Healthy hair at home: methods, recipes and reviews

Many girls dream of a healthy, magnificent mop. Advertising seduces us from TV screens, offering to purchase another miracle shampoo; beautiful actresses envy luxurious hair. However, to achieve a thick and attractive hair is impossible only with the purchase of shampoo or balm. Success can be achieved with home remedies, subject to certain rules for hair care.

how to grow hair

What is peeling?

This procedure is an important factor in achieving healthy hair. The main task of peeling is to cleanse the skin of accumulated keratinous scales, as well as excess sebum. In particular, this procedure is effective for increased oily hair, dandruff. If you exfoliate regularly, it will help to activate the metabolism in the cells. Oxygen and other beneficial elements will be more easily delivered to the hair roots, and as a result, they will grow better and faster.

scalp peeling

How to peel

This procedure can be carried out at home. An excellent substance for it is salt (preferably finely ground). Well, if she will be marine. To prepare the mixture, pour a few tablespoons of salt with the same amount of water. The gruel is applied to the skin and rubbed with gentle massage movements. As a rule, the procedure is carried out for 10 minutes. According to reviews of people using this procedure, the hair after it becomes more silky, fall out less, a feeling of lightness and freshness appears. Note: it is impossible to exfoliate if there are microdamages on the surface of the scalp, or if it is too dry or sensitive.

Salt can be used both independently and as an abrasive base, mixing additional components into it. This can be honey, fruit pulp, decoction of herbs, essential oils (tea tree, lavender, peppermint, jojoba).

good comb for healthy hair

Good comb

Another important point to make your hair healthy is the selection of the right comb. The comb plays an extremely important role both when caring for the mop, and when creating various hairstyles. Choose a comb based on the type of hair. Let's consider some of them.

  • Brushes made from natural materials are well suited for almost any type of hair. This type of combs allows you to thoroughly comb the mop without damaging the hair structure. Such brushes also allow you to remove static electricity. The teeth that end with “balls” are most optimal for the scalp.
  • For short hair, a wooden comb with sparse teeth is ideal . Also, this comb can be used to apply masks to the hair, as it does not interact with its ingredients.
  • Massage brush allows you to increase blood circulation to the scalp, accelerate hair growth, eliminate dandruff. For thick hair, a brush with a rare bristle is suitable, and for rare hair - the one whose bristle is the most frequent.
  • Avoid the use of combs made of metal - they electrify the hair, creating a static charge.
essential oils for hair

Essential oils

One of the best ways to grow long, healthy hair is to use essential oils. In many respects, success is determined by the right choice of oil, taking into account the characteristics of hair.

  • Lemon, juniper, cayaput, sage, geranium oil are well suited for oily hair.
  • For dry - ylang-ylang, chamomile, patchouli, cedar, sandalwood.
  • Against split ends - oil of rosewood, vetiver, geranium.
  • Excellent treatment for damaged hair - oil of orange, rosewood, sandalwood.
  • The ylang-ylang has a smoothing effect.

To prepare a mixture with essential oil, you need to add a few drops of it to the base, fatty oil - for example, grape seed, coconut or jojoba. Vitamins A and E will serve as a good addition to such a mask. Before applying, it is necessary to warm the mixture in a water bath to 36 degrees. The mask is applied for at least half an hour. Before using the mixture, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test - the selected aroma should not be a source of headache and other unpleasant symptoms.

vitamins for hair

Beauty Vitamins

The intake of vitamins helps to nourish the hair from the inside and is especially important for hair loss due to vitamin deficiency. You can list the following vitamins for healthy hair that you need to drink for various problems:

  • Vitamin A. Retinol contributes to the production of special proteins in the body, which are found in almost all tissues. It also helps to synthesize collagen and keratin, which are a component of the hair structure.
  • Vitamin E. Starts the process of cell recovery. Stimulates the growth of the mop, improves its condition. In addition, vitamin E protects against the appearance of gray hair, restores the natural pigmentation of the hair.
  • Pantothenic acid is especially important for healthy hair. It allows you to get rid of brittleness, strengthen the roots.
  • Vitamin C is needed to restore immunity, which helps prevent hair loss. Indeed, often such a misfortune happens when the body's defenses are weakened. Vitamin C also dilutes blood and thus improves blood circulation.
  • No less important are vitamins of group B. They eliminate the effects of stress, which, as you know, is always negatively reflected in the condition of the hair.

Vitamin Masks

The use of vitamins inside allows you to make hair and nails healthy. However, treatment mixtures for hair can also be made from them.

