How to choose a password for use on the Internet

The Internet provides many opportunities for communication and storage of information. Creating a blog, a diary, the author does not always aim to share everything and with everyone. To protect your personal information from extraneous attacks, you need to know the basic rules of how to choose a password and make it resistant to hacking. This is described in the article.

Key mistakes when compiling passwords

As a rule, a person who finds himself in the position of choosing a word or a numerical value for a password on a network, phone, smartphone, goes the easiest way. Enters the date of his birth, arguing at the same time that he will be able to secure his information and easily remember the password. However, in this way, he is at risk of hacking. Not wanting to make an effort, the simplest combinations of letters and numbers are used as a code word. But in order for the password to be really complicated and not amenable to opening from the outside, it is necessary to show imagination, apply both registers on the keyboard, letters and numbers mixed up.

Use a password to log in to your account. This is enough to protect personal files. In addition, with a password, you can close the account on the computer when the operating system starts up or on separate files that are not intended for third parties. You can choose a password for the archive so that it will be unavailable and not amenable to hacking. To do this, use programs that impose a password on a folder or file. But this method is not very reliable, since the file folder is available for opening using Unix or DOS.

How passwords are used to protect information

There are many methods for choosing a password. Let's consider some of them. To protect your account and the entire system, one-time passwords are often used. They are used once at the entrance to the system, and then change. Sometimes, to enter with a password, you must specify the session number, it is sent to e-mail or to a mobile phone. There are also one-time links that are received by e-mail, and you can enter them only once, and its success or, on the contrary, a break when connecting to the resource is not taken into account.

Considering the question of how to choose a password, it is worthwhile to think it out in sufficient detail and try to prevent it from cracking. And for this it is advisable to use longer words, to create random character sets, so that a meaningless combination comes out. The maximum number of characters is twenty, the minimum is eight, and it is desirable to use different registers, numbers, signs. This password is suitable for the Web Money wallet. On social networks, such complex passwords are not needed. You can use any combination you know that is unknown to others. In some cases, special programs that generate passwords will help. You should not choose the simplest combinations of numbers as a password in the order of their sequence, your last name or first name, date of birth.

It is important not only to know how to choose a password, but also to keep it secret later. To do this, use special programs that are encrypted, you can keep your code words in a notebook that is not available to anyone except you. Do not trust the letters that request to send a password. Scammers use these methods. You can not leave passwords in sight, for example, recorded on a piece of paper that is attached to the monitor, or on the desktop of a computer. The number of unique passwords should be equal to the number of sites you visit. It is advisable to make copies of them. You can store them, for example, on a flash drive, or on paper, it is advisable not to keep the duplicate and the original in one place.

To pick up a password for mail, you should not use the existing password that you use to enter social networks or other sites. Because fraudsters can disclose it and gain access to all accounts at once. For reliability, passwords need to be changed from time to time.


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