The safest steroids: composition, properties, list of manufacturers, reviews

What are the safest steroids? This question, as a rule, is asked by athletes who have never before "run". In our article today, we will try to give a complete and detailed answer to it. If you want to find out as much useful information as possible about the safest steroids, we strongly recommend reading the article from beginning to end so as not to miss anything interesting!

The safest steroid for mass gain

Before starting

Before moving on to discussing anabolic drugs, we would like to focus on one important topic. Firstly, we by no means urge you to take steroids. Moreover, we warn in advance that this can seriously harm your health. It should be understood that even the safest steroids in one way or another will negatively affect your body, just not as much as the more "heavy" drugs. In addition, do not forget that the sale and storage of anabolic drugs is strictly punishable by law. Therefore, before you buy the safest steroids for gaining muscle mass, think about whether you need it at all.

How to conduct a course?

Remember once and for all: the course of anabolic drugs should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist in the field of pharmacology! In no case do not start taking anabolic steroids without having previously passed the tests and consulting with a person who already has successful experience in applying "pharma" and compiling courses. You can choose the safest steroid for gaining mass from all existing ones, but if you use it incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences.

You have not changed your mind, despite all the risks? Well, then here is a list of the safest steroids for gaining muscle mass.

What are the safest steroids?


Stanozolol is a fairly popular anabolic steroid. That's just he is more popular among athletes involved in athletics, rather than bodybuilding. Stanozolol is the only steroid in the molecule of which contains five benzene rings, and not four, as in other drugs of this type. Another feature of stanozolol is that it is a pronounced progesterone antagonist. Because of this quality, it is almost always used on a course aimed at suppressing the progestogen activity of other anabolics.

The drug is available in two forms - oral and injection. By its qualities, the tablet stanozolol is no different from stanozolol in ampoules. You can easily change one drug to another if you do not like pills or, conversely, you can not stand injections.

Despite the fact that stanozolol is one of the safest steroids, do not forget that it is alkylated at 17-alpha. This means that this drug has a strong toxic effect on the liver. In addition, its use can adversely affect the prostate, leading to rash and acne. For this reason, stanozolol is strictly not recommended for women, since even in small doses it can cause virilization.

The drug has no aromatization effect. It has a weak effect on a set of muscle volumes, but is good at maintaining the weight gained by an athlete. That is why the drug, as a rule, is used by athletes only in preparation for the competition.

The safest muscle gain steroid


Oxandrolone is deservedly considered the safest anabolic steroid, since the number of side effects from its use is minimized. But there is one problem: it is practically ineffective in gaining muscle mass. This is not surprising, since initially this tool was developed for women, because of which it does not have Ar activity. In addition, for medical purposes, oxandrolone is prescribed even to children who have muscle tissue damage.

Even a large dose of safe oxandrolone will not be as effective as a small dose of more dangerous testosterone. As many athletes note, the main advantage of this anabolic is that it retains the existing results well.

The safest steroids


Methenolone has long been one of the most popular anabolic steroids among bodybuilders. Even the notorious Arnold Schwarzenegger used this drug! Unfortunately or fortunately, these days he no longer enjoys the fame that he had before, and there are reasons for that. Firstly, methenolone has a fairly high price. The same more dangerous nandrolone, which has almost identical properties, usually costs 1.5 times cheaper. Another serious drawback of this steroid is its average (compared to other drugs) effectiveness. The main advantage of this anabolic is that it does not accumulate excess fluid in the body and there is no "flooding" effect after taking it. In addition, it is practically non-toxic to the liver.

Methenolone is available in two forms - oral and injection. Injection form is more popular because it is cheaper and more effective. Women are better off using methenolone in tablets, as long-term injections can cause virilization.

The safest steroids for the mass

Can I take safe steroids for teens?

Recently, even those athletes who do not plan to professionally engage in bodybuilding or build their fitness career have begun to show interest in anabolic steroids. And the saddest thing is that among such people there are a lot of teenage schoolchildren. They naively believe that if they sit on the safest course of steroids, then nothing will come of it. This is not true. Remember once and for all: if you are not yet 23 years old, do not even think about using steroids! Your body is still growing and developing, and therefore even light anabolic drugs can cause serious harm to it.

The most dangerous steroids

You already know about the safest steroids for the mass, now it's time to talk about anabolic steroids, which you should never use:

  1. Fluoxymesterone. As a rule, it is used by athletes of heavy weight categories in preparation for bodybuilding competitions. The main side effects: a high level of toxicity to the liver, acne, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, prostate growth, loss of hair on the head.
  2. Methyltestosterone. Taking drugs with this substance leads to a rapid increase in body weight, strength indicators and strength endurance, which is why it is very popular among powerlifters. But there is one thing: all these results disappear just a few days after the end of the course. In addition, methyltestosterone is the most untreated substance among all AAS and has a huge number of "side effects", among which there is a suppression of the production of own testosterone, a negative effect on the liver, etc.
  3. A growth hormone. Many athletes talk about growth hormone as a kind of magical potion that can build up lean and high-quality muscle mass in a short time. Of course, this drug has its advantages: it has a positive effect on bone tissue and the nervous system, and also helps with weight gain and during drying. But its use can lead to serious side effects, such as the formation of tumors, the development of diabetes, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, etc.
  4. Insulin. Like growth hormone, it has a strong anabolic effect, but at the same time has serious side effects. This hormone increases the permeability and susceptibility of fat cells, and also actively affects the growth of visceral fat (including around the heart).
  5. Synthol. Not quite a steroid, but worth mentioning. Synthol injections can lead to the death of tissues, as well as to inflammatory and purulent processes.
The safest course of steroids


We would like to give you some tips on how to train during a steroid course.

  1. Train in a well-designed plan. Do not think that since you are taking anabolic drugs, your muscles will grow on their own. This does not happen. Like natural athletes, you will need to regularly work with iron, gradually progressing in working weights.
  2. Eat a well-designed diet. This rule applies to everyone: those involved in the mass, and those engaged in the relief. Again, steroids will not do all the work for you. If you eat everything that’s horrible, not thinking about the composition and usefulness of the consumed products, then you can’t even dream of a beautiful and aesthetic physique.
  3. Let the body recover. Despite the fact that anabolics help to recover faster after a hard training session, this does not mean that you need to train every day. Rest and sleep play the same important role in fitness as the two previous points.
The safest anabolic steroid

Useful videos

We suggest you familiarize yourself with several thematic videos.

The most dangerous steroids:

Before you start taking medications, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the scheme by which this should occur. Moreover, it should first be guided by the opinion of endocrinologists. Useful information about the first year:

An article about the safest steroids has been presented to your attention. We hope that the information provided in it was useful to you and you learned a lot of cognitive facts.


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