Remedy for dandruff "Mycozoral." Impressive Shampoo

Unfortunately, the problem of hair treatment sooner or later faces every person, and especially the fair sex. Unfavorable weather conditions for hair, over-dried indoor air, too many cosmetics (after all, not all products are of high quality and safe) - all this has a detrimental effect on the health and appearance of curls. Hair becomes too oily or, on the contrary, overdried, brittle, gets dirty quickly and seems like a lifeless tow, such an unpleasant problem as dandruff appears. White β€œdust” on the hair, flakes on the shoulders do not add either beauty, health or good mood. Mycozoral can help - shampoo, reviews of which are most positive and iridescent.

mycozoral shampoo reviews

What is dandruff and how does the Mycozoral remedy work

Dandruff itself, according to scientists, is one of the manifestations of fungal diseases, which can and should be eliminated, and there is nothing wrong with it. That is why antifungal drugs will help. Shampoo "Mikozoral", the use of which gives results after a couple of weeks of use, has earned popularity among consumers precisely because of its effectiveness. The tool removes both dandruff itself and unpleasant itching. You need to use it only twice a week for a month, which is very convenient and compensates for the only drawback of the drug. "Mycozoral" is a shampoo (reviews indicate this quite often), which, like any medicine, has a specific smell, which not everyone likes. So once or twice a week, you can wash your hair with medicinal shampoo, and the rest of the time use any other - with your favorite smell.

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Action and Indications

"Mycozoral" is a shampoo, reviews of which, in principle, are mostly good. It is an orange clear liquid with a mild but specific aroma. It can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of itching and dandruff. The main active ingredient - ketoconazole - quickly and effectively heals the scalp, destroys fungus and bacteria. It slows down cell division, prevents bacteria from multiplying, removes those scales that are already on the skin, prevents new ones from appearing, and also reduces the production of sebum. He has no contraindications for use, the remedy can be used even by pregnant and lactating women. However, before buying and using it is better to consult a dermatologist. Mikozoral is a shampoo (its price is quite affordable - about 160 rubles per bottle), which can be bought at any pharmacy.

shampoo mycozoral application

Is it worth buying a remedy

The only thing to remember is caution in using any medications, even such as the gentle β€œMycozoral” (shampoo). Reviews, for example, show that people often abuse the tool and use it too often and for too long. If dandruff and itching of the scalp did not pass through the time specified in the instructions, do not buy a new bottle. It is better to consult a specialist and consult. Maybe the problem is much more complicated, and only a doctor will figure it out.


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