry and brittle.

Women who have dry skin but use dry hair shampoo run the risk of getting dandruff.

What to do

Why dandruff appears

Sometimes treating this symptom requires a review of your entire lifestyle. So that the healing process does not last for several years, you should adhere to the following tips of dermatologists:

  • If you can’t quickly get rid of this unpleasant drawback, then you need to undergo a medical examination. He will select the necessary course of treatment based on the results of the tests.
  • Be sure to pay attention to nutrition. And also during this period it is advisable to refuse to take alcohol and sugary carbonated drinks.
  • First of all, when dandruff occurs, hygiene products should be changed. Special shampoos and conditioners for dandruff are selected.
  • The daily menu should be rich in vitamins and minerals, among which must necessarily be vitamins A, E and D. And you also need to take polyunsaturated acids Omega-6 and Omega-9. They can be obtained by eating fatty fish or using linseed oil.

It is useful to make homemade masks and rinse your hair with herbal decoctions. They perfectly regulate the sebaceous glands and saturate the scalp with useful substances.

Folk remedies

Aloe mask

Alternative medicine knows many recipes for how to get rid of dry dandruff. With this disease, moisturize and nourish the scalp. For this purpose, products such as mayonnaise, egg yolks, vegetable and animal oils, as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs are used:

  • Two egg yolks are mixed with a tablespoon of olive or linseed oil, the products are shaken until a homogeneous consistency. The resulting composition lubricates the skin and wraps the head with a plastic bag. Top insulated with a towel. The mask is kept for at least one hour, after which it is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  • No less good against dry dandruff is a mixture of eggs, vegetable oil and sour cream. This composition has a moisturizing effect and perfectly softens the scalp. This mixture is also applied to the hair roots, and its residues are distributed along the entire length of the curls. Like the previous mask, it is held for at least one hour, warming with a plastic bag and a towel.
  • A mixture of oils helps to get rid of dry dandruff. The most effective among them are: castor oil, burdock root oil, linseed and rose essential oil.
  • A decoction of medicinal herbs is prepared as follows: as a raw material, take inflorescences of chamomile, linden, yarrow or plantain leaves. Nettle and other burning plants are not suitable for this purpose. They cause further irritation of the scalp and provoke an even greater appearance of dandruff. Two tablespoons of any of the listed raw materials are poured with a liter of cold water, boiled in a saucepan over low heat. To do this, it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil and turn off the fire after 5-10 minutes.
  • Aloe juice has an irritating effect, but in its composition contains many useful substances necessary for healing dry hair with dandruff. Aloe can reduce the number of microbes that have multiplied due to the nutrient medium resulting from increased fat formation. A large leaf of this plant is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with a yolk of a quail egg. The resulting nutrient mixture is applied to the scalp. Hold her for 1 hour.
  • A mask based on kefir contains a moisturizing and exfoliating effect. Lactic acid favorably affects the scalp, starting the process of updating the epidermis. Kefir is mixed with rye bread and slightly warmed. After the bread has softened, the mask is applied to the hair and kept for at least half an hour.

All cooked broths are used in a warm form. It should be borne in mind that they color hair in various shades, so they are not recommended for women with bleached hair.

Dandruff Shampoo

Hair masks

Cosmetic products presented in pharmacies are highly effective and quality. Many well-known companies have a line of hair care products aimed at combating dry scalp and dandruff. The most famous shampoos today:

  • "Nizoral";
  • Mikanisal;
  • Derkos
  • Algopix.

They should be used regularly until complete recovery.

Shampoo "Nizoral"

Shampoo "Nizoral"

This cosmetic product is an effective antifungal drug, the action of which is aimed at eliminating problems from the surface of the skin, without being absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis. It has a number of advantages compared to other similar means:

  • It has excellent wound healing properties.
  • Judging by user reviews, Nizoral foams well, making shampoo consumption extremely economical.
  • It has a strengthening effect, due to which hair loss, which is often observed with dry skin with dandruff, stops.
  • After "Nizoral" hair remains clean and shiny for a long time.

It can also be regularly used as a prophylactic for those people who have a tendency to dandruff.

Cosmetic product "Mikanisal"

With its composition, Mikanisal is very similar to Nizoral, but, unlike the well-known shampoo, it does not cause allergies. Estonian manufacturers position their product as a remedy for dandruff. This shampoo against dry dandruff is accompanied by detailed instructions, like any other drug. It is quite concentrated, and it is usually enough for a fairly long time. However, the capacity with shampoo is designed for only one course of treatment. During this period, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of dandruff and improve the condition of the hair.

"Derkos" - shampoo with selenium from "Vichy"

This cosmetic product contains all the necessary components that are needed to combat dry dandruff. Antibacterial substances effectively fight microbes and fungi, salicylic acid exfoliates the skin surface and perfectly removes flakes, and vitamins A and E regenerate the skin and restore epidermal cells. And also as part of this shampoo there is keratin, which improves the condition of curls. Female users really like the pleasant aroma of Derkos. And fans of natural products will appreciate the fact that this shampoo does not contain parabens.

Shampoo "Algopiks"

The composition of this tool contains salicylic acid and tar. Thanks to them, “Algopiks” perfectly fights fungi and microbes, depriving them of a nutrient medium. The disadvantage of this shampoo is that for a positive effect it must be kept on the head for at least 15 minutes. This drug needs time in order for its active components to be able to act in full force. Due to the tar, the smell of Algopix is ​​rather unpleasant. Unlike Mikanisal or Derkos, this dry dandruff shampoo can irritate the scalp and, if it gets into small wounds, cause a burning sensation.

Preventive measures

Dandruff Treatment

In order to prevent dandruff, some recommendations of specialists should be taken into account:

  • Very often, due to poor circulation, the sebaceous glands are disturbed. Therefore, you should not get carried away with headgear or regularly tighten your hair with rubber bands and hairpins.
  • The scalp should not experience sudden changes in temperature, which means that in winter you should definitely wear a hat.
  • It is highly not recommended to use wigs in the summer, as a favorable moist environment appears for the reproduction of microbes.

These recommendations will help those who regularly have dandruff on their heads. There are people who have a tendency to this ailment, therefore prevention measures are extremely important for them.

Drug treatment

In order to get rid of dry dandruff, a solution of boric acid, sulfuric ointment and corticosteroid preparations are used. The course of treatment usually proceeds as follows:

  • In the first nine days, ten percent sulfur ointment is rubbed daily into the hair roots.
  • Subsequently, they switch to a solution of boric acid, which is prepared as follows: 20 g of the drug are added to one glass of warm water. It is advisable to rub this composition before bedtime, and rinse hair only in the morning.
  • Retinoic ointment and such preparations as Soderm, Flucinar and Hydrocortisone have also proven themselves excellently.

Treatment of dry dandruff in a beauty parlor involves the use of hardware current and mesotherapy. Usually the course of treatment is 2 weeks. This period is quite enough to get rid of dandruff.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13730/

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