First you need to consider a few key points that you should be aware of before preparing your mask:

  • Vitamins can be used both as an independent component and as part of masks.
  • Some vitamins, such as B1 and B12, B6 and C, B1 and B2 can neutralize the effect of each other. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in one mixture. And such combinations as A, E and C, as well as B2, B9 and C, on the contrary, will bring a lot of benefit to the hair.
  • How to grow long hair? The most important point is the regularity of the procedures. If you hold at least 14 vitamin hair masks, then soon the growth of the head will accelerate significantly.
  • Before preparing the mixture, the ampoule must be shaken properly.
  • The mask is washed off without the use of shampoo, running water. If it included fatty oils, you must use a mild shampoo.
  • The remains of the mask must be disposed of, each time only a new mixture is prepared.
  • Before use, a sensitivity test must be performed.

B Vitamin Blend

Masks with B vitamins strengthen hair and are used to prevent hair loss. The following herbal mixture for hair has a good effect:

  • Vitamins A, B12, E, B1 are taken 1 ampoule each.
  • Linden blossom, chamomile, nettle - in equal quantities (about 1 tbsp. L.);
  • A glass of boiling water.
  • A slice of black bread.
  • Herbs are placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water. After half an hour, the broth is filtered, vitamins are added to it, bread is kneaded. In a warm form, the mask is immediately applied to the scalp, aged for an hour.
beautiful hair

Masks with vitamins A and E

Such mixtures allow you to give volume and elasticity to the entire hair. Vitamin A makes hair more elastic, E - is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Like the rest, these substances can be used individually, rubbing into the scalp, as well as in mixtures.

For example, it could be a mask based on olive oil. It allows you to make hair shiny, silky, pleasant to the touch. In 1 tbsp. l olive oil must be added to 1 tsp. vitamins A and E in the form of oil. If desired, instead of olive, you can take castor, almond, burdock or any other. The course of such masks will allow you to grow healthy hair at home in a relatively short time.

The insidious component of shampoos

To make hair beautiful and healthy, you need to choose the right shampoo. And here, for many consumers of modern mass-market products, there is a significant catch. On TV screens you can constantly see an advertisement in which the girls are stubbornly inspired by the idea that healthy hair can be obtained using the advertised brand shampoo.

In fact, things are exactly the opposite. The vast majority of modern shampoos contain a substance called sodium lauryl sulfate. It has cleansing properties, helps shampoos foam. However, it also has a number of negative properties - it spoils the scalp, interacts with heavy metals, and is toxic.

You can neutralize the effect of this component if, before washing your hair, hold your hair for about 4 minutes in water. They are nourished, and lauryl sulfate will only penetrate the outer surface of the hair. However, the best option for those who dream of really healthy hair is natural shampoos. Currently, you can find many brands producing similar products. These are shampoos such as Planeta Organica, Mulsan Cosmetic, Freederm, Logona, Davines and others.

Popular shampoo with a salon effect

Separately, it is worth mentioning the “Healthy Hair” super-condensing shampoo-lamination from “Phytocosmetics”. It will not only clean the hair, but also give it a smooth mirror. Thanks to prokeratin, which seals the surface of the hair, it is possible to achieve the effect of salon lamination with its help.

Shampoo-lamination “Healthy Hair” also contains arginine, which helps to increase blood supply to the hair follicles and restore damaged areas of hair. Egg lecithin allows you to moisturize the hair, restore its vitality. Lemongrass extract nourishes the hair roots, makes them stronger. It is not surprising that “Healthy Hair” from “Phytocosmetics” gained wide popularity among those who want to have beautiful hair - because it contains a whole cocktail of nutrients that can achieve this goal.

There are a lot of positive reviews about this shampoo. Those who tried it write that it allows you to make hair beautiful and healthy and in many cases is not inferior even to salon procedures of lamination.

hair oils


Recently, such type of care as co-caching has become popular. It seems that this term hints at a shower in a pleasant company, but in reality it consists of two words of the English language: "conditioner" - "conditioner" and "wash" - "wash". In other words, this is a hair wash without the use of shampoo, just a balm. This type of care is unlikely to suit owners of oily and thin hair. For those who have curly shocks, or their hair is dry and stiff, this method will be most welcome. It is girls with similar types of hair that leave the most positive reviews about him. The procedure is as follows:

  • Hair is liberally moistened with water.
  • Take a sufficient amount of air conditioning. It is worth noting that this method is not cheap - you will have to measure the balm not with coins or teaspoons, but with whole golf balls.
  • The "ball" is dissolved in the hands and rubbed into the hair with massage movements.
  • In order for the beneficial substances in the composition of the balm to act as strong as possible, it is worth leaving it for 3-4 minutes.
  • The conditioner is washed off, the hair is dried and styled as usual.

To grow a healthy and beautiful mop of hair according to the strength of every lady who will set a similar goal. The main thing in achieving this goal is to pick up an arsenal of funds and apply them regularly.


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