How were the Olympic Games in antiquity

The history of the Olympic Games originates in ancient Greece. The first historical mention of this event dates back to 776 BC. Interestingly, the ancient Olympic Games were held not only as sports, but also as a religious ceremony. Initially, games were held every four years and lasted only one day. According to one of the legends, the first participant in the ancient Greek Olympic Games was Hercules.

Olympic Games in antiquity
Ancient Greek Olympia was the only place where the Olympic Games of antiquity were held. This largest sanctuary in the Peloponnese was not chosen by chance - it had the form of a natural amphitheater, which was located among the wooded plains and slopes, between the rivers Claudius and Alfei. Due to the convenient location of the settlement of Olympia, participants from distant lands arrived to play on ships.

Historical documents show that in ancient times the Olympic Games were held only in peacetime - a month before the start of the games, a truce was declared between all the warring cities so that all participants could safely arrive in Olympia. Any city that violated the Armistice Act was punished by prohibiting its athletes from participating in further competitions.

olympic games of antiquity
In Olympia, not only the Olympic Games were held - the story tells that the ancient Greek religious festival was held there. During the religious ceremony, the people praised Zeus, as well as the fallen heroes. The games themselves began with prayer and ritual sacrifice.

In the year when the Olympic Games were to be held, in antiquity torch-racers were sent to all corners of Greece, who announced a truce. Centuries later, carrying the torch became an integral ritual preceding the start of the modern Olympic Games.

Only free-born Greeks or slaves who received liberation and pardon could be candidates for the championship in competitions. Sports competitions were held separately for men and separately for boys. Young men were grouped into several categories, based on their age, physique and strength.

olympics history
Although women were forbidden to participate in physical competitions, they could show their skills in equestrian competitions, but for this they had to own a chariot or a horse.

In ancient times, the Olympic Games included only five types of sports competitions in their regulations: javelin throwing, discus throwing, long jumps, wrestling and running. Subsequently, horse racing, chariot racing, boxing and pankration were added. On the first day of the Olympics, religious ceremonies were held, and ancient Greek athletes took the oath of observance of the fair rules of the game. The competitions themselves began the next day.

The winners of the competition were crowned with crowns of olive leaves from the temple of Zeus. In addition, the winner could sculpt his own statue in Olympia. After returning to the native lands of the champion, glory and honor awaited him - he received various privileges in the form of free food and the best places at public events.

At the Olympic Games, only the first prize places were provided, therefore, sport in Ancient Greece from early childhood was cultivated and revered in the same way as humanitarian education.


